October 28 minutes remaining

Cancer Causing Foods You Shouldn’t Put In Your Mouth

October 28, 2017
Reading time:  minutes remaining
Simon Persson

In this video, you'll learn some common cancer causing foods you need to eliminate now. If you kick out these foods, you'll reduce your cancer risk.

Find out why animal products and processed foods are detrimental to your health. And discover how to eat a whole-food plant-based diet and lower your cancer risk.


In this video, you'll learn some common cancer causing foods you need to eliminate now. If you kick out these foods, you reduce your cancer risk.

Find out why animal products and processed foods are detrimental to your health. And discover how to eat a whole-food plant-based diet and lower your cancer risk.

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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.

Video Transcription

Cancer Causing Foods You'll Need To Eliminate

The food that you eat can give you cancer right now. 

But if you eliminate animal products and processed food you can lower your cancer risk.

In this video, I'm going to talk about cancer causing foods. 

First I'm going to speak about meat health risks. 

And then I'm going to tell you the truth about dairy. 

And after that, I will explain why you should avoid oils and other processed foods.

So let's begin.

Meat Health Risks

Every animal has an ideal diet. 

Meat is a perfect food for carnivores like cats and lions. Cows and horses are herbivores and would get sick on a meat diet. 

The same happens with humans when they eat a meat-centered diet.

The human tongue has no protein or fat receptors. 

Cats, on the other hand, have such receptors. 

Carbohydrate is the human body’s primary fuel.

The brain, red blood cells, and kidney cells need glucose.

meat in a pan

Meat contains cancer causing compounds especially when you fry it

Meat is detrimental to our health. It is high in fat. 

The fat promotes obesity, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Meat is high in protein. An excess of protein overworks and damages the liver and kidneys.

Animal flesh is also acidic and high in sulfur. 

There is no dietary fiber in meat. 

Fiber is crucial for healthy stool. 

It controls blood sugar and cholesterol and detoxifies cancer causing chemicals.

Cholesterol exists only in animal foods. 

Excess accumulates in our arteries, skin, tendons and our tissues. 

Too much cholesterol is bad for our health.

Meat also contains environmental contaminants. 

It is also a breeding ground for infectious agents. 

Animal flesh is one of the greatest risk factors in getting cancer. 

Other meat health risks include IGF-1.


IGF-1 is a hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. 

It plays a vital role in childhood growth. 

However, too much IGF-1 in adults promotes cancer growth. 

IGF-1 is one of the most powerful promoters of cancer in the breast, prostate, lung, and colon. 

Overstimulation of IGF-1 leads to premature aging too. 

IGF-1 increases in our bodies when we consume animal protein. 

If you put people on a plant-based diet, their IGF-1 levels go down.

Heterocyclic Amines

Heterocyclic amines (HCA:s) are chemicals formed in meat or animal protein during cooking. 

They develop when you prepare meat at a high temperature or over an open flame.

HCA:s are part in many cancers. 

Animal protein by itself or the way we cook the meat may contribute to cancer development.

Heme Iron

We ingest two types of iron from food, heme iron, and nonheme iron. 

Animal foods are the only sources of heme iron. 

Evidence links heme iron to various cancers, including colorectal cancer.

Why Fish Is Bad

Mercury is a natural element found in the earth. 

It poisons our rivers, streams, and oceans because of our industrial pollution.

Fish contains mercury.

Mercury damages the nervous system, heart, kidneys and immune system.

Fish also carries the same the negative aspects as meat.

Therefore fish is bad for you and shouldn't be a part of your diet.

Why You Should Stop Eating Eggs

Eggs contain the highest concentrations of cholesterol, eight times more than beef. 

A whole egg is 32% protein, and the white of an egg is close to 100% protein. 

Infants, growing children, and adults need, at most, 5% of their calories from protein.

Therefore egg products are 6 to 20 times more concentrated in protein than we need.

Excess protein places burdens on our body, especially the liver and kidneys. 

Eggs contain too much cholesterol, calories, fat, bacteria, for humans. 

So if you stop eating eggs, you decrease your cancer risk.

Other cancer causing foods include dairy.

So let me tell you the horrible truth about dairy.

Truth About Dairy

Milk is food for calves, not humans. 

Cows like any creature can only produce milk while they are pregnant. 

So to provide enough milk for us, cows are always kept pregnant.

To impregnate a cow, a person jams his or her arm far into the cow’s rectum to locate and position the uterus. 

They then take sperm from a bull and forces an instrument into her vagina.

Pouring milk in a glas.

The dairy industry has fooled us to believe that milk is healthy.

The farmers separate the child from its mother within 24 hours after its birth.

The calves spend their first 2 to 3 months of life confined in lonely hutches.Their diet consists of a milk replacer while humans drink the milk intended for them.

Cow’s milk contains almost three times more protein and four times more calcium than human milk.

 Dairy is the food that the calf needs at the beginning of their life when they need to grow the most.

It is an ideal food to breed a calf from its 60-pound(27 kg) birth weight to a 600-pound(272 kg) young cow, ready to wean. 

One obvious consequence of people eating dairy is a rapid fat gain.

Why Milk Is Bad

Dairy products are one of the leading contributors of excess body fat. 

It affects 25% of children and 65% of adults in Western populations.

Dairy is liquid meat.

Milk products are high in calories, fat, and cholesterol. 

It contributes to heart disease, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and obesity.

Dairy also contains many growth hormones. 

The most powerful of these hormones is IGF-1. 

IGF-1 promotes cancer growth as I mentioned before.

Milk also raises estrogen levels in a person’s body. 

Dairy accounts for about 60 to 70% of the estrogen that comes from food. 

Excess estrogen increases your risk of breast-, uterus-, and prostate cancer.

One of the biggest myths about milk is that it builds strong bones.

Countless people believe that you need to drink milk or you suffer from osteoporosis.

But countries that consume more milk have higher incidents of osteoporosis.

Dairy products are also known to contain 

life-threatening microbes including:

  • E. Coli
  • Salmonella
  • Tuberculosis
  • Bovine AIDS Viruses
  • Listeria
  • Staphylococci
  • Bovine leukemia viruses

Things get worse when you eat cheese.

Cheese Health Risks

Cheese carries about 70% fat. 

It is full of calories, high in sodium, and have more cholesterol than a steak.

It is also fattening and addictive. 

The best way to describe cheese is concentrated milk.

So by now, you should realize that milk is dangerous and something you need to avoid.

Another food you should avoid is vegetable oils.

Avoid Vegetable Oils

Vegetable oils increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Oils are fattening, low-nutrient, processed food, consisting of 100% fat. 

It's the most calorie dense substance you can eat.

Olive oil in a bowl

Olive oil is a calorie dense liquid without any nutrients

Manufacturers produce oils by separating whole foods like vegetables, nuts or seeds. 

You can do it in two ways. 

Either by heating up the produce and then squeeze out the oil. 

Or only use a mechanical process. 

The extraction process removes most of the other ingredients of the whole food. 

Oils clog arteries which lead to heart disease.

Vegetable oils also raise the risk of cancer.

Some studies link acrylamide in French fries to endometrial-, ovarian-, and lung cancer. 

Also, avoid margarine as it’s made of hydrogenated oils. 

It is just one molecule from plastic.

Other foods to avoid are packaged foods.

Packaged Food

Packaged food often contain lots of unhealthy ingredients. 

They carry preservatives, colorants, artificial flavors, and texturants.

Preservatives prevent the food from rotting.

Colorants give the food a specific color.

Artificial Flavors give the food a particular flavor.

And texturants give foods a particular texture.

Processed foods are low in essential nutrients compared to the whole, unprocessed foods.

Processed foods usually include added sugar.

White sugar is empty calories and is not beneficial to your body.


A single can of soda contains about ten teaspoons of white sugar. 

Sodas also carry aspartame. 

Aspartame is a substitute for sugar and can be more harmful. 

Sodas can also hold high fructose corn syrup which comes from corn. 

Woman drinking Coca Cola

Soda is 10000 more acidic than water

Most of this corn is genetically modified. Sodas contain empty calories and are acidic.

Another processed food you should avoid is soy protein isolate. 

Soy Protein Isolate

Soy protein isolate is a highly refined or purified form of soy protein. You can find it in products such as: 

  • Protein powders & health drinks
  • Soy milk
  • Soy cheese
  • Soy desserts like pudding and ice-cream
  • Infant soy formula
  • Soy meats(vegetarian burgers, soy sausages etc.)
  • Health or energy snack bars

Other things to avoid are:

  • Refined and sugar-coated cereals
  • Cakes
  • Chocolate
  • White flour
  • Cookies
  • Desserts
  • Ice cream


Today I talked about cancer causing foods. 

First I spoke about meat health risks. 

Meat is high in fat, protein, and acids. 

There are several components in meat that causes cancer such as IGF-1, HCA:s and more.

Eggs contain too much cholesterol, calories, fat, bacteria, for humans. 

Fish holds mercury which is a toxic substance that causes cancer.

Milk products are high in calories, fat, and cholesterol. 

It contributes to heart disease, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and obesity.

Oils are fattening, low-nutrient, processed food, consisting of 100% fat.

They clog arteries and also raise the risk of cancer.

Packaged food often contain lots of unhealthy ingredients. 

Processed foods are low in essential nutrients compared to the whole, unprocessed foods.

So I hope you learned from this video that: 
If you eliminate animal products and processed food you can lower your cancer risk.

How To Eat A Healthy Anti-Cancer Diet

1. Eliminate all animal products from your diet

2. Join 12 Day Vegan Cancer Challenge

Action Steps

If you want to avoid cancer, then eliminate all animal products and processed food. Eat a healthy whole-food plant-based diet.

If you want to learn how to eat a healthy diet, then please join our 12 Day Vegan Challenge. The 12 Day Vegan Cancer Challenge is an email course that teaches you how to eat a plant-based diet for cancer.

You'll learn how to eat a vegan diet for 12 days successfully. 

As a bonus, you receive a recipe book. You can join now for free.

 <Click here to learn more.>

Resource & Citations:

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.

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