Posted: 14 Dec 2024 By:  Reading time: minutes remaining

9 Effective Ways To Prevent Cancer Recurrence

Discover why toxins are the real reason for cancer recurrence. Learn 9 ways you can prevent cancer from coming back and stop worrying about it now.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.

How To Avoid Cancer Recurrence

If you read this, you've probably been through some horrible cancer treatments. Maybe your family or doctor pressured you to undergo these procedures. The whole experience was most likely traumatic.  

Bald woman going through chemotherapy

Ortodox cancer treatments are brutal and toxic

After the treatments ended, I'm sure you don't want to endure it again. Because of the experience, you might be even more fearful of cancer. How can you avoid cancer so that you don’t have to relive all this?

In this blog post, I’m going to teach you how to do just that. After reading this article, you will stop worrying about cancer. You will be able to take powerful actions and prevent cancer recurrence.

Before I tell you how to prevent cancer, let me explain what it is. You need to first understand what cancer is before you can treat it.

What Is Cancer?

Many of us have a negative image of cancer. Doctors tell us that cancer cells all of a sudden start to rebel and grow larger. But that is far from the truth. The real cause of cancer is toxins.

When your body is in a toxic state, it will affect the wellbeing of healthy cells. Toxins suffocate healthy cells, and they have to use glucose instead of oxygen to survive.

Healthy cells are like a sponge. If you take a yellow sponge and dip it in clear water, it will have the same color. But if you put it in dark filthy water, it will absorb the toxins and turn black.

yellow sponge

A cancer cell is like a sponge that absorbs toxins

You see this effect every time you clean your house. All your cleaning tools will become dirty as you start cleaning. Your cells work the same way.

If you do things that prevent toxins from entering your body, your cells will stay healthy. But if you have a toxic lifestyle, your cells will turn cancerous.

Cancer is not a disease, but rather a survival mechanism. It’s your body’s desperate way to survive. If it didn’t create cancer cells, you would be dead long time ago. Cancer is not the villain that we believe it to be. The toxins are the problem, not the tumors.

Cancer can only exist in an acidic and sick body. When you remove toxins and make your body more alkaline, cancer can’t survive.

It is like ice that melts in the presence of heat. Tumors are only a temporary solution that your body uses until you remove the toxins.

So now that you know what causes cancer let’s explore 9 ways you can prevent toxins from entering your body.

9 Ways To Prevent Cancer Recurrence

1. Let Go Of Your Emotional Trauma

Stress is a huge part of why we become sick. Many alternative cancer sites don’t talk enough about how stress manifests cancer. I’ve already talked about the emotional connection to cancer in my previous blog post.

Cancer patients often experienced isolation during childhood. Many of them had a complicated relationship with their parents.

distressed woman

Cancer patients often harbor toxic emotions such as anger, resentment or hostility

They often felt rejection, abandonment, betrayal, shame, and injustice. Some people experienced a combination of those wounds.

Many cancer patients harbor long-suppressed toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment or hostility. Their emotional baggage from their childhood makes them more sensitive to stressful events.

Cancer Begins As An Emotional Shock

Dr. Geerd Hamer was a German doctor that found out the emotional connection to cancer. Hamer worked as a chief of internal medicine in a clinic at Munich University. Thus he was able to interview and do Ct scans of thousands of cancer patients.

His research led him to discover how emotional trauma affects the brain. He called these psycho-emotional traumas "Hamer Herds.” Every cancer starts with a painful, acute, dramatic and isolating shock.

According to Hamer, all cancers start in the brain. When we experience an emotional shock, it activates different parts of the brain. Every part of the brain controls various organs in the body. That is why cancer grows in different parts of the body.

stressed out woman

Cancer manifests when we suffer from an emotional shock

The traumatic event behind the cancer is often beyond the patient’s control. Such as the loss of a loved one, business, job, home, or some other major disaster. It is not the event that causes our specific cancer, but rather our interpretation of it.

Every disease is a biological program. Diseases run in two phases. We have the active conflict state when the emotional shock happens. And when the trauma is over the body goes back to the healing stage.

The body while intelligent can’t tell the difference between a real situation or an imagined one. So the same biological program will start its course.

The notion that stress can cause cancer seems unrealistic in our scientific view. Science tells us that the world is solid and only what we experience through our five senses is real.

But the world is not solid. The whole universe is energy vibrating at different frequencies. Even your thoughts and emotions have different vibrations.

Your body and everything you can see, touch and feel is energy. Therefore the idea that stress can cause diseases don’t seem too farfetched.

You have to let go of the underlying emotional conflict if you want to prevent cancer recurrence.

Stress is toxic to the body and releases stress hormones like adrenalin and cortisol. Worrying about cancer can also release stress hormones. You can read how to let go of your cancer fear in this blog post.

Take Away

Release your anger, stress and toxic emotional baggage

Forgive the people that did you wrong

Let go of the emotional shock behind your cancer

What we eat can have a massive impact on our health. Learn how your diet may manifest cancer.

2. Eat A Whole Food Low-Fat Plant-Based Diet

Every animal has a perfect diet. Some animals are carnivores like lions, cats, tigers, and sharks. They thrive on meat. Other animals like horses, elephants, and zebras are herbivores. They need to eat grass or plants to stay healthy.

Humans also have a perfect diet. Many believe that we are carnivores like lions and need meat to survive. But that is far from the truth.

We are herbivores, not carnivores. The proof is in the pudding. Our anatomy is herbivorous. We share similar traits with herbivores like rabbits then we do with lions.



Small mouth

Wide mouth

Can move mouth side to side

Can only move mouth up and down

Small canines and teeth

Large canines and teeth

Long intestines

Short intestines

Gastric pH 4-5

Gastric pH 1-2

Hands and nails

Sharp claws

No instinct to kill animals

Instinct to kill animals

No fat or protein receptors on tongue

Fat and protein receptors on tongue

Thrive on starch,vegetables, fruits

Thrive on meat

Our colon is long like rabbits and not short as lions. We don’t have paws to chase and kill animals, nor the instinct to kill them. This becomes obvious when you compare the behavior of a cat to a human.

If you let a rat loose in a room full of people, most of them will freak out.  Eating it would be the last thing they would like to do. Now let the same rat run in a room full of cats, and they will start to chase it and kill it.

They see rats as food and have no problem killing it. If humans where real carnivores then why don’t we share the same instinct as them? Most humans have a hard time even looking at blood.

If we are meat eaters, then we should be able to kill animals and look at blood without a problem. But we don’t. Our hands are perfect for picking vegetables, berries, and seeds.

Humans are in fact herbivores in denial. Animal products can also escalate our cancer risk.

Why Animal Products Cause Cancer

A meat-heavy diet is toxic to our bodies. Carnivores like sharks and lions have no problem digesting meat. Their stomach acid is several times stronger than humans.

We have difficulty digesting meat. Most of the flesh will stay undigested in our stomach and rot. Animal flesh contains too much protein and fat then our bodies can handle. We are better at digesting plants than meat.

When we eat animal products, we increase our risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The World Health Organization hired 22 experts from 10 countries to study the risks of meat. These experts went through more than 800 studies.

Different kinds of meat

Animal products may increase your risk of cancer

They looked at studies that linked cancer to red- and processed meat. They classified processed meat as "carcinogenic to humans." And they declared red meat as "probably carcinogenic to humans."

When we eat animal products, our bodies become acidic. Cancer can only survive in an acidic environment. So when we eat meat, we increase our acid load and cancer risk. Vegetables turn our bodies more alkaline and lower our cancer risk.

There are different reasons why animal products may cause cancer. One reason is hormones. The most dangerous hormone in meat is IGF-1. It stands for insulin growth factor one.

IGF-1 is a hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. It plays a vital role in childhood growth. However, too much IGF-1 in adults promotes cancer growth.

IGF-1 is one of the most powerful promoters of cancer in the breast, prostate, lung, and colon. When we eat meat, we overload our bodies with IGF-1 and make cancer more aggressive.

Cholesterol exists only in animal foods. Too much cholesterol is bad for our health and can lead to serious illnesses like cancer. Meat also contains environmental contaminants. It is also a breeding ground for infectious agents.

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) are chemicals formed in meat or animal protein during cooking. They develop when you prepare meat at a high temperature or over an open flame.

HCAs are part of many cancers. Animal protein by itself or the way we cook the meat may contribute to cancer development.

Any type of animal meat is detrimental to your health. It doesn’t matter if the animal grazes on holy grass from the slopes of the Himalayas. The meat will still contain too much fat, protein, and hormones.

Dairy products also lead to cancer.

The Reason Why Should Stop Consuming Dairy Products

Milk is liquid meat. It contains IGF-1, estrogen, and other hormones. Excess estrogen increases your risk of breast-, uterus-, and prostate cancer. Dairy accounts for about 60-70% of the estrogen that comes from food.

Pouring milk in a glas.

Dairy increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer

Milk is food for calves, not humans. It is an ideal food to grow a 60-pound(27 kg) calf to a 600-pound(272 kg) young cow. Humans are the only race that drinks another animal's milk.

Cows like any creature can only produce milk while they are pregnant. So to provide enough dairy for us, cows are always kept pregnant.

Rapid fat gain is one obvious consequence of eating dairy products.  Dairy products are one of the leading contributors of excess body fat.

Milk products are high in calories, fat, and cholesterol. It contributes to heart disease, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and obesity.

Too much fat will make you sick whether it comes from animal products or oils.

Vegetable Oils Are Not Healthy Too

Vegetable oils contain 100% fat and no nutrients. They are not health food like many people believe. In another blog post, I already explained the health risks of vegetable oils.

Too much dietary fat makes people overweight and creates a lot of health problems. Side effects include heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Olive Oil

Vegetable oils are not healthy

Most popular oils, like canola, olive, and flaxseed oil, have low burning points. When you cook with these oils, you're damaging the oils and create free radicals. Vegetable oils contain polyunsaturated fats. These fats oxidize easily through heat and light and become dangerous.

Trans fats are another risk factor in vegetable oils. You can find it in refined oils but most often in margarine.  Trans fats are human-made fatty acids formed during the process of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is the process when you turn liquid vegetable oils into solid fats.

There are no safe levels of trans fats. The body cannot process these formed particles. The safest way to avoid trans fats is to eat a vegan diet without any added oils.

Excess saturated fat from oils, meat, and dairy contributes to a host of health problems. The higher in fat your diet is, the less effective your insulin becomes.

If you want to prevent cancer recurrence, then you need to stop eating all animal products, and oils. You want to replace it with a whole food plant-based diet to lower your cancer risk.

Why You Should Eat A Plant-Based Diet

When I talk about whole foods, I mean plants as close as their original source. For example, an apple is a whole food.

Apple juice is not a whole food. The difference between the two is that the apple has fibers, and nutrients intact.

Mixed vegetables

Whole vegetables are the healthiest foods you can eat

Whole foods contain all the fibers and nutrients that you need to stay healthy. Processed food, on the other hand, lack nutrients and make you sick.

You can often find it in most canned food, TV dinners, and junk food. They often contain artificial ingredients and other chemicals that are toxic.

The healthiest diet is a whole food low-fat plant-based diet. A whole food, plant-based diet consists of whole, unrefined, or minimally refined plants. It’s a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

And it is devoid of meat, including chicken, fish, dairy products, and eggs.

If you want to learn how to eat this healthy diet, then please join our 12-day vegan cancer challenge. In this free email course, you will learn how to eat a healthy diet. As a bonus for joining the course, you will receive a free recipe book

Take Away

Stop eating any animal meat

Avoid using dairy products

Ditch all vegetable oils

Stop eating processed food

Eat a whole food low-fat plant-based diet

Another way to prevent cancer is to limit your exposure to toxins and cleanse your organs.

3. Avoid Toxins And Cleanse Your Body

As I said earlier, cancer cells develop when our body is toxic. Heavy metals are one big source of toxins. The modern age of heavy metal pollution began with the Industrial Revolution.

We started to use it in gasoline, paint, toys, tooth fillings, thermometers, and other things. Industrial waste leak heavy metals to our groundwater, lakes, streams, and rivers. Heavy metals can diminish your body’s immune system.

Some heavy metals you should be aware of are:

  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Arsenic
  • Aluminum
  • Cadmium

Aluminum is poisonous if absorbed and can increase the risk of Alzheimer's. You can find it in many antiperspirants and cooking utensils.

Mercury is one of the most toxic substances on earth. When mercury binds to hemoglobin less oxygen reaches the tissues. Cancer cells thrive when there is little oxygen. Therefore mercury can cause cancer.

truck dumping poisons in the sea

Environmental toxins destroy our health

Amalgam tooth fillings are our biggest source of mercury. They contain 50% mercury! The metals in our mouths corrode in time when there are air and moisture. After a while, the vapor from the tooth filling can then get into our lungs or digestive system.

If you want to avoid cancer, then you need to remove your toxic tooth fillings. Make an appointment with a biological dentist. They specialize in removing amalgam tooth fillings.

You need to find a dentist that you can trust and that uses the right equipment and protocols.

Another source of heavy metals is chemtrails. They are geo-engineered aerosols that contain toxic chemicals. They create streaks of white clouds trailing behind jetliners.

Chemtrails have nothing to do with the jet engine combustion process. They are a guarded secret by the US government.

Water samples of areas affected by chemtrails contain alarming levels of heavy metals. Dangerous metals found are aluminum, strontium, and barium.

You can also find heavy metals in vaccines. Vaccines are toxic and something you should avoid along with medicines. Drugs in all its forms are poisonous to the liver.

Another big source of toxins is chemotherapy. Chemo is a terrible treatment method. If you did chemo and radiotherapy before, then your body will be full of toxic waste products.

To prevent cancer from returning, you need to remove these poisons now. In my earlier blog post, I gave tips on how to detox from chemo drugs using natural methods.

Another way of preventing cancer is to cleanse your organs.

Why You Should Detox Your Organs

The liver is the biggest detoxifier in the body. When there is a lot of toxins in the body, the liver encapsulates it in cholesterol.

It stores these toxins as gallstones to protect itself. But the problem is that these gallstones affect the liver’s ability to remove toxins.  One way to remove these gallstones is to do the liver and gallbladder cleanse.

Big Gallstones

Big gallstones

It is a cheap and easy method that you can do from the comfort of your home. If you follow the instructions to the letter, you shouldn’t have any side effects. You also want to cleanse your kidney and colon so that toxins can leave the body easier.

Another way to remove toxins from the body is to cleanse your lymphatic system. Your lymphatic system is like your sewage system. It is a network that runs throughout your body.

Cancer often spreads to the lymphatic system because of the toxins there. Therefore keeping your lymphatic system clean is vital to avoiding cancer.

You can learn how to cleanse your lymphatic system in this blog post.

Take Away

Remove amalgam tooth fillings

Remove any source of heavy metals

Detox from chemo and radiation

Cleanse your liver, colon, kidneys, and lymphatic system

One more way of staying healthy and avoiding cancer is to get enough sunshine.

4. Get Enough Sunshine

The Sun has amazing healing abilities. It often gets bad press. We are often told to avoid it as much as possible. Our authorities tell us that the sun causes skin cancer and that we need to use sunscreens.

But scientific studies show that sunshine can prevent many types of cancer. In my earlier blog post, I talked about the healing abilities of the sun. When you sunbath your body creates vitamin D. Vitamin D is vital for our health.

Woman in sunset

The sun can prevent cancer

The sun is as essential to your health and well-being as food, shelter, water, and oxygen. Humans depend on sunlight to sustain life.

Sun exposure helps build and maintain bone density and reduces fractures. You can’t absorb calcium if you don’t get vitamin D.

Humans also need sunlight to control their biological clocks. Sunlight also makes you feel better.  Those who avoid the sun miss out on the life-sustaining benefits of sun exposure.

So how do we get vitamin D?

How We Get Vitamin D

The vitamin D-making starts with the sun. Sunlight consists of a mixture of electromagnetic radiation energy of various wavelengths. Ultraviolet, or UV, radiation, consists of UVA, UVB, and UVC.

UVC get absorbed by the ozone in the atmosphere, so they never reach earth or human skin. UVA and most UVB reach the earth’s surface and have different effects on your body.

Sun and earth from space

UVB rays stimulate the production of vitamin D

As much as one hundred times more UVA radiation reaches the earth’s surface than UVB. Even though UVA contains much less energy than UVB, it’s able to penetrate deeper into the layers of your skin.

UVB is the only form of UV radiation that stimulates the production of vitamin D. You should only get enough sun exposure to maintain healthy vitamin D levels. The goal is not to get a tan. UVB exposure is great as long as you never burn.

But doesn't the sun cause skin cancer?

Doesn't The Sun Cause Skin Cancer?

The last quarter century the sun went from revered to feared. Pharmaceutical companies started our negative view of the sun. They can sell fear, but they can’t sell you sunlight.

Aggressive educational campaigns funded by the cosmeceutical industry created an anti-sunshine hysteria.

They convinced everyone that no amount of unprotected sun was safe. Drug companies marketed their products as a way to prevent skin cancer.

Woman sunbathing in the sun

Moderate sunshine can prevent cancer

Most of the dermatology profession have bought into the lie. These groups tell people to stay out of the daylight. But there is little evidence that sunscreens prevent most types of skin cancers.

People who get regular, moderate sun exposure are less likely to get skin cancers. Most melanomas also occur on parts of the body that receive little or no sun exposure.

It’s more dangerous to avoid sun exposure entirely than it is to get regular, moderate sun exposure. Adequate vitamin D levels can lower your risk of colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

There is no credible scientific evidence that says that moderate sun exposure causes melanomas. If you avoid getting sunburned, the benefits of sun exposure will far outweigh the cons.

If you use sunscreens then you need to read the next section now.

Why You Shouldn't Use Sunscreens

Don’t use sunscreens. Most modern sunscreens block both UVA and UVB rays. That means that you can’t generate any vitamin D that is so vital to your health. Sunscreens also contain a lot of toxins that you don’t want in your body.

Instead of using sunscreen, wear more clothes to protect your skin. Or stay in the shade. Go outside more if you want to minimize your cancer risk. Remember the goal is to get moderate levels of sun exposure, not a tan.

Sunscreen bottle

Sunscreens block vitamin d and contain harmful chemicals

Avoiding the sun is like saying that water causes drowning, so don’t drink water. Your body tells you when you had enough of anything. If you overeat, your body will say so.

The same thing happens when you stay in the sun for too long. If you respect your body's limits, then sun exposure shouldn’t cause any problems.

Take Away

Get moderate levels of sunshine every day

Stop using sunscreens

Use vitamin D supplements if there is not enough sun in your area

Another way to stay cancer free is to drink purified water.

5. Drink Purified Water

Water is essential to life. Our bodies consist of about 70% water. We need it for our digestion and other bodily functions.

Your kidneys need it to create urine and remove toxins from the body. Therefore you need to drink enough water every day to make your organs work at their best.

Sadly the water we drink today is full of toxins. Even if we cleanse the water, there are still residues of various poisons.Fluoride is a toxic byproduct from the aluminum and fertilizer industry.

jug med toxic water

The water we use today contains a lot of toxins

In the U.S they apply fluoride to the water. They do it because they say that it prevents dental problems. But the science behind it is murky.

Europeans don’t have worse dental hygiene than Americans even if they don’t use fluoride in the water.

Fluoride also accumulates in the bones and causes a bone disease called skeletal fluorosis. It caused bone cancer, liver cancer, and a host of other physical ailments in rats.

Many countries put chlorine in the water supply. Chlorine is a yellow-green gas with a strong odor. Soldiers used it during World War I as a chemical weapon.

Today we use it to disinfect everything from tap water to industrial waste, and swimming pools. The main reason for adding chlorine to the water is to kill harmful pathogens. We use it not because of its safety or efficiency, but due to its low price.

The byproducts of chlorine are the most toxic. They are mutagenic or carcinogenic(causing cancer).  Chloride can cause problems with the immune system, skin rashes, headaches, and more.

Our bodies absorb chloride within seconds when we expose ourselves to it.

Both times I went to Barcelona the tap water was undrinkable because of the chlorine. Therefore I had to buy water bottles all the time to not get sick.

Other contaminants in the water are:

  • Rust
  • Pesticides
  • Heavy metals
  • Herbicides
  • Pharmaceutical drugs
  • Pathogens

If you want to prevent cancer, then you should invest in a water filtration system. One affordable system is Berkey. It can filter out chlorine, pathogens and a lot of different toxins. You can also buy a fluoride filter to remove this poison from the water.

In the Berkey, you pour water in the upper compartment. Two or more black filters then purify the water. You can filter about 6000 gallons of water before you have to change the filters.

Also, drink your water from a bottle made of stainless steel or glass. Avoid using plastic bottles as they can contain toxic BPA.

If you enjoy sodas, then that needs to stop now.

Why You Shouldn't Drink Sodas

Avoid drinking energy drinks, sodas, and caffeinated beverages and drink water instead. Caffeine can trigger stress responses that have strong diuretic effects.

Sodas contain a massive amount of sugar and awful chemicals. Diet soda is not better than regular soda. They contain aspartame instead of sugar.

Several Coca Cola Cans

Sodas are toxic and unhealthy

Aspartame is toxic and has many side effects including brain tumors and diabetes. High Fructose Corn Syrup is another sweetener common in sodas. It's not better than sugar and is often genetically modified.

Avoid all these beverages and drink purified water to be on the safe side.

Take Away

Buy a water filtration system to remove toxins from the water

Drink about 6-8 cups(2 liters) or more of water every day

Avoid drinking sodas, coffee, alcohol, and other toxic drinks

Exercising is another excellent way to prevent cancer from returning.

6. Exercise Every Day

As I told at the beginning of this blog post, cancer cells thrive in an oxygen deprived environment. Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases.

Physical activity improves your body’s oxygen rate and blood flow. Exercise increases your brain’s production of endorphins.

Woman exercising

Regular exercise is good for your health

Endorphins create the feeling of well-being and euphoria. Physical activity can also help take your mind off your worries.

Try to exercise every day even if you can only manage 10 minutes each time. The goal is to move the body, but you shouldn’t overdo it.

Exercise until you reach 50% of your capacity. If you exercise too much, you can weaken your immune system. But if you do it in moderation, it is beneficial for you.

Take Away

Try to do physical activities you enjoy 

Make your lifestyle active, ride a bicycle instead of driving, or walk to the store

Build activity into your routine and lifestyle

Getting enough sleep is another way you can protect yourself from cancer.

7. Get Plenty Of Sleep Every Night

Sleep is vital to our wellbeing. Your body needs to recharge every night much like your cell phone. After a hard day, your body needs to rejuvenate and do some critical repair work each night. Sleep is an essential physiological process for humans and most animals.

The body follows circadian rhythms to regulate your sleep. Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock that is running in the background of your brain. This process is also known as your sleep/wake cycle.

Circadian rhythms direct a wide variety of functions such as your:

  • Wakefulness
  • Metabolism
  • Body temperature
  • Release of hormones

Circadian rhythms follow the sun. That’s why it coincides with the cycle of daytime and nighttime. Your pineal gland controls your circadian rhythm.

It's a small, pea-shaped gland in the middle of the brain.

Woman sleep

Sleep is vital to our wellbeing

When it’s dark outside, your eyes send a signal to the pineal gland that it’s night. Your brain, in turn, releases melatonin, which makes you tired.

Melatonin is a substance found in animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria.

In humans and animals, melatonin secrets during darkness. Physiological functions such as sleep and blood pressure regulation depend on it.

There are two basic types of sleep,  rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep. Each state uses specific brain waves. You cycle through all stages of non-REM and REM sleep several times during a typical night.

So what happens if we stay up all night?

What Happens If We Don't Sleep Enough?

When we don't get enough sleep, our biological functions don't work as well. We may feel lethargic and sleepy or have reduced concentration and memory.

The body needs rest to recharge and heal itself. Your liver needs you to sleep to preserve energy for its crucial work. If you don't sleep, then the liver can’t receive enough blood to function. That can result in an accumulation of toxins in the liver and bloodstream.

Person with low battery

Immunity diminishes as we sleep less

Immunity diminishes as fatigue increases and makes your body worse at defending against pathogens. Poor sleep can lead to a negative spiral where we indulge in coffee, energy drinks, sodas, or sweets. But this, of course, leads to more toxins entering our bodies.

Published research has shown that melatonin offers protection against reproductive cancers. Cells throughout the body have melatonin receptors.

Even cancer cells. So when melatonin triggers during the night, cell division slows down.

To avoid cancer go to bed around 10 pm and sleep around eight hours per night. Sleep in a dark room as your pineal gland can’t create melatonin if there is too much light.

Take Away

Got to bed between 10 pm and 6 am every day

Sleep in a dark bedroom

The next thing on the list that you should avoid might seem strange.

8. Avoid X-rays, CT Scans, And Mammograms

Radiation in all its forms can increase your cancer risk. X-rays and Ct-scans expose your body to radiation that is toxic. If you want to stay cancer free, then you need to limit your exposure to these things.

Wilhelm Röntgen was the brain behind the X-ray. He discovered it by accident. His invention became a huge success and changed the way we treated broken bones. At the time it became a hit most people didn’t know about the health risks.

The scientists believed that X-rays passed through flesh without harm. But, later they discovered some disturbing side effects. Soon there were reports of cases of burns and skin damage caused by X-rays.

Woman doing mammogram

Mammograms and x-rays can cause more cancer

A single source of exposure to radiation is unlikely to cause cancer by itself. But the combined exposures over our lifetime increase our cancer risk. X-rays can cause mutations in our DNA and, might lead to cancer later in life.

Both the WHO and the United States government classified it as a carcinogen. About 0.4% of cancers in the U.S. are because of CT scans.

A CT scan is a test your doctor might use to look for a problem inside your body. It uses powerful X-rays, to create detailed pictures of the inside of your body.

CT scans damage the DNA in your cells and make them cancerous. They expose you to more radiation than X-rays and mammograms. For example, one chest CT scan is equal to 100-200 X-rays.

Mammography is an X-ray imaging method used to examine the breast for cancer. During a mammogram, the patient places her breast on a flat support plate. The operator then compresses the breast with a parallel plate called a paddle.

Mammograms use radiation to look for cancer. Not only are they unreliable, but they also increase your cancer risk. If you want to monitor your cancer then use thermography instead.

Thermography is a test that uses an infrared thermal camera. It detects temperature changes on your skin. There is no radiation used and it is therefore much safer than mammograms.

Take Away

Avoid using X-rays, mammograms, and CT scans

Use thermography

Avoid broken bones by getting enough vitamin D and calcium from plants

The next thing on the list that you should avoid might seem quite obvious, but I had to mention it anyway.

9. Stop Smoking And Drinking

We all know that cigarettes are not good for us. They don’t have any health benefits. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable illness and death in the United States.

It causes many different cancers as well as chronic lung diseases. One of the ingredients in tobacco is a mood-altering drug called nicotine.

Nicotine reaches your brain in mere seconds and makes you feel more energized for a while. But as that effect wears off, you feel tired and crave more.

Cigarettes damage your entire cardiovascular system. Smoking raises blood pressure, weakens the blood vessel walls, and increases blood clots.

Woman smoking

At least 69 chemicals in cigarettes can cause cancer

Over time, stress on the heart can diminish it, making it less able to pump blood to other parts of your body.

Cigarettes also increase the risk of at least 13 other cancers. It can cause cancer in the mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus.

Smokers also have higher rates of pancreatic cancer. And they also have a much higher risk of lung cancer than non-smokers.

Filters and low-tar cigarettes make little difference. Your lung cancer risk is not lower compared to smokers of standard cigarettes.

The more cigarettes you smoke a day, the higher your risk of cancer. Even light or social smoking can harm your health.

The primary way that smoking causes cancer is by damaging our DNA. Chemicals like arsenic and nickel interfere with pathways for repairing damaged DNA.

These toxins make it even more likely that damaged cells will turn cancerous. Smokers are also less able to handle toxic chemicals than those with healthy lungs and blood. And it makes their immune systems less useful too.

At least 69 chemicals in cigarettes can cause cancer. All forms of tobacco are harmful and addictive. There is no safe tobacco product.

If you still smoke, then you should stop this bad habit right now. Different psychological problems make us addicted to cigarettes.

It is often a way to escape our emotional distress. You can't stop smoking if you don’t break this emotional bondage.

Another thing you should give up is alcohol.

Alcohol Can Cause 7 Types Of Cancer

Alcohol consumption might cause seven types of cancer. These include oropharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and breast cancer.

Alcohol consumption may also lead to skin, prostate, and pancreatic cancer.

Woman drinking alcohol

Alcohol can cause at least 7 types of cancer

The heaviest drinkers are at the highest risk of getting cancer. But people consuming low to moderate amounts can also be at risk. An estimated 3.5% of all cancer-related deaths in the U.S. are due to alcohol consumption.

Alcohol consumption is a considerable risk factor in getting liver cancer. Reducing your alcohol use is an important cancer prevention strategy.

Take Away

Stop smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and drugs

Let go of the emotional distress that causes your addiction to cigarettes

Stop drinking alcohol

Join alcoholics anonymous if you have a hard time letting go of the bottle


Every cancer starts with a painful, acute, dramatic and isolating shock.

We are herbivores, not carnivores.

Meat, dairy, and oils can increase our cancer risk.

A whole food, plant-based low-fat diet can lower our cancer risk

Heavy metals, chemo drugs, and amalgam tooth fillings can increase your cancer risk

Moderate sunshine can prevent many types of cancer.

Purified water is essential to life and your immune system.

Exercise can reduce your cancer risk.
Getting enough sleep every day is essential if you want to prevent cancer

X-rays, mammograms, and CT scans can create more cancer.

Tobacco and alcohol can induce more cancer.

Steps To Take To Prevent Cancer Recurrence

1. Let go of your emotional trauma

2. Eat a whole food low-fat plant-based diet

3. Avoid toxins and cleanse your body

4. Get enough sunshine

5. Drink Purified Water

6. Exercise Every Day

7. Get plenty of sleep every night

8. Avoid X-rays, CT scans and mammograms

9. Stop smoking and drinking

Action Steps

After reading this blog post you should now know several ways to prevent cancer recurrence. The list is quite exhaustive, therefore start with one thing at a time.

Begin by changing your diet and letting go of your emotional trauma.

I've created a sheet cheat of this blog post to help you further

It contains a summary of this article and action steps. You will also get links to free e-books that explain each point in further detail.

<<Download our How To Prevent Cancer Recurrence Cheat Sheet here.>>

Or go to our Free Resource Library.

Resources & Citations:

About the author 

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.

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  • Thanks Simon, such radical & interesting perspectives which is so, because we all are trained to listen to conventional science & research, I knew about 60% of your post advise, but wow the other 40% was fascinating, I will forward this to many who are susceptible or in the throes of this health experience. Thanks again Johno

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