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Stress And Cancer – Why Stress Causes Cancer

July 14, 2016
Reading time:  minutes remaining
Simon Persson

Few talk about the mind and body connection to cancer. Unresolved emotional traumas like resentment or anger can influence the body to create cancer.

In this post, you learn why suppressed emotions can create cancer in your body and how to reverse it. You discover why cancer spreads to different parts of the body and the whole mechanism of cancer.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.

The Mind And Body Connection To Disease

Most doctors ignore the mind and body connection to healing. Eastern medicine has for thousand of years, known the correlation between emotions and organs. They discovered that people with specific mental problems had diseases in particular organs.

Dr. Bradley Nelson is the author of "The Emotion Code." In his book, he talks about the connection between emotions and diseases.

According to this book, people with anger issues have liver or gallbladder malfunction. Individuals with worry or anxiety issues have stomach or spleen problems.

Heart and small intestine problems happen when people feel betrayal, heartache, and unreceived love. Lung and colon produce sadness, rejection, grief, self-abuse, confusion and similar emotions.

Kidney and bladder troubles occur because of fear, dread, horror, terror and feeling unsupported. Emotions like shame, lust, jealousy, pride, unworthiness, overwhelm cause gland and sexual organ dysfunctions.

Woman feeling anxious in front of computer

Stress is behind many diseases

In Chinese medicine, the mind and body connection is a part of the healing system. When you balance your emotions the flow of energy called chi can heal you from the disease. 

Now you know that every organ generates a particular emotion. Let us explore why these emotions create disease.

How Stress Influences Disease

There are a mind and body connection to cancer. Your body feels everything your mind creates. The body shows you how your emotions and thoughts make you feel.

If you think negative thoughts, then it's felt like an unpleasant feeling in the body. If you think positive thoughts, it’s felt like a pleasant feeling in the body.

The body, while intelligent, can’t separate a real situation from an imagined one. Similar sensations will happen in the body if you get chased by a bear or thinking about it.

When the body is in real danger, it activates the fight or flight response. The heart pumps blood faster, adrenaline releases and makes you run faster.

Woman feeling stress

Stress affect the energy balance in the body

All this is happening so that you can escape from danger and get safe. When you are safe, the body will return to homeostasis. The heart is pumping at a lower rate; adrenaline lessen, and the body relaxes.

When we humans think about negative thoughts, it puts the body under constant stress. Stress will tear the body apart and create health problems.

So how does stress and cancer go hand in hand? In the next section, I’m going to talk about the astonishing discovery of Dr. Hamer. He discovered why emotions and stress affected cancer growth.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer Discovers the Stress And Cancer Connection

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer is the founder of German New Medicine. He discovered a connection between cancer and unresolved psychological or emotional conflicts.

The last king of Italy, Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy killed Hamer's son, Dirk, while he was asleep on a yacht. After his son's death, he soon developed testicular cancer. He identified it as a result of a "loss conflict."

He worked as a chief of internal medicine in a clinic at Munich University. Thus, he was able to interview and examine the records of thousands of cancer patients.

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His research led him to discover how emotional trauma affects the brain. He called these psycho-emotional traumas "Hamer Herds."

By using CT-scans, he found the location of the Hamer Herd (HH) in the brain. Dr. Hamer could then reveal the precise disease and the organ location in the body.

CT-scan of a Hamer Herd

CT-scan of a Hamer Herd

Every cancer disease originates with a painful, acute, dramatic and isolating shock. The distress happens simultaneously on the psyche, the brain, and the organ. To know if emotional conflicts cause cancer you need to spot the first signs of it. 

How to Spot the Symptoms of Cancer Growth

Dr. Hamer observed that cancer patients experienced a "biological conflict" or inescapable shock. That caused organ-facility and tumor cell growth.

The conflict determines a particular development of the Hamer Herd in the brain and organ. During the emotional trauma, you feel constant stress on the sympathetic nervous system.

Symptoms include cold hands or feet, loss of appetite, weight loss, sleeplessness, and restlessness.

Girl feeling depressed

Cancer manifests after a biological conflict or inescapable shock

The reversal of these symptoms only changes when the conflict resolves. Dr. Hamer found that all his patients had experienced the same type of biological conflict as he had.

They were able to recall the same physical ailments and the beginning of tumor growth. Ever wanted to know why cancer manifests in certain parts of the body? Then you’re going for a treat in the next section.

Why Cancer Manifests in Specific Parts of The Body

Below you can read a list of conflicts that create different types of cancer. For example, a partner conflict can manifest cancer in the right breast. While cancer in the left breast is a conflict about a child, home or mother. In a left-handed person, it's reversed.

The location of cancer depends on their particular interpretation of the situation. For example, several women can find their husband in bed with another woman. If one of them see it as a partner conflict, they develop cancer in the right breast.

One woman sees it as a sexual conflict and then creates uterus cancer. If the wife becomes afraid of starving to death if she loses the relationship, she can get liver cancer.

The Cancer-Organ Connection

ADRENAL CORTEX: Wrong Direction. Gone Astray

BLADDER: Ugly Conflict. Dirty Tricks

BONE: Lack of Self Worth. Inferiority Feeling

BRAIN TUMOR: Stubbornness. Refusing to Change Old Patterns. Mental Frustration

BREAST MILK GLAND: Involving Care or Disharmony

BREAST MILK DUCT: Separation Conflict

BREAST LEFT: Conflict concerning Child, Home or Mother

BREAST RIGHT: Conflict with Partner or Others

BRONCHIOLES: Territorial Conflict

CERVIX: Severe Frustration

COLON: Ugly Indigestible Conflict

ESOPHAGUS: Cannot Have It or Swallow It

GALL BLADDER: Rivalry Conflict

HEART: Perpetual Conflict

INTESTINES: Indigestible Chunk of Anger

KIDNEYS: Not wanting to Live. Water or Fluid Conflict

LARYNX: Conflict of Fear and Fright

LIVER: Fear of Starvation

LUNGS: Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else

LYMPH GLANDS: Loss of Self-Worth

MELANOMA: Feeling Dirty, Soiled, Defiled

MIDDLE EAR: Not being able to get some Vital Information

MOUTH: Cannot Chew It or Hold It

PANCREAS: Anxiety-Anger Conflict with Family Members. Inheritance

PROSTATE: Ugly Conflict with Sexual Connotations

RECTUM: Fear of Being Useless

SKIN: Loss of Integrity

SPLEEN: Shock of being Physically/Emotionally Wounded

STOMACH: Indigestible Anger. Swallowed Too Much

TESTES / OVARIES: Loss Conflict

THYROID: Feeling Powerless

TUMOR: Nursing Old Hurts and Shocks. Building Remorse

UTERUS: Sexual Conflict

Source: Lyra Nara Blog

Did the description of your cancer describe you? So now you might wonder how did I develop this conflict? To understand that you need to go back to childhood.

How Childhood Trauma Contribute To Cancer

Lise Bourbeau is the author of the book “Your body is telling you to love yourself. She says that cancer patients have emotional wounds from the isolation in childhood.

The most common hurts are rejection, abandonment, betrayal, humiliation, and injustice. Some people have experienced a combination of those wounds.

Crying Baby

Rejection and emotional trauma during childhood are common among cancer patients.

Their bad experiences with their parents make them feel anger and resentment. Cancer manifests after they suppress these feelings and reach their emotional limit.

Stressful challenges such as death, breakups, unemployment or other events trigger the emotional wounds. Usually, most people can deal with the challenges of life and move on.

Cancer patients have suppressed their emotions and are already stressed out before the incident. They usually hit a wall when dealing with such challenges.

It can explain why people who live a healthy life, can still get cancer. Thinking angry and resentful thoughts distorts the body's energy field and result in disease. 

Let me share a personal story on how my grandfather developed cancer. To make you further understand how anger causes cancer.

My Grand Father's Cancer Story

Everyone, I know that died of cancer, had resentment towards their parents. My grandfather got stomach cancer in 1998.

He was born out of wedlock in Sweden in 1913 when such an act was a big sin during that time. Both his parents abandoned him, but he felt particularly resentful towards his mother.

One time my grandfather's mother came on a visit, and he slapped her on the cheek. My father and his siblings observed the incident, panicked and ran away.

My grandfather carried this resentment his whole life. When he was 85 years old, he reached his emotional limit and grew cancer in his stomach. I still remember that he had to use bags on his stomach as his digestive system didn’t work.

His stomach cancer was the result of indigestible anger or a feeling of swallowing too much. Another cancer patient I knew hated his father after he cheated on his mother and had several affairs. 

Many cancer patients share the same stories. There is scientific research that confirm the emotional link to cancer. Let me explain some eye-opening research on this topic.

The Scientific Connection Between Cancer and Emotions

Scientific research has found a correlation between emotions and cancer. The King's College Hospital in London did a study on 160 breast cancer patients. They gave them a detailed psychological interview and a self-administered questionnaire.

Extreme suppression of anger was the most identified characteristic of the cancer patients.

Six Stages of Cancer Growth

Six Stages of Cancer Growth

Another study in Greek found that traumatic life events preceded cancer. In the study, group A had 813 breast cancer patients and group B 685 women without cancer. They showed a positive correlation between conflicts in life and cancer growth.

These conflicts were usually the death of a loved person or a partner conflict. Family struggles, financial problems and unsatisfactory sex were others reasons.

The authors said that:

...it is useful to look at all the factors that are known as risks for cancer of the breast, including the influence of psycho-traumatic factors.

Everything I wrote to this point is useless if you don’t follow the tips I give in the next section. I explain how to release the negative cancer emotions. Pay close attention, and you will have better success with your cancer.

Why You Need To Forgive Others to Improve From Cancer 

It’s important that you forgive your parents or other people that didn’t treat you well. Doing so can release the resentful energy and make your body heal.

Remember you're doing it for yourself, not your parents. When you feel resentment, you only hurt yourself and create misery.

Man at the ocean

Forgiveness is the first step in healing from cancer

You may have had a sad childhood, but that doesn’t mean that you have to continue this negative route. Bury the past and start your new life now.

So let’s summarize what you learned today and what you need to do next to resolve your hurts from childhood.


Today you discovered how organs generate certain emotions. And why thinking stressful thoughts can lead to disease.

Furthermore, you found out that cancer manifested because of a traumatic event in life. And that childhood drama is the cause of all this.

You can’t make cancer go away by just reading about it. So I’ve created these steps to resolve your emotional causes of cancer.

How To Let Go Of Negative Cancer Emotions

1. Download the The Cancer Emotion Protocol worksheet here

2. Find out which people contributed to your anger

3. Forgive give them and let go of the situation


Download The Cancer Emotion Protocol worksheet here. In this worksheet, I’ve created exercises to heal the emotional wounds that caused your cancer.

There are three major steps in this Protocol. First, you will find out which of your parents or other persons that caused your pain.

Then you write down you angry thoughts about them.

Finally, use the healing technique in the worksheet to let go of the resentment now.

Why poison yourself with resentment if it only creates suffering?

Your body created cancer to teach you how to love unconditionally. Either you repeat your anger and don't get anywhere or forgive and start a better life now.

I hope you choose the path of love and reap the rewards. Download the protocol now and live a happy life.

If you have any questions or comments please leave them below.

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.

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