Posted: 26 Jan 2025 By:  Reading time: minutes remaining

The Truth About The Fake Germ Theory

​Discover why the germ theory is fake and why there are no pathogens. Learn the ​truth about bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi and why they are not here to kill you.


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​History Of The Germ Theory

One of the first things we hear about health is that microorganisms cause diseases. The word pathogen refers to a disease-causing microorganism. Another name for it is germs. 

The germ theory suggests that all germs are behind most of our ailments. Many people hail Louis Pasteur as the father of the germ theory. But he was not the originator of the basic idea that infectious agents caused diseases. 

In 1546 the Italian physician Girolamo Fracastoro proposed the same thing. His theory included the idea that small entities become pathogenic through heat. But Fracastoro was unable to observe them.

Titian Girolamo Fracastoro portrait

Portrait of Girolamo Fracastoro (1476-1553)

At that time, microscopes had not enough lens magnification. They were not available until more than a century later. 

In 1676, Antonius van Leeuwenhoek constructed a powerful microscope. He used it to discern small entities now recognized as bacteria. Leeuwenhoek proposed no theories about these entities or their functions. He only observed them.

Portrait of Anthonie_van_Leeuwenhoek

​Portrait of Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)

Almost another century later, in 1762, Dr. M Plenciz, proposed a germ theory. Louis Pasteur's version of the germ theory gained popularity in the late 19th century.

Louis Pasteur Used Fake Science

Many people believe that Louis Pasteur's germ theory was scientifically proven. But the science he used in his experiments was not as accurate as first thought. 

In 1995, the historian Dr. Gerald Geison wrote the book The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. It describes his investigation of Louis Pasteur's notebooks and published papers.

Portrait of Louis Pasteur

​Louis Pasteur ​deliberately deceived the public, including his fellow scientists

Pasteur never let even his closest co-workers inspect his notes. He also told his family that no one could read them even after his death.

Pasteur deliberately deceived the public, including his fellow scientists. Despite that, Louis Pasteur became a hero of modern medicine.  

Another supporter of the germ theory was Robert Koch.

Robert Koch's Four Postulates

Robert Koch was a German scientist born in the 19th century. Dr. Koch said he provided the necessary proof that certain bacteria caused diseases. 

For him to test his theory, he developed four postulates that continue to bear his name.

​Koch's Postulates
  • Postulate 1: ​The ​microorganism must be present in every case of the disease.
  • Postulate 2: You need to isolate the​ ​microorganism from the host with the disease and grow it in a pure culture
  • Postulate 3: ​You need to reproduce the illness when you give it to a healthy person
  • Postulate 4: ​You need to recover the pathogen from the infected host

​​The first postulate says that all people suffering from that disease need to have the microbe. Healthy people should not have the germ in question. Any exception to either principle means that the bug could not cause the disease.

But bacteria have been found in bodies of people who didn't have the disease. And the relevant bacteria have not been observed in people with the illness. These exceptions should have persuaded scientists to abandon the germ theory.

Koch's second postulate says that you need to isolate the bacteria from the host with the disease. After that you need to​ grow it in a pure culture.

Portrait of Robert Koch

​Portrait of Robert Koch (1843-1910)

The third postulate says that this pathogen must cause the same disease in a healthy host. Finally, once the new host has the pathogen, you must again extract and culture it. This cultured sample must then match the previous example of the pathogen.

Scientists say that the purpose of the immune system is to attack and destroy pathogens. Anyone with a robust immune system should, therefore, have no infectious agents. But microorganisms claimed to be pathogenic have been found in healthy people. 

One explanation for this situation is that some pathogens can exist in the body in a dormant state. But a strong immune system should not permit the presence of any pathogen. 

​Is The Presence Of Antibodies Proof Of A Pathogen?

The concept of immunity is that external entities invade and infect the body. Immunization refers to the presence of antibodies. Antibodies respond to the presence of a particular antigen. An antigen is said to be any substance bound by an antibody molecule.

During an infection, the body is alleged to produce a specific antibody response. Once the body produces the antibody, it is said to remain in the body to stop any future infection. Antibodies then attack antigens, which include pathogens. 

Most common antibody tests involve the examination of blood or urine samples. But such tests do not detect the actual pathogen. Instead, they identify proteins, referred to as antibodies.  


​Antibodies' purpose is said to destroy pathogens

The medical establishment interprets the presence of antibodies in two different ways. One interpretation is that each antibody is specific to a pathogen. The other one is that the presence of antibodies means that a pathogen has infected the person. 

This definition means that the human body must be a permanent battleground. Microorganisms do not invade or make the body sick. Therefore the body cannot produce antibodies to attack alleged invaders. 

Most microorganisms claimed to be pathogenic are endogenous. That means that they are typical components of the human microbiota. Why would the body seek to attack its normal inhabitants?

​Natural Immunity Vs. Acquired Immunity

The medical establishment claims that there are two kinds of immunity. Natural immunity is said to pass during pregnancy from a mother to her baby.

Babies then retain a certain level of protection after birth. Despite these claims, newborn infants are the primary targets of the vaccine industry. 

Acquired immunity is claimed to come through vaccination. The idea of germs as the cause of disease justified the creation of different vaccines. Vaccines provide a large proportion of pharmaceutical industry profits.

Immune system

​Scientists claim that ​acquired immunity comes through vaccination

The scientific community has turned the germ theory into dogma, not science. It has become deeply embedded in modern medicine. The germ theory has not been reexamined. If it had been, scientists would have debunked it ages ago.

Most of what we learned about germs is false. So let's explore why viruses, bacteria, and other "pathogens" can't cause diseases. I'll start by talking about viruses.

What You're Not Being Told About Viruses

During the 19th century, scientists discovered a variety of bacteria. But they were unable to find a bacteria or fungus associated with diseases. This led scientists to believe that there had to be some other organism responsible. 

They thought that it must be an organism that was too small to be seen through a microscope at that period. The electron microscope made it possible to see particles smaller than bacteria. People with certain diseases had tiny particles that later became known as viruses.


​​Viruses are said to spread and cause diseases

Virus is Latin for poison or harmful substance. The establishment says a virus is a minute particle capable of replication but only within living cells.

Viruses are powerless outside the membrane of a living cell. They need the metabolism of the live cell. If they can't survive outside the body, then how can they move between people?  

The germ theory fails to explain how the virus can spread during a sneeze or a cough. There is no proof of any viral particles attached to saliva or mucous through the air.

What's worse is that no one has isolated a pure virus.

​Nobody Has Isolated A Pure Virus

When doctors try to detect viruses, they look for specific antibodies in people. There appears to be a correlation between symptoms and antibodies. But whole viruses are not identified directly.

Most information about viruses come from laboratory experiments. The human body bears no resemblance to the artificial environment in a lab.

Scientists assume that particles discovered in the lab are proof of a virus. But that is no evidence that the virus causes the disease.


​Scientists assume that particles discovered in the lab are proof of a virus

Some claim that a virus may be dormant and then activated to initiate the relevant disease. The medical establishment calls it a latent infection. 

But this term has no supportive evidence. There isn't any explanation of why a virus becomes dormant or is active.

If one believes the media, the world has large new epidemics all the time. So let's look at these pandemics. 

Fake Virus Pandemics

​Horrible Living Conditions Caused Smallpox, Not A Virus

Smallpox didn't come from a virus. Instead, it began because of horrible living conditions. Some of these conditions were overcrowding, poor sanitation, toxic air, and bad hygiene. 

The majority of the people lived without sanitation or sewers. Those who lived in towns and cities had limited access to clean water. They drank polluted water and rarely cleaned themselves.

Portrait of a child with smallpox

​​Horrible and unsanitary living conditions often lead to smallpox

The majority of the populations of these countries were also poor and had little to eat. Starvation is a factor that contributes to poor health.

Skin eruptions, from leprosy or smallpox, are part of the body's elimination processes. Improved social conditions, sanitation, diet, housing, and other healthful factors eliminated these diseases. 

Vaccines And Other Things Were Behind The Spanish Flu In 1918

The Spanish flu is also known as the 1918 flu pandemic. It claimed to have been responsible for the loss of many millions of lives. The medical establishment says that a virus caused this influenza.

But viruses can't cause flu. Therefore there need to be other explanations for this epidemic. This flu began at the end of the First World War. Troops engaged in the conflict had a direct and detrimental impact on their health.

Camp Funston, at Fort Riley, Kansas, during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic

Camp Funston, at Fort Riley, Kansas, during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic

One of the factors for the ill-health suffered by the troops was vaccines. The vaccines, and the drugs given in the hospitals, made healing impossible. Many vaccines were developed and used during the 1918-1919 pandemic.

A frequent symptom of the Spanish flu was internal bleeding in the lung. It was one side effect of smallpox vaccinations.

Medicines, such as aspirin, and immunizations, contributed to many deaths. But they were not the only factors. 

Chemical Weapons Made The Spanish Flu Worse

Chemical manufacturing increased in the early 20th century. One such toxin was chlorine. Soldiers during World War I used chlorine gas as a chemical weapon. 

The chemical industry experimented with chlorine and produced further weapons. Later they made other chlorine-based chemical weapons, such as phosgene and mustard gas.

Mustard gas burns

​Soldier with moderate mustard agent burns sustained during World War I

Soldiers had a poor diet consisting of a little meat, bread, chocolate, and cheese. Most of them also smoked. Soldiers carried their water in petrol cans. The quantity of food they had was inadequate, and the quality too.

Soldiers also endured cold winters, and their dugouts were filled with mud and filth. They also lived under insanitary and unhygienic conditions. 

Some women assisted in the war effort by working in munitions factories. Their jobs included filling shells with a powder called cordite. They also worked with hazardous substances like TNT.

There was no epidemic disease. The stresses of war and combat were detrimental to everyone's health. 

​HIV is another ​virus blamed for ​causing AIDS.

​HIV Does Not Cause AIDS

AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. There is no proof the HIV can cause AIDS. To prove that HIV exists, scientists need to isolate a pure virus. They then need to look at it with an electron microscope. 

There is no evidence of a purified form of HIV. All electron micrographs of so-called HIV taken from the 80s came from cell cultures. In some cases, the cells stayed for a week in a petri dish.

Angolan HIV AIDS outreach

Angolan community members at HIV/AIDS outreach event

As long as you can't prove that HIV exists, you can't measure the viral load. You may detect fine traces of genes. But if they come from a virus or some other contamination, remains unclear. 

The most common diagnostic tools of AIDS are:

  • ​Antibody tests (H.N. tests)
  • ​PCR viral load tests
  • ​Helper cell counts (CD4 T-cells)

​There is no universal definition of AIDS. People who have positive HIV antibody tests are said to have a deadly disease.

HIV antibody tests only prove the existence of antibodies, not the virus. These tests also react to people who have overcome a tuberculosis infection.

​PCR tests are just as meaningless. It detects gene-fragments, which in themselves do not constitute a virus. Nobody has managed to identify a virus structure in the blood serum.  

The virus purification necessary for a clear identification has not taken place. Not a single study confirms that HIV destroys CD4 cells using an infection. As long as you can't prove that HIV exists, these tests cannot calibrate for it.

​One big myth about AIDS is that it's a sexually transmitted disease.

Drug ​​Use ​Is Behind AIDS, Not Sex

AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease. Symptoms of AIDS come from environmental factors like drugs, medications, and insufficient nutrition.

Children declared to be AIDS patients are born to mothers who took intravenous drugs. 

AIDS patients in the U.S. use drugs like poppers, cocaine, LSD, heroin, ecstasy, or amphetamines. All these drugs have devastating effects on the immune system.

picture showing four different bottles of poppers

​Gay peoples use of poppers can cause AIDS symptoms not HIV

The gay scene use of poppers is well-known for relaxing the muscles. They enable them to relax and enjoy anal sex.

Poppers can damage the immune system, genes, lungs, liver, heart, or the brain. They can produce neural damage like multiple sclerosis or have carcinogenic effects. 

Another famous pandemic is hepatitis C.

​There Is No Virus That Causes Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is often known as a liver infection caused by a virus. According to theories, the disease transmits through the blood.

Mainstream science says that hepatitis C is a contagious virus. But the experiments carried out to prove this theory are highly questionable.

animation showing a yellow liver in a human body

​Hepatitis C is often known as a liver infection caused by a virus

The hepatitis C virus was created in 1987. The company Chiron, and Daniel Bradley of the CDC, tried to find a virus that makes hepatitis C. 

They discovered a supposed virus to serve as the basis for an antibody test for the hepatitis C virus. Since they couldn't see a complete virus, they looked for the tiniest traces of it. They took fragments of genes presumed to represent a virus. 

Most HCV positive patients have no disease symptoms at all, not even in the liver. Yet they are treated with toxic medications that destroy liver cells. 

The latest virus fad is COVID-19.

The Fake C​OVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19​ virus supposedly spread from a wet market in Wuhan, China. Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a natural healing consultant, inventor, public speaker, and forensic psychiatrist. He did several videos where he explained why the COVID-19 virus doesn't exist.

According to Dr. Kaufman, Chinese people in the Wuhan market experienced respiratory symptoms. The scientists believed that the symptoms were due to a bacterial infection.

Sick Chinese girl with facemask

​Nearly 200 people in China fell ill in Wuhan

But the patients did not get better after three days of antibiotics. Nearly 200 people in China fell ill in Wuhan. The Chinese authorities tested seven of them. 

They took fluid from the lung and found genetic material. A long list of things can generate this genetic material. But Chinese authorities decided that the cause of this illness was a virus. At no point did they isolate the virus. 

​Later Dr. Kaufman ​figured out the COVID-19 fraud.

COVID-19 Is A Genetic Material Called Exosomes

Scientists created a test for something they had not even identified. After that, they then tested more people for COVID-19. But the patients were tested positive for the genetic material. 

The genetic material they tested for was exosomes. Your body releases these exosomes when a cell is toxic, and the body needs to cleanse it. What the scientists did was labeling exosomes as COVID-19, which they say is deadly. 

If you look at this picture, you'll see a comparison between exosomes and COVID-19. As you can see, they are the same.  

microscope showing pictures of exosomes and COVID-19

​COVID-19 is genetic material called exosomes

Almost every type of insult to the body causes the body to utilize exosomes. Some reasons can be stress and toxic substances such as heavy metals or organic chemical toxins. 

Any type of disease can also generate exosomes. Lung cancer, for example, has many exosomes. Microwave radiation, like 5G, could also generate them.

​But if this virus does not exist then why are people dying from COVID-19?

​Hospitals ​​Create Fake COVID-19 Deaths ​Certificates

COVID-19 tests are fake. Authorities test people who have loads of other health problems. If they check for ​ exosomes, not the virus, they call it COVID-19 on the death certificate. 

The more they test, the more cases they're going to find. This is because vast numbers of people have exosomes from many sources.

coronavirus statistics

​Doctors put COVID-19 on death certificates even if people die of other causes

People can have late-stage cancer and test positive for COVID-19. If they die of cancer, doctors say it is because of COVID-19.

99% of people who died from the Coronavirus in Italy had one or more health problems. The country is generous when it diagnoses anyone with COVID-19. It's because they're not testing for the virus, but exosomes.

Before the test circulated, medical authorities tested for symptoms. The symptoms are the same as many other things. That's why many people can get a diagnosis without testing for a virus.

​What's more amusing is that viruses can't spread to other bodies.

​Viruses Can't Survive Outside The Cell

A virus needs a body to exist, and once it gets outside the body, it's over. You can't catch an infection from money, shaking hands, or sneezing. 

The only way a virus can spread is through vaccines. So that means that the antidote is the real poison. Many believe vaccines eradicated smallpox from the world. But it was better hygiene, not vaccines that healed people.

In an interview with London Real, Dr. Kaufman said that he and other scientists regard exosomes and viruses as the same thing.

animation of coronavirus

​Viruses can't spread to other people

That means what we have learned about viruses is false. They are not evil entities that want to kill us. Instead, they are natural genetic material that helps detox the body.

Blaming viruses for diseases is unfair. It's like saying that firefighters cause fires because they are often present. What doctors do is looking for a murderer that does not exist.

Another microorganism that gets the blame for causing diseases is bacteria.

​Bacteria Are A Natural Part Of Our Bodies

Bacteria, unlike viruses, are living organisms. Like viruses, bacteria get the blame of being pathogens. Bacteria are a necessary part of our body. They break down waste and help us digest our food.

The human body contains about 50 trillion cells. A similar number of bacteria exist in the human body.

The human body is one of their natural habitats. So how can we refer to bacteria as invaders or as parasites of humans or any other living organism? 

Bacteria are not the causes of illnesses. The main reason is that the body has many trillions of bacteria. If only a tiny amount of the trillions of bacteria produced toxins, people would always be ill. If any of these toxins were deadly, then how could life ever have begun?


Bacteria are tiny living microorganisms that are neither plants nor animals

Bacteria are one of the most ancient life-forms on earth. Their single-celled ancestors appeared at least three and a half billion years ago. 

Bacteria live under some of the most extreme conditions. You can find them in extremely cold or hot environments. They also live in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. 

Some types of bacteria need oxygen for their survival, and others cannot tolerate it. Bacteria can become dormant if the conditions require it.

So let's talk about the purpose of bacteria and why they are not our enemies.

The Purpose Of Bacteria

​Bacteria break down damaged or dead materials​ and release ​nutrients to the body. This process includes the bodies of animals and humans. It's similar to the ​function of the digestive system.  

​Organic materials decompose through biodegradation. It's a process carried out by microorganisms, especially bacteria. That is why ​we use them in sewage treatment plants.

Bacteria at close

​Bacteria are natural decomposers

Bacteria are also capable of biodegrading many other pollutants, such as heavy metals. 

An erroneous idea about bacteria is that they cause food poisoning or food-borne diseases. 

​Bacteria Do Not Cause Food Poisoning

Many people believe bacteria are the cause of food decay. This idea resulted in the creation of chemical food additives intended to kill them. 

To delay the spoiling of food manufacturers use antimicrobial substances. They inhibit, delay, or prevent the growth of bacteria, yeasts, and molds. Antimicrobial poison microorganisms and do not make food safer. Instead, these poisons make foods less safe.

E. coli bacteria, magnified 10,000 times

​E.coli and other bacteria do not cause food poisoning

E. coli are regarded as a significant cause of food poisoning. These bacteria reside in the intestines of healthy people. Scientists say that they live in symbiosis within the body. 

But they also claim that bacteria are pathogenic. How can they be both? If you can find them in healthy people, then that fails to meet Koch's first postulate. This fact means that E. coli cannot be the cause of any disease, including food poisoning. 

​So what is behind food-borne diseases?

Toxins In Our Food Are Behind Food Poisoning, Not Bacteria

It is only chemical substances that are behind food-borne diseases. Some poisons include organic pollutants, such as dioxins and heavy metals.

But many thousands of chemicals can cause severe health problems. Pesticides are one example. Radiation can also cause food poisoning. 

When I was at my grandparents' place, I had stomach issues every time I drank their water. The water had too much iron, which turned the water yellow. I remember one week when I had only one bowel movement the entire week.

man trowing up in toilet

​​Toxins in our food or water can cause food poisoning, not bacteria

Another time I went to a ten-day meditation workshop. The water at the center also had too much iron and gave me diarrhea.

The medical establishment still retains that germs cause food-borne diseases. Toxins produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum is supposed to lead to Botulism. 

There is no explanation of how a bacterium can produce these symptoms. Yet, many neurotoxic chemicals can cause such symptoms. 

​I experienced food poisoning in Thailand. Hear my story of how I fixed it without killing bacteria.

How I Fixed My Food Poisoning In Thailand

I remember when I traveled to Thailand in 2014. One day I went to a vegetarian restaurant. The day after, I got diarrhea.

I visited the James Bond Island the same day. My whole trip was miserable, and I had to wait until we stopped at a Buddhist temple before I could go to the toilet. 

The following days, I had several uncomfortable bowel movements. I lost my appetite and remembered that my mother told me that bananas were good for the stomach. So the following days, I ate only bananas and salads.

James Bond Island, Thailand

​​Food poisoning is common in Thailand

Not only did this diet save me money, but I felt better. Any time I ate anything with lots of fat, my condition worsened. I continued with my banana diet for three days until my diarrhea stopped.

I didn't take any vaccines or medicine to kill off any bacteria in my stomach. My body managed to remove the toxins in my stomach that caused my diarrhea.

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I recovered within three days and had a great vacation there. My experience proves that you can fix your immune system without drugs. 

Bacteria also get the blame for causing blood poisoning.

Bacteria Don't Cause Blood Poisoning

Doctors claim that bacteria in the blood is an infection or blood poisoning. It is also known as sepsis or septicemia. But this, too, is false. Bacteria do not infect or poison the blood. 

In the mid-19th century, Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis made a huge discovery. He said that surgeons should wash their hands after each operation.

woman washing her hands

Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis said that surgeons should wash their hands after each operation

New hygienic practices for surgeons reduced mortality after surgery. Before this practice, many surgeons did not wash their hands between operations. 

Their hands thus had blood and other bodily material from their previous patients. These toxic substances made patients suffer from blood poisoning. It was not due to germs. 

Even if bacteria are here to help us, doctors still feel they must kill them. One way they achieve that is by using antibiotics.

Antibiotics ​Do More Harm Than Good

Antibiotic is a substance produced by or derived from a microorganism. The first antibiotic on the market was penicillin.

Many people claim it as one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. Nothing could be further from the truth.  

Portrait of Sir Alexander Fleming

​Sir Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin

Antibiotics destroy or inhibit the growth of other organisms. Their primary use is to treat "bacterial infections." But they instead cause harm to the digestive system.

One huge side effect is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This condition causes gases and bloating in the patient. 

Other side effects of antibiotic use include vomiting and diarrhea. Both conditions are clear indications of the body's efforts to rid itself of this toxin. 

​​What's worse is that antibiotics seem to lose their effect after a while.

​How Can Antibiotics Heal Us If Bacteria Don't Cause Infections?

Antibiotics appear to be losing their effectiveness after overuse. Microbes supposedly develop resistance to the drugs used to combat them. But this claim shows scientists' lack of understanding of bacteria.

The reason that antibiotics seem less effective is their mistaken effect on the body. Bacteria are not the cause of an infection.

bacteria close-up

​​Overuse of antibiotics can impair the endocrine system

Scientists' belief bears no resemblance to reality. The main problem is the ​assumption that we need to kill bacteria. 

If a disease fails to heal after antibiotics use, doctors try other drugs. But these drugs only disturb the endocrine system, especially the adrenal glands. 

Some of these glands control our metabolism and stress responses. Repeated antibiotic use will lead to more severe health problems. As a result, these glands become weakened and impaired.

Instead of accepting that antibiotics are useless, scientists blame "superbugs."

There ​Are No "Superbugs"

The mistaken ideas about antibiotics have led to the term "superbugs." These "superbugs" mean bacteria resistant to many widely-used antibiotics. One example is MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).

There is a great reluctance to abandon or even reassess the germ theory. That is why scientists coined the term "superbugs." Instead of accepting that bacteria can't cause diseases, they make adaptations to the thesis.

cartoon of bacteria

​The mistaken ideas about antibiotics have led to the term "superbugs"

Until we stop see bacteria as our enemy, antibiotics will still pose health problems. Neither viruses or bacteria are parasitic or pathogenic. Finding a microbe is not enough to convict it of causing disease. 

Killing bacteria is like shooting firefighters for putting off fires. Just because they are often present around accidents doesn't mean they are behind them.

Nobody has ever found a tubercle bacillus in the early stages of tuberculosis. If the tubercle bacillus were the cause of T.B., it would always be present.

Fungi Are A Natural Part Of ​Our Microbiota

Fungi are neither plants nor animals and belong to separate biological classification. The establishment says that a fungus is an organism that lives on dead organic matter. They also claim that they are parasites that live off plants and animals. 

Scientists also claim that many types of fungus can cause infections in the body. A kind of fungus alleged to do so is Candida. But this yeast is another regular resident of the human body. 

Its ability to cause infection is said to be because of an imbalance in the microbial flora. It is this imbalance that causes an overgrowth of Candida. One of the causes is the overuse of antibiotics.


Fungi are multi-cell plant-like organisms that are classified as their own kingdom

Every human has fungi as part of their microbiota. The total number of fungal cells is smaller than that of the bacterial microbiota. 

The presence of different fungi in the body is not the result of an invasion. They should, therefore, not be regarded as parasites.  

All antibiotics make the body more susceptible to increased cell damage. This would explain the increased presence of Candida after many courses of antibiotics. 

The presence of fungi in the human body is normal. They assist the body's decomposition of dead cells and other debris. ​Yet scientists see fungi as pathogenic and believe that we need to kill them.

​Another thing blamed for diseases are parasites.

The Truth About Parasites

Scientists see parasites as any living thing that lives in or on another living organism. They claim that parasites are pathogenic. But their functions within the human body are rarely studied. 

The idea that they are pathogenic is due to the firm belief of the germ theory. Scientists only study them in the context of a pathogen.

Parasites have three different categories:

  • ​Protozoa: Protozoa include the single-celled organism known as Plasmodium.
  • ​Helminths: These are worm parasites. Some examples include roundworm, pinworm, trichina spiralis, tapeworm, and fluke.
  • ​Ectoparasites: These live on, rather than in their hosts. They include lice and fleas.

​So let's talk about each category. I'll start with Protozoa.

​Protozoa Parasites

The establishment refers to protozoa as a group of microscopic single-celled organisms. The term "protozoa" comes from the Greek words for "first" and "animal." Scientists claim that most protozoa are free-living disease-causing parasites of humans.

picture of Spirostomum Protozoa

​Protozoa is a group of microscopic single-celled organisms

Three examples often listed are Plasmodium, Leishmania, and Trypanosoma. They are said to cause malaria, leishmaniasis, and trypanosomiasis.

​​Do Mosquitoes Really Spread Malaria?

Malaria is said to result from a bite from a female Anopheles mosquito. The mosquito carries a Plasmodium parasite, according to scientists.

Female mosquitoes are born without parasites. Therefore they need to "acquire" them when she takes her first blood meal.

Mosquitoes can only draw a few drops of blood, yet this tiny quantity is said to contain an infective parasite. For this to work, the parasite must be at the right stage of its complex life-cycle.

mosquito sucking blood from human

​Malaria is said to result from a bite from a female Anopheles mosquito

People considered to be most at risk are those who live in developing countries. The disease is common in African countries. 

Malaria is a disease that is said to have existed for many thousands of years. Other names for the condition are marsh fever and ague. Malaria occurred in various parts of the world, including non-tropical places.

Scientists say that people can become immune to malaria. But that contradicts the claim that it's a dangerous disease. The only reason for promoting the idea that people can become resistant to it is to sell vaccines. 

Sandflies Don't ​Cause Leishmania

The Leishmania parasite is regarded as the cause of leishmaniasis. Sandflies get the blame for spreading this parasite to the human body. Then the parasite is said to invade the lymphatic system, spleen, and bone marrow. 

The lymphatic system's task includes the elimination of toxins and other waste matter. This indicates that this condition has a toxic rather than parasitic cause. 

The treatment of leishmaniasis includes drugs that contain antimony. This substance is toxic and therefore worsens the situation.  

picture of Leishmania

​The Leishmania parasite is regarded as the cause of leishmaniasis, picture by Michael Wunderli

Sandflies, like mosquitoes, are blood-suckers. But this does not prove that sandflies transmit disease. Only a small fraction of those "infected" by Leishmania parasites develop the disease. 

One of the forms of the disease called kala-azar is claimed to be fatal if left untreated. But the majority of "infections" will not result in the disease.

The inconsistencies make it clear that the parasite cannot be the cause of any illness. Insanitary living conditions, and other factors, play a far more significant role. 

​Neither Tsetse Flies Or Trypanosoma ​Spread Trypanosomiasis

Trypanosoma is another parasite said to cause various diseases. One of them is trypanosomiasis. The WHO states that tsetse flies transmit the trypanosomiasis to humans.  

Picture of Trypanosoma

​Trypanosoma is another parasite said to cause various diseases

But the disease is absent in many regions where you can find tsetse flies. Somehow healthy people also manage to carry the Trypanosoma parasite. The existence of healthy carriers shows that this parasite cannot cause this disease.  

What You Need To Know About Helminths(Worms)

Worms are not microorganisms. The term used for a parasitic worm is helminth. There are three types of helminth: flatworms, thorny-headed worms, and roundworms. Flatworms include trematodes, also known as flukes. 

Some types of worms can enter the human body. They are visible to the naked eye and are not microorganisms. Worms are often present in the digestive system. But this only occurs under certain circumstances.

picture of hookworms

​Hookworms cannot develop in a healthy stomach and bowel

Parasites will not find lodgement in the intestinal tract of normally healthy people. Therefore tapeworms and hookworms cannot develop in a healthy stomach and bowel. 

Worms in the digestive system feed on diseased parts. One of their main functions is to act as decomposers of dead material. 

​Ectoparasites are another category of parasites.

Ectoparasites Like Ticks, Fleas, And Lice ​Get The Blame For Diseases

Another class of parasites includes ticks, fleas, lice, and mites. These parasites are claimed to cause diseases. Others are said to transmit various pathogenic organisms.

close up of a tick

​Tics are claimed to spread parasites to humans

One ectoparasite is the tick claimed to be the carrier of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Borrelia gets the blame for Lyme disease. But as I mentioned before, bacteria don't cause infections. 

Ectoparasites are often associated with poor hygiene, especially infrequent washing of the body and clothes. Lice, for example, are easily eradicated by taking regular baths. 

​The Reason Why We Attract Parasites

Parasites get drawn to damaged tissues, secretions, or dirty environments. Therefore you can attract them if you don't take showers or wash your clothes.

Protistan parasites are often considered a tropical malady. But they exist across the globe. Their presence within a population is often due to poor sanitation of human waste.  

child in Africa with Malaria

​The presence of parasites is often due to poor sanitation of human waste, or malnutrition

A healthy human body prevents invaders. The presence of parasites is a clear sign that a person's health is weak. A sick body can't eliminate them.  

The solution, according to the medical establishment, is to kill parasites. But this strategy will not resolve the problem. You will only increase exposure to toxic substances. That will further impair the body's defense against parasites. 

There is overwhelming evidence that parasites can't cause diseases. Insanitary living conditions, together with other factors, have a far more profound effect.

​Unsanitary Conditions And Starvation Are Behind Diseases In Poorer Countries, Not Germs

Vaccines are often said to have eradicated diseases such as polio. But it was better sanitary practices that reversed this issue.

Polio was starting to go way down before vaccines hit the market. During the industrial revolution, people lived under horrible conditions. They were surrounded by human waste and filth.

Living near human and animal waste is unhealthy. The presence of bacteria and fungi in the waste matter is due to their functions as decomposers. That is the reason that bacteria are part of sewage treatment plants. 

Indian slum

Polio thrives in fecal matter and transmits through human waste

The reasons we see so many diseases in poorer countries are due to starvation and unsanitary conditions. They also lack access to clean water. If we fixed these issues, many diseases would disappear overnight.

Stress, toxins in our environment, and our unhealthy diet are other major causes of our diseases. Killing germs will not make us healthy if we follow our unhealthy habits. 

So why are hospitals treating us with drugs and vaccines instead of fixing the issues behind diseases?

The truth will shock you.

Dispelling the Myths Of Infectious Diseases

To this day, our medical system still follows the wrong assumptions of Louis Pasteur and other scientists.

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi are not pathogens. They do not cause human infectious diseases. This means that they cannot be the causal agents of infectious diseases of animals. In reality, there is no such thing as an infectious disease.

A scared older man wearing a face mask to protect himself from a virus

​Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi do not cause human infectious diseases

There are many reasons that the germ theory has become dogma. Some of those reasons include economics and politics. ​​Another one is to justify the use of vaccines and medicines.

​Pharmaceutical Companies ​Use The Germ Theory To Sell Vaccines And Drugs

The illusion that germs cause infectious diseases is to support the pharmaceutical industry. They promote the need for medicines and vaccines to combat these diseases. 

Despite the best efforts, these remedies can't contain infectious diseases. The real reason they are ineffective is that illnesses are not due to germs. You cannot treat them with toxic medicines or vaccines.

The biggest error in medical science is that the human body is a chemical machine. Our medical system claims that only its healthcare system can fix diseases.

Big pharma

Big pharmaceutical companies control our medical system

One major problem within medical science is that most research occurs in a laboratory. This approach limits how we understand living organisms. 

We have the germ theory so that the pharmaceutical industry can sell vaccines. If people instead got immunity by taking care of their health, there would be no need for drugs. 

That would mean that the whole corrupt western medicine would collapse. It depends on people's bad health and their ignorance of how to be healthy.

The same people behind our medical system also control our health policies. 

​The Person Behind Our Horrible Medical System

In a previous blog post, I described the birth of western medicine. Believe it or not, but the current medical system we have now is around 100 years old. Before that, we had more natural remedies.

The person you can thank for our horrible medical system is John D. Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller was an evil oil mogul. He destroyed our medical system and replaced it with allopathic medicine.

John D. Rockefeller

John D. Rockefeller was the brain behind western medicine.

The Rockefellers and other powerful families such as the Rothschilds control our medical policies still today. These families also created the World Health Organisation. This foundation coordinates pandemic outbreaks. 

Big pharmaceutical companies make a vast amount of money on vaccines. They create fake pandemics to make sure we take their vaccines.

Vaccines are incredibly poisonous and contain toxic heavy metals like aluminum and mercury. They have never been shown to cure people or give them immunity. ​Despite that, Bill Gates praises vaccines for their healing properties.

​When It Comes To Pandemics, Bill Gates Always Seems To Be Involved

Bill Gates is a huge proponent of vaccines. His father, William Henry Gates, was once the leader of Planned Parenthood.

The organization is a racist eugenics movement. It was once again the Rockefellers that founded that organization.

Bill Gates is a good friend with the Rockefellers. They both want to eliminate people in the world. One way they can do that is by using vaccines to destroy people's immune systems or sterilize them.

In one TED talk Bill Gates openly said that by using vaccines, we could reduce the population by 10-15%. Bill Gates is also the second-largest donor of The World Health Organization.

Bill and Melinda Gates in Oslo

Bill and Melinda Gates are big supporters of vaccines

Bill Gates foundation, have been vaccinating children by the millions in developing countries.  Many of the programs have the backing of the WHO.  

​Gates' vaccination programs had disastrous results. Modified tetanus vaccines sterilized young women in Kenya. His vaccines paralyzed 496 000 Indian children between 2000 and 2017. 

Bill Gates now wants to vaccinate the whole world against COVID-19. His "philanthropic" endeavors feed many of his vaccine-related businesses.

One such project is a global vaccine certificate called ID2020. Only those who take Gates' vaccines will be able to integrate into society. 

If we don't see through the lies, Bill Gates and other phonies will destroy our health. ​​Therefore everyone needs to learn how to improve ​their health without drugs. Find out how to do that next.l


​In 1546 the Italian physician Girolamo Fracastoro proposed the ​germ theory.

Antonius van Leeuwenhoek constructed a powerful microscope in 1676, and used it ​see bacteria.

Dr. M Plenciz also proposed a germ theory in 1762.

​Louis Pasteur ​deliberately deceived the public, including his fellow scientists.

Robert Koch was a German scientist born in the 19th century​ who developed four postulates​.

Virus is Latin for poison or harmful substance.

​Nobody has isolated a pure virus.

Horrible living conditions caused smallpox, not ​a virus.

Vaccines and ​toxins were behind the Spanish flu in 1918.

HIV does not cause AIDS.

AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Symptoms of AIDS come from environmental factors like drugs, medications, and insufficient nutrition.

​There is no virus that causes Hepatitis C.

Your body releases exosomes when a cell is toxic.

COVID-19 is exosomes not a virus.

OVID-19 tests are fake.

Viruses can't survive outside the cell.

Bacteria ​break down waste and help us digest our food.

Bacteria don't cause infectious diseases.

​​​Toxins in our food or water can cause food poisoning, not bacteria.

Antibiotics ​do more harm than good.

The mistaken ideas about antibiotics have led to the term "superbugs".

Every human has fungi as part of their microbiota.

​Protozoa ​is a group of microscopic single-celled organisms.

Helminths​ are worm parasites.

​Ectoparasites​ live on, rather than in their hosts. ​

The presence of parasites is often due to poor sanitation of human waste, or malnutrition

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi are not pathogens.

Pharmaceutical companies ​use the germ theory to sell vaccines and drugs.

Only a few people control our global health policies.

Bill Gates is a huge proponent of vaccines and population control.


​How To Create A Strong Immune System

​1. ​Learn the truth about "germs"

​2. ​Use 16 natural ways to create a strong immune system

Action Steps

​If you have read this far, you should now know that the germ theory is fake. This revelation may be shocking and hard to accept. It's difficult to discover what you've been told your whole life is false.

Instead of getting angry ​at the medical system, it's better to learn how to be healthy. Getting well has nothing to do with killing "germs." A far better way to create a robust immune system is to follow certain health practices.

One great start is to change your diet, destress, and detoxify your body. I've created an e-book that explains everything discussed in this blog post.

You will also learn several natural remedies you can use to create a strong immune system. There is no need for vaccines, drugs, or isolation.

​Download your free copy of this e-book by clicking the link below.

​Learn Why Germs Can't Cause Diseases

​​​Download this ​free e-book to learn why everything you've been told about germs is a big fat lie! Also discover 16 natural ways to get a strong immune system.


About the author 

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.

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  • I have no idea how something can be this stupid, anyone who has ever had worms know that they cause disease, we isolate bacteria in basic college classes, this has to be written by an AI program because I can’t believe that any human could be this stupid. I assume that you don’t actually believe any of this and are just trying to sell your books, especially since the two guys listed as authors don’t seem to even exist and have no traces anywhere else on the internet.

    • He Said we never isolated a virus not bacteria, it’s easy putting down a different view and following the masses.

  • So what causes a change in a human cell which eventually gets diagnosed as a disease* – lets say …Smallpox. And why is it that all cases of small pox demonstrate the same characteristics…
    And why is it that if one has had a Smallpox jab one doesn’t get it??
    *What mechanism kick-starts the change/s that eventually lead to that particular disease. If its bad hygiene, what in ones hygiene habits starts off the illness process if its not Germs, bacteria, viruses? Surely then its ‘a something” yet to be identified – but still a something.

  • This one of the very best articles I have ever read. It carries forward much further the conclusions I came tp many years ago.
    However when I try to discuss the subject, friends look at me as if just landed on this planet.

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