The placebo effect can kill us or heal the impossible. Learn the power of our thoughts and why we can use them to cure incurable diseases.
Discover how one man healed a broken neck and how others killed themselves by thought alone. And find out why Big Pharma wants to hide the truth from us.
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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.
Video Transcription
Did you know that our thoughts and beliefs can affect our health? If we change our thoughts and perception, we may heal our illnesses.
In this video, I’m going to talk about the placebo effect and the power of our thoughts. Then I’m going to tell you some amazing placebo stories
.After that, I’m going to explain how the placebo effect works.And finally, I’m going to expose Big Pharma's agenda to hide the truth from us.
So let’s begin.
What Is The Placebo Effect?
Our thoughts are much more powerful than we believe they are. They can affect the health of the whole body. Many people are aware of the term placebo effect. A placebo is anything that seems to be a "real" medical treatment but isn't.
It could be a pill, a shot, or some other type of "fake" treatment. Researchers use placebos to help them understand what effect a new drug has.

Placebo is Latin for “I shall please.”
For instance, some people in a study might get a new drug to lower cholesterol. Others receive a placebo. None of the people in the study will know if they got the real treatment or not.
Researchers then compare the effects of the drug and the placebo on the people in the study. That way, they can determine the effectiveness of the new drug and check for side effects.
Sometimes a person can have a response to a placebo. It can be either positive or negative. For instance, the person's symptoms may improve. Or the person may experience side effects from the treatment.
Placebo is Latin for “I shall please.”
Optimists Live Longer Than Pessimists
A wealth of research shows that our attitude does affect our health, including how long we live. For example, the Mayo Clinic published a study in 2002 that followed 447 people for more than 30 years.
Optimists were healthier on the physical and mental plane compared to pessimists. They focus their attention on the best future scenario. Optimists had fewer problems because of their physical and emotional state.
They experienced less pain and felt happier, calmer, and more peaceful most of the time. Another Mayo Clinic study followed more than 800 people for 30 years. This study also showed that optimists lived longer than pessimists.
There are many amazing stories where people healed severe conditions with their thoughts. And there are also situations where people think themselves to death.
Let’s explore some examples of the placebo effect and how it changed people.
4 Incredible Placebo Stories
1. Sam Londe's Sad Christmas Story
Sam Londe, was a retired shoe salesman living outside of St. Louis in the early 1970s. Londe and his wife were happily married even if they couldn't have children.
They bought a house by a large man-made lake when they retired. Late one night, the nearby dam burst, and crushed their home and swept it away. Sam survived by hanging on to some wreckage, but his wife’s body disappeared.
Six months after grieving his wife’s death, he got diagnosed with esophageal cancer. It was then that he had met and married his second wife. She agreed to care for him in the little time he had left.

Sam Londe wanted to live to Christmas
A few months after they married, they moved to Nashville. Sam had difficulty swallowing, and his tumor had also spread to his liver. The doctor told Sam he had only months to live at best.
Sam looked weak and pale. He had high blood-glucose levels due to diabetes, but the rest of his blood chemistry was normal. The only difference was his elevated levels of liver enzymes.
Sam got a fortified liquid diet, and lots of nursing care and attention. After a few days, he grew a little stronger and felt better. He then began talking to Dr. Meador about his life and the death of his first wife.
The doctor then asked him “What do you want me to do for you?” Sam told his doctor that he wanted to live through Christmas so that he could be with his wife and her family.
Dr. Meador told him he would do his best. By the time Sam left the hospital in late October, he felt much better than when he had arrived. His doctor was surprised at how well he was doing.
The doctor saw his patient about once a month after that, and each time, he looked good. But exactly one week after Christmas Sam's wife brought him back to the hospital.
Sam again looked near death. His doctor only detected a mild fever and a small patch of pneumonia on his chest x-ray. All of Sam's blood tests seemed okay.
Dr. Meador prescribed antibiotics and put his patient on oxygen, hoping for the best. But within 24 hours, Sam Londe died.
When the hospital performed an autopsy, they discovered something strange. Sam's liver had almost no cancer. He had only a tiny nodule of cancer in his left lobe and another small spot on his lung. Neither cancer was big enough to kill him.
The area around his esophagus was totally free of disease as well. And the abnormal liver scan taken at the St. Louis hospital yielded a false positive. Sam Londe didn’t die of esophageal cancer, nor did he die of liver cancer.
He also didn’t die of the mild case of pneumonia. Is it possible that Sam Londe died from thought alone? Everybody in his immediate environment thought he was dying. So did this cause his death?
2. Fred Mason's Suicide Attempt
Fred Mason was a 26-year-old graduate student. He became depressed when his girlfriend broke up with him. Fred saw an ad for a clinical trial of a new antidepressant medication and decided to try it.
After he’d been in the study for about a month, he decided to call his ex-girlfriend. The two of them argued on the phone, and after Fred hung up, he wanted to take his life.
He grabbed his bottle and swallowed 29 pills from the trial study. But he immediately regretted his decision. Fred desperately called out for help and then collapsed on the floor.
A neighbor heard his cry and found him on the ground. Fred told his neighbor he’d made a terrible mistake, and didn’t want to die. He then asked the neighbor if she could take him to the hospital.
When Fred got to the emergency room, he was pale, sweating and drowsy.When the doctors examined him, they found nothing wrong. Only his low blood pressure, rapid pulse, and breathing were abnormal.

Fred swallowed 29 pills to end his life
The medical team asked him what drug he’d taken. He told the doctors it was an experimental antidepressant drug that was part of a trial. Fred then handed them the empty bottle that had info about the clinical trial.
The doctors then took some lab tests of Fred.Four hours later the lab results came back normal.Then a physician who had been part of the clinical drug trial arrived.
The researcher looked into the records for the trial. He then announced that he had been taking a placebo and no drugs at all. After hearing this Fred's blood pressure and pulse returned to normal within minutes.
And as if by magic, he was no longer drowsy either. Fred had fallen victim to the nocebo effect. A nocebo is a harmless substance that, thanks to strong expectations, causes harm.
3. Mr Wright's Lymphoma Healing Story
In 1957, UCLA psychologist Bruno Klopfer told the story of a man he referred to as “Mr. Wright.” Mr. Wright had advanced lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph glands. He had tumors as big as an orange, in his neck, groin, and armpits.
His cancer was not responding to conventional treatments, so he was completely bedridden. Philip West, his doctor had given up hope but Wright himself had not.

Wright’s tumors vanished when he tried a new cancer drug
Then Wright found out about an experimental drug extracted from horse blood. He got excited and begged his doctor to give him the drug. Wright received his injection of the drug on a Friday.
By Monday, he was walking around, laughing, and joking with his nurses, and was a new man. Within three days, the tumors were half their original size. Ten days later, Wright left the hospital, cured. It seemed like a miracle.
But two months later, the media reported that the ten trials showed that the drug was a dud. Once Wright read the news, his tumors soon returned. Dr. West suspected that Wright’s initial positive response was due to the placebo effect.
His doctor had nothing to lose, so he tricked Wright that there was an improved version of the drug.Wright wanted the new drug and felt excited. But this time, the syringe Dr. West used contained no drug, only distilled water.
Again, Wright’s tumors vanished by magic. He returned home and did well for another two months, free of tumors in his body. But then the American Medical Association said that the drug was worthless.
The miracle drug turned out to be a hoax. Upon hearing the news, Wright relapsed a final time. He no longer believed in the possibility of health. Wright returned to the hospital hopeless and died two days later.
The most incredible story about the placebo effect is that of Morris E. Goodman also known as "The Miracle Man."
4. Morris E. Goodman "The Miracle Man"
On March 10, 1981, Goodman was flying a single-engine Cessna 172. He was 35-years old at that time and had a successful career.As Goodman prepared to land, his engine lost power during the runway approach.
Twenty-two minutes later, Goodman arrived at a hospital emergency room. He had a broken neck, crushed spinal cord, jaw, and larynx. The nerves in his diaphragm were so destroyed that he couldn’t breathe.

Morris E. Goodman crashed his Cessna 172
His doctors had to connect him to a respirator. Goodman's bowel, bladder, and kidneys weren’t functioning, and he was unable to swallow. Goodman defied the odds by surviving a nine-hour operation.
After the surgery, he could only see and hear, but not speak or move anything from the neck down.But Goodman had other plans. He believed with all his heart and soul that he would one day be healthy and not hooked to the machine.
Goodman communicated with his sister by blinking with his eyes.He told her that he would walk again before Christmas.After weeks of intense practice, Goodman was able to take his first breath without the use of a machine.
After a while, he could breathe on his own. On June 1, 1981, Goodman began to eat and worked on learning to walk again.After several weeks, he was able to walk unassisted and left the hospital on November 13, 1981.
How The Placebo Effect Works
As the stories illustrate, when we change our state of being, our bodies can respond to a new mind. Because of the size of our enormous forebrain, we can make thoughts more real than anything else.
To understand why placebos work we need to examine the processes behind it. Three key elements cause this effect, our conditioning, expectation, and meaning.
Conditioning is when we associate a memory with a physical change. One example is when we take an aspirin to get rid of a headache.Because we’ve experienced it so many times, it gets ingrained in our brain.
The stimulus, from the outer environment, called the aspirin, creates a specific experience. When that experience produces a physical response, it changes your internal environment.You will then remember the outer environment that caused the change.

Our conditioning, expectation, and meaning make the placebo effect work
The association with the external stimulus becomes strong and reinforced.That is why we can replace the aspirin for a sugar pill and cause an automatic inner response.
Our expectation is the second element that comes into play when we have a placebo response. It is our reason to anticipate a different outcome. For example, we can have chronic pain, and a doctor gives us a new drug.
If he convinces you what the drug does to ease your pain, you might accept his suggestion. As you take this new medication, something different will happen, you won’t be in pain anymore.
Then, in effect, our doctor has influenced our level of suggestibility.Once we become more suggestible, we associate the new medication with being pain-free. If the intensity of our emotion is great enough, our brains and our bodies won’t know the difference.
The brain fires the same neural circuits as it would if our state had changed. If we expect to be pain-free the body will create the drugs to alter our internal condition.
The third element of placebos is the meaning that we give to it. When we give an action a new meaning, we put more of our conscious, purposeful energy into it.The more you can accept a new outcome related to your health, the greater your results will be.
And the clearer the model you’re creating in your mind, the better you’ll be at priming your brain.
Neuron Structure And Function
Your brain consists of about 100 billion nerve cells, called neurons. Each nerve cell resembles an oak tree. They all have branches and root systems that connect to other nerve cells.

Each neuron is its own unique biocomputer
The number of connections of a particular nerve cell might range from 1000 to more than 100 000. It depends where in the brain the nerve cell resides.
Each neuron is its own unique biocomputer. It is capable of processing enormous amounts of data.
Our Neurotransmitters Can Change Us Genetically
As we learn new things and have new experiences, our neurons make new connections.They do this by exchanging electrochemical information with each other through synaptic connections.
Memory is a long-term relationship or connection between the nerve cells. As these connections change over time, so does the physical structure of the brain.Our thoughts produce a blend of various chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Our thoughts produce a blend of various chemicals called neurotransmitters
When we think thoughts, the neuron fires an electrical bolt of information. If we repeat a thought enough times, our brain cells make stronger connections to each other.
When you think a new thought, you become changed neurologically, chemically, and genetically.
95% Of Our Thoughts Are Unconscious
You can gain thousands of new connections in a matter of seconds by learning and thinking in new ways.
This means that by thought alone, you can activate new genes right away. If your thinking the same thoughts you’re not learning or doing anything new.

95% of your thinking is unconscious
Your brain is firing its neurons and activating the neural networks in the same way. They become the automatic programs that you unconsciously use every day. You no longer have to think about it consciously.
95% of your thinking is unconscious. Just as thoughts are the language of the brain, feelings are the language of the body.Your thinking creates feelings. You then react to the emotions and form more redundant thoughts.
How Our Emotions Affect Us
Emotions are nothing more than the chemical records of past experiences. They drive our thoughts and play out over and over again. As long as this continues, we’re living in the past.

Emotions are chemical records of our past experiences
Stress Is Behind Our Diseases
Stress is a huge part of why we become sick. Our thoughts and feelings are powerful and can affect our health in a big way.
In my previous video, I talked about how stress may manifest cancer. There I discussed Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer's amazing discovery. He found out that our conflict shocks affect a unique part of the brain that relays it to the organ.

Our illnesses are because of biological programs
Hamer's theory is that our illnesses are because of biological programs. Our bodies go into fight or flight mode if there is an immediate danger. The threat causes a specific response from our bodies.
But your body can’t see the difference between an imagined or a real situation.So it will run the same programs whether the threat is real or not.
To understand why our thoughts are so powerful you need to learn how the universe works.
How The Universe Works
The world seems solid but that is an illusion.If you zoom in on atoms, there appear to be more than 99.99% empty space. But that space isn’t empty. It’s filled with energy.
No matter how solid that matter may appear to us, it is still energy and information. On the subatomic quantum level, the matter is only momentary. It’s here one moment, and then it disappears.

Everything in its core is a waveform
In the quantum, there are no absolute physical things. Everything in its core is a waveform. Our speech is vibrational energy produced by the vocal cords.
The brain then decodes it into a language.
The Universe Is A Hologram
Our Universe is waveform information. We decode that information into what we experience. Our minds create the holographic or 'physical' reality.
The world is like a TV screen. What we see on a TV screen comes from decoding pixels.We see images on the TV because of the same decoding process. Our brains link together still images into a sequence.

Our physical world is a hologram
Because our bodies are waveforms, we can affect it with our thoughts.If we can manifest our diseases with our thoughts then why don’t more people know about it?
So let's explore how our medical establishment wants to hide the truth from us.
Big Pharma Exposed
Big pharmaceutical companies don’t want us to know the power of our thoughts. They make incredible amounts of money selling useless drugs that suppress our symptoms.
For them to keep up the scheme, they have to make us believe that diseases happen in a vacuum. In that way, they can turn us into victims and control us. They don’t want us to know that we can heal our diseases with thought alone.

Big Pharma sell useless drugs that suppress our symptoms
If we knew the power of our thoughts, then they would go out of business overnight. Why would we use chemotherapy, radiation or surgery if we knew the power of our beliefs?
Dangers Of Drugs
Big Pharma poisons destroy the body's waveform field. Drugs are chaotic fields of frequency and distorted waveforms. The vibration that interacts with the body's waveform creates energetic chaos.

Drugs are chaotic fields of frequency and distorted waveforms
Drug companies have to make us believe that we can’t do anything about our diseases. They are not interested in natural remedies because you can't patent them.
There is no money in curing a disease. So long as we believe the lie they can sell their useless drugs.
Why You Shouldn't Trust Your Doctor
Many people believe that doctors have all the answers. Doctors give a prognosis or life expectancy.
If the patient accepts the doctor's view, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Our fears can cause other biological conflicts that may lead to secondary cancers. Just because doctors say something, doesn’t mean that it's true.
Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the world. Many doctors can have good intentions and want to help people. But as long as big drug companies run the show, they are not allowed to cure people.

Doctors are the third leading cause of death in the world
Every time you go to the doctor, there is a huge chance that you will walk away with a subscription. Doctors have never cured any disease, only suppressed them with drugs.
They don’t know anything about prevention or diet. Drug companies have done a fantastic job of deceiving us. Now and again I get negative comments on my chemo video because I question this toxic treatment.
Some agree that chemo, radiation, and surgery are bad. But they still use these treatments because they believe there are no other remedies available.Many people can’t grasp that our thoughts and habits are behind our diseases.
They instead follow the doctor's orders because they don’t dare to question them.
Why Western Medicine Can't Heal Us
Mainstream medicine has no idea what they are treating. They don't accept that the body is a waveform.
It's a system so insane that it can only create more ill people. The idea is to leave humanity at the mercy of pharmaceutical psychopaths. Mainstream medicine sees only the hologram as something physical.

The medical system can only create more ill people
If the medical profession rejects the waveform level, they cannot treat the cause. If you want to heal your body, you have to fix it at a waveform level. Only you can heal yourself not drug companies.
A placebo is anything that seems to be a real medical treatment but isn't.
There are three key elements behind the placebo effect, our conditioning, expectation, and meaning.
Your thoughts can change the physical structure of the brain.
Our Universe is waveform information.
Big pharmaceutical companies don’t want us to know the power of our thoughts.
How To Fix Your Ilnesses
1. Download The Organ And Gland Disease Chart
Action Steps
If you want to learn more about the causes of diseases, then download The Organ And Gland Disease chart.
Discover what emotions cause specific organ and gland issues and their muscle connections.