There are four ways to increase energy and defeat cancer. In this episode, you will discover why you must balance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies to be healthy.
Get practical tips on improving these areas and boosting your energy even if you haven't seen great success with cancer.
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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.
- The four energies we need to balance to have ultimate health are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
- Our energy capacity diminishes with both overuse and underuse of each energy source.
- Physical energy has anything to do with taking care of your body's needs.
- Meat is one of the highest risk factors for getting cancer.
- The healthiest diet to eat is a whole food, high-carb, low-fat diet.
- You should eat your food at regular times.
- You should also drink about 8 cups or 2 liters of water per day.
- Vitamin D from the sun reduces the risk of getting several diseases, including cancer.
- Getting enough sleep is crucial if you want to maintain good health.
- Another thing that you can do to improve your physical health is by exercising.
- When you're under stress, there's a higher chance of getting sick than when you're at ease.
- The body can't see the difference between an imagined or real situation.
- Joy is our natural state and negative thinking clouds our true self.
- Every cancer starts with a painful, acute, dramatic, and isolating shock.
- Cancer begins in the brain, and the brain cells that activate during the shock relay to the specific organ which it controls.
- Other ways to raise your emotional energy is to do things you enjoy.
- The mental energy that best serves full engagement is realistic optimism.
- Managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance.
- When you work on your mental energy, you prevent burnout.
- The way you interpret the world decides how you feel inside.
- Another way we can improve our mental energy is by decluttering.
- Every time you learn something new, it builds new connections to the brain cells.
- Spiritual energy fuels our passion, perseverance, and commitment.
- Money and external things can't make us happy if we don't have a deeper purpose in life.
- Activities like yoga and meditation help you build your spiritual capacity.
- One way you can supercharge your spiritual energy is to find your purpose in life.
How To Improve Energy
1. Read How To Boost Your Energy Cheat Sheet
Discover How To Boost Your Health By Balancing These 4 Energies
If you want to learn how to boost these four energies that I discussed in this episode, you can download our guide, How to Boost Your Energy Cheat Sheet.
You will learn how to increase energy by balancing your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.
Get it now for free.
Simon: If you don't follow four critical steps, you won't heal from cancer. To be healthy, you need to balance four types of energy.
In this episode, you will discover why you need to balance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies to be healthy. Get practical tips on how to improve these areas and boost your energy even if you haven't seen great success with cancer.
 Intro jingle: Welcome to the Cancer Wisdom podcast. This podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments. Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine. Here's your host, Simon Persson.
 Simon: I got inspiration to make this podcast after I read the book The Power Of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. They wrote the book in 2003.
And this book is about how you can manage your energies and not time to stay fulfilled, energized and happy. The four energies they talk about are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Our energy capacity diminishes with both overuse and underuse of each energy source. We need to balance each one to be happy and healthy. For example, you can eat right and take good care of your body on the physical plane.
But if you have emotional problems, you can get sick anyway. I have told numerous times on this podcast that the healthiest diet to eat is a vegan diet.
But there are vegans that ate a really healthy diet and still got cancer. It was because they didn't fix their emotional issues. I see many natural cancer websites that only focus on the physical part of fixing cancer.
But few sites mention the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of healing. So when you're engaged on all four energy levels, you're the happiest and healthiest.
So let's talk about each energy type and how you can balance them. So I'll start by talking about the physical energy.
Physical energy has anything to do with taking care of your body's needs. There are several aspects of taking care of your physical body. One of them is your diet.
So what we put in our mouth affect our health in a big way. Humans are plant-eaters, not meat-eaters. When we eat animal products, we manifest many diseases, including cancer.
Meat is one of the highest risk factors for getting cancer. Animal products lack carbohydrates, fiber, and many essential vitamins and minerals.
Instead, they consist of cholesterol, saturated fat, animal protein, toxins, and more. These have a detrimental effect on our health and increase our risk of cancer.
So, one component of meat that can increase our cancer risk is Insulin Growth Factor 1, or IGF-1. It's a cancer-promoting growth hormone.
Another dangerous component of meat is heterocyclic amines( HCAs), a chemical formed in meat or animal protein during cooking. They develop when you prepare meat at a high temperature or over an open flame.
There are three main macronutrients that we need: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Our bodies can't handle too much fat or protein. When you eat meat, you get too much protein and fat and therefore become sick.
Vegetables contain the perfect amount of fats and protein for our needs, so long as you don't eat too fatty foods like avocado, nuts, and seeds.
The healthiest diet to eat is a whole food, high-carb, low-fat diet. A whole food plant-based diet consists of whole, unrefined plants. It's a diet based on fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes.
Glucose comes from carbs and is the body's and the brain's preferred energy source. In the Western world, we have an obsession with protein.
Many believe it's the most critical macronutrient that we need. It's common to think that we must eat a lot of animal products to be lean, muscular, and healthy.
And most of us eat way too much protein. But when you eat a whole food plant-based diet, you get the right amount of protein.
You don't need to eat animal products to get enough protein. If plants couldn't create protein, then how can animals that feed on grass survive?
Fats are essential to our health. Plants contain the right amount of fat for your needs. But when you over consume fat per day, you impair your health.
So fat slows down your blood flow and keeps the sugar from entering the cells by blocking it. So we know that processed sugars are junk foods.
A majority of us believe that vegetable oils are healthy. Vegetable oil is fat and nothing but fat. It contains no nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.
All oils are bad for our health, even cold-pressed virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Another common source of fat is dairy. Dairy and meat contains a lot of fat and make it unhealthy.
One disturbing fat is saturated fat, which is fat that's solid at room temperature.
Animal products also have cholesterol. Cholesterol is created by the liver and is needed in the body. But when you eat animal products, you get added cholesterol that the body has a hard time dealing with, and that can affect our health.
It's also important that you have good eating habits. So you should eat your food at regular times, about three times a day.
You should have your biggest meal at lunchtime and smaller portions in the morning and evening. You should consume a lot of starch so that you don't get hungry between each meal.
And you should not eat later than 7 pm, or your body can't really digest the food. You should also focus on eating your food and don't stand up or multitask while eating.
You shouldn't rush through the whole experience because then you can create toxic stress hormones, which make it difficult to digest your food.
You should also drink about 8 cups or 2 liters of water per day. Water is part of our digestion, saliva, urine, bowel movement, and other bodily functions. Drink filtered water without any nasty chemicals like chlorine or fluoride. One good filter is the Berkey filter.
Many believe that sunshine causes cancer. But the truth is that we need vitamin D from the sun to be healthy. Vitamin D from the sun reduces the risk of getting several diseases, including cancer.
It helps us build and maintain bone density and reduces fractures. If you don't have enough vitamin D levels, you can't use calcium in your diet.
Sunlight also controls our biological clocks and makes us feel better. Many people suffer from winter depression because they don't get enough vitamin D.
So those who avoid sunshine miss out on many life-sustaining benefits. What I talk about is moderation. When you get sunshine In moderation, you stay healthy. You should never overdo anything, including drinking excessive water. Everything needs to be in moderation.
Another physical need that we need to work on is our sleep. Getting enough sleep is crucial if you want to maintain good health. Your body does its most important repair work during the night.
If you don't get enough sleep, you can elevate your cancer risk. When you don't sleep enough, you make it harder for your body's organ to repair itself.
We need to rest to recharge and heal ourselves. If you stay up late, you disrupt this critical process. During the night, we release a chemical called melatonin.
It's a substance found in animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. And in humans and animals, melatonin secretes during darkness.
Our sleep and blood pressure regulation depends on it. Melatonin relays information about the cycles of light and darkness to all the body's cells, including cancer cells. Low levels of melatonin in the blood increase the risk of cancer.
Most of us use artificial lights during the night, which messes with our biological clocks in the brain. Your body believes that it's day when it's dark outside, and therefore it can't produce melatonin.
Another thing that you can do to improve your physical health is by exercising. When you exercise, you add more oxygen to your blood. So, when you train, you eliminate stress hormones like cortisol from your body.
We also release healthy endorphins that make us feel great. So try to exercise as much as you can every day, but you should never push yourself too hard because if you exercise too much, you start to feel weak and tired. And if you overdo it, you deplete your immune system.
So don't use more than 50% of your capacity in each training session.So you want to feel strong and fresh after each training session, not tired.
A ten minute daily walk is far greater than sitting on your couch all day. If you undergo chemotherapy, it can help you combat the fatigue from the treatment.
Another vital aspect of creating good health is to balance your emotional energy. You can get cancer even if you eat a healthy diet and have a balanced physical energy. Emotional stress is behind about 90% of our illnesses.
So when you're under stress, there's a higher chance of getting sick than when you're at ease. The human body has a range of emotions, and negative emotions protect us from danger. If we didn't feel these sensations, we wouldn't be able to run away from a real threat, or spot one.
Anger, anxiety, pride, and other emotions have an important purpose. But these emotions become toxic if prolonged. So when you're in danger, your body releases stress hormones like cortisol or adrenaline.
These stress hormones won't impact your health in the short term, and they are there to make you escape from real danger.
But the body can't see the difference between an imagined or real situation. We have two different fears: physical/primordial fear and psychological fear. Physical fear is a real threat that activates our caveman senses.
This fear has a purpose: to protect us from real danger, and it's great that we have it. The problem is psychological fear that feeds on our negative thinking. Our negative thinking is toxic, stressful, and unnecessary.
David Hawkins was a spiritual teacher and author. In his books, he talked about different emotional states. He created The Map Of Consciousness. It explains every emotion in the body as a specific frequency.
At the bottom of this chart is shame, followed by guilt and apathy. When you're depressed, your energy level is low, and you feel tired and bored. Life has no meaning. As you climb the range of emotions, you get more energized.
So, negative emotions have a lower frequency than positive emotions. So, if you feel negative emotions on a regular basis, you're more prone to getting diseases.
So love, for example, has a high vibration that makes us feel great and less prone to getting diseases. Joy is our natural state and negative thinking clouds our true self. And I believe that emotional baggage is behind most cancers.
I have researched cancer patients' emotional struggles, and many of them have experienced isolation in childhood. Many of them had a complicated relationship with their parents.
They often felt rejection, abandonment, betrayal, shame, or injustice. Many cancer patients have a lot of suppressed toxic emotions such as anger, resentment, or hostility.
There was a German doctor called Ryke Geerd Hamer who found the emotional link to cancer. So, he discovered a connection between cancer and unresolved emotional conflicts. He worked as a chief of internal medicine in a clinic at Munich University, Germany.
And he was able to interview and do CT scans of thousands of cancer patients. His research led him to discover how emotional trauma affects the brain. Every cancer starts with a painful, acute, dramatic, and isolating shock.
And according to Hamer, stress happens on the psyche, the brain, and the organ at the same time. Once a perceived conflict or shock occurs, it impacts the body in a particular way.
So the cancer begins in the brain, and the brain cells that activate during the shock relay to the specific organ which it controls.
The traumatic event that triggers cancer is often beyond the patient's control, such as the loss of a loved one, business, job, home, or some other disaster.
So, a vegan diet can decrease your cancer risk, but if you have unresolved emotional damage, you can still manifest cancer.
One example was Steve Jobs. He was a vegan but still manifested pancreatic cancer. And if you read his autobiography, you will learn that he was an angry person.
He often yelled at his employees and was difficult to work with. Steve was adopted when he was a baby and never really got over the rejection from his biological parents. He felt like the chosen and special one.
Steve experienced an emotional shock that manifested his cancer. Negative emotions are costly and inefficient. If you want to balance your emotional energy, you need to work on your emotional baggage.
It's our emotions and thoughts that create our suffering. There are many different methods that you can use. My favorite method is The Work by Byron Katie. In this method, you write down your stressful thoughts, and then ask four questions, and do a turnaround.
When you do that, you see the situation from a different light, and you don't attach to your thoughts again. The Work also has an exercise called the Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet. It's an exercise where you write down different aspects of other people that you're angry or sad about.
And then you go through all these thoughts with this method and then you're able to forgive the other person, and that can heal your emotional damage, if you, for example, had problems with your parents.
Other ways to raise your emotional energy is to do things you enjoy. Any activity that is enjoyable, fulfilling, or affirming can create positive emotions.
For example, you can start singing, gardening, dancing, doing yoga, or reading a book. You need to do these activities to relax and rejuvenate.
When many come back from work, they usually just watch their favorite TV series or movies. But they only create a distraction.
In the Western world, we spend most of our time on accomplishments, status, and material gain. We have learned that we need to work hard and be productive, and that's why it's hard for people to relax and do things they enjoy. We feel ashamed if we are not working or doing something.
The third type of energy that you need to balance is your mental energy. Our mental capacity is what we use to organize our lives and focus our attention.
The mental energy that best serves full engagement is realistic optimism. So when we're in this mood, we see the world as it is and work toward the desired outcome.
To strengthen this energy demands that we have mental preparation, positive self talk, time management, and creativity. One way to strengthen our mental capacity is to take regular breaks.
According to the authors of The Power Of Full Engagement, managing energy, not time, is the key to high performance.
Artists often get their best ideas when showering, walking in nature, or when they relax. Leonardo da Vinci was a productive artist, but he took many breaks and naps during the day.
So you should use your mental energy wisely. You don't need to waste hours on activities that lead to nothing.
We are taught that we need to work hard and therefore most work environments believe that working longer is the best way to productivity.
They don't reward us for taking regular breaks. So you should take a break every 90 minutes, or so for ten minutes or longer to recharge your batteries.
If you have a cynical or a negative view about life, it can drain your energy faster and therefore it's important that we take breaks and recharge. And one way to do that is to take a walk.
When you work on your mental energy, you prevent burnout. When you feel burned out, you can affect your mental health and lose energy.
It's vital that you balance this energy so that you can get optimal health. One way to improve your mental energy is by changing your thinking. Happy and productive people have a more positive outlook on life. They don't let negative outcomes affect them.
According to the book The Luck Factor, lucky people find a way around problems and don't waste energy on things they can't control. Everything we experience in our life is our objective viewpoint.
The world is not black or white. The way you interpret the world decides how you feel inside. Three people can go through the same experience and react differently. So it's never the situation that makes us feel bad, but our interpretation of it.
To change our negative thinking, we need to look at our thoughts and question them. As I mentioned before, The Work is a great method that you can use to work on your thoughts.
It's never what happens in the world that creates our suffering, but rather our thought about the world. When we argue against things that happen in life, we create our suffering. Therefore, Byron Katie tells us to accept what happens in the now, because otherwise you only suffer.
And when you accept life as it is, you are better at dealing with it, and can stop wasting all your energy on negativity, and instead find productive ways to create change.
One book I really enjoyed was the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In this book, Stephen says that we need to focus our energy on non-urgent and important tasks. So these include building relationships, exercising, planning, and eating healthy.
These are things we need to do but don't like doing. Urgent and important tasks deal with results that require immediate attention. We call these activities emergencies or problems, and problems consume most people's lives.
Instead of just dealing with the important task before the crisis, people instead focus on critical problems and become crisis managers, problem solvers, and deadline-driven producers. And they could have avoided all these things if they focused on important and non-urgent things before.
As long as you focus on urgent and important tasks, it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Some people spend all their day putting out fires. It means that they become less efficient and waste energy for nothing.
So there's a natural law called the 20/80 rule, which means that 80% of your results comes from 20% of your effort. So you should focus more on doing the 20% that bring results, not activities that waste your time and lead nowhere.
By doing so, you can reduce a lot of stress in your life. When you remove stress from your life, you also make it much easier to be healthy. Another way we can improve our mental energy is by decluttering.
Marie Kondo is the author of the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. In this bestseller, she teaches people how to declutter their lives. On way to do that is by throwing away your stuff that don't spark any joy in you.
The less clutter that you have, the easier it is to organize your stuff. You need to spend less time on cleaning and finding things. And you won't feel as frustrated when you get home.
You can also become more productive and stop wasting time on nothing. And when you become a minimalist, you also have fewer responsibilities and less stress.
Another way to improve your mental energy is by learning new stuff. The brain functions as a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it becomes.
Every time you learn something new, it builds new connections to the brain cells. And when we continue to challenge the brain it protects us from decline as we age.
Therefore you should pick up a new skill or start a new course to keep your mental focus sharp and you will feel better and have more reasons to live when you learn new things.
The final energy I'm going to talk about is spiritual energy. I believe you can starve on the physical and spiritual level.
Spiritual energy fuels our passion, perseverance, and commitment.
So, according to the authors of The Power Of Full Engagement, spiritual energy comes from our values and purpose beyond our self-interest. It's the meaning that we attach to what we do in life.
Money and external things can't make us happy if we don't have a deeper purpose in life. The only real way to find happiness is from within, and that's when we release our negative thinking.
Joy is our natural state, and it's our negative thoughts that create our suffering. Our joy is like the sun. It's always shining.
And our thoughts are like clouds. The clouds block the sunlight from reaching the earth. Some people have almost no clouds and feel happy most of the time, while others have constant dark, thick clouds.
And they need to learn to release these thoughts to be happy. External things like money can't make us happy because they are always unstable.
If you believe money is the purpose of happiness, what happens when banks crash, you get fired, or people bend contracts or cheat you in business?
You have no control over all these external things. Or if you believe that your relationships should make you happy, what happens when your partner leaves you, they die, they cheat, or they move to another country?
When we don't balance our spiritual energy and don't have a purpose in life we only chase new bigger goals, because when we fulfill a goal, the ego inside us doesn't feel fulfilled, and believes that it needs to achieve more and more and more. But you won't feel happy unless you look at your negative thinking. It's here that spiritual energy comes.
Our emotional and spiritual energies are intertwined in the sense that we need to work on our thinking and emotions.
If we don't work on our spiritual energy, we stay unfulfilled and frustrated, and it will deplete our energy and make us depressed. We often need to experience a crisis before we look within.
So, if you're already religious, you can get more involved in your church activities. Engage in activities like singing in the choir or volunteering.
Schedule an hour a week for the next two months to attend religious services or spiritual groups. You can also read the book The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.
This book deals with the ego and how to live in the present moment. The ego is created by our negative thinking. It's the false self. And when we believe we are this limited body, we start fearing losing our body.
Therefore we need to work on our spiritual energy to dissolve the ego. And what's left is only happiness and love. When you balance your spiritual energy, you become more involved in being a service to others and deepening your compassion.
Spiritual energy comes from feeling a sense of purpose connected to our deepest values. You can develop this by walking in nature, reading an inspirational book, or listening to music. You can also start meditating, which requires you to focus your attention to quiet the mind.
Activities like yoga and meditation help you build your spiritual capacity and also help your emotional energy. Some people also like to pray to feel better on an emotional and spiritual plane.
So, spiritual energy doesn't mean that you need to follow a spiritual practice. It has more to do with working on your thinking and emotions.
One way you can supercharge your spiritual energy is to find your purpose in life. And when you have a strong sense of purpose, it may act as a buffer against stress. When you have a clear goal in your life, you stay more motivated and inspired.
So you need to draw your energy from within and then express it in what you do. All humans have different talents and personalities and when we know ourselves and live according to our strengths, it's much easier to feel engaged and happy.
The best way to understand yourself is to take a Myers Briggs personality test. It gives you suggestions on what career matches your personality. Your most important purpose is to awaken.
Eckhart Tolle wrote the book A New Earth, and he says that your main purpose in life is to awaken by working on your ego, and then your external purpose becomes secondary. But when you work on your internal state, you also improve your external one. So, they are both interlinked.
If you want to learn how to boost these four energies that I talked about, you can download our guide, How To Boost Your Energy Cheat Sheet. You will learn how to boost your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies.
Thanks for listening, and I'll see you in the next episode.
Very useful episode Thanks