What are chemtrails that we hear people talk about? Learn why chemtrails are a threat to our health and environment. Discover who is behind them and what their hidden agenda is. And find out how we can stop this evil practice now.
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What Are Chemtrails?
Did you know that airplanes spray tons of heavy metals in the sky every day? If we want to save our planet, then we need to stop the spraying now!
In this blog post, you're going to learn what chemtrails are and why they are a threat to our health.Then you are going to discover who is behind them and what their hidden agenda is.
And finally, you're going to find out how we can stop this evil practice now. So let's start.
1. What Are The Trails In The Sky?
If you look up in the sky, you might see the trails airplanes leave behind. We call them condensation trails or contrails.
Jet engines spew out hot, humid air in the cold atmosphere. This process causes condensation that crystallizes into ice. The ice crystals are the clouds that we see forming behind the engine.
Contrails usually dissipate within seconds. But lately, these trails have started to linger much longer in the sky than before. They can stay in the sky for hours and create a fog that blocks the sun.
Turbojets and low-bypass turbofans are the only engines capable of producing contrails.But most commercial jets or military planes today don’t use them anymore.
They instead replaced them with more efficient high-bypass turbofans. High-bypass turbofans are almost incapable of producing condensation trails. So if they can’t produce them then why do we see so many trails behind planes?
These trails are not contrails, but chemtrails.
Chemtrails Are Not Contrails
The term “chemtrails” is a contraction of chemical trails. Chemtrails differ from contrails. They're geo-engineered aerosols that contain toxic chemicals.
White streaks often crisscross the sky as aircraft fly back and forth. Chemtrails started to show up over North America in the late 1990s. And now you can see them all around the world.
Chemtrails have nothing to do with the jet engine combustion process. Water samples of areas affected by chemtrails contain alarming levels of heavy metals. Dangerous metals found are aluminum, strontium, barium, and thorium.
The Devastating Side Effects Of Chemtrails
Chemtrails are a death sentence on the environment.They pollute people, rivers, lakes, seas, land, plants and forests.These chemicals diminish the rainfall, traps the heat, and increases humidity.
People under chemtrail attacks report respiratory and flu-like illness, mental confusion, and depression. Barium weakens muscles, including heart muscles, and the immune system.
Thorium is a known cause of cancer and leukemia. Aluminum can cause Alzheimer’s disease and damage to the immune system.
Nanoparticles from chemtrails are the real cause of Morgellons disease. Morgellons involves colored fibers growing inside the body.
So who is spraying our skies?
2. Who Is Spraying Our Skies?
Government agencies flat out deny that chemtrails exist. If you google chemtrails, you’ll find many sites that tell you that they are nothing but contrails.
But in one document the United States Government admits the existence of chemtrails. And there are also several patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering.
Government disinformation artists and the media join forces to dismiss chemtrails. Those who want to speak out about chemtrails and the global warming hoax get silenced.
They retracted J. Marvin Herndon's article in the International Journal of Environmental Research. He researched chemtrails and concluded that they contained ‘coal fly ash.’
So why would the government spray its citizens? In what way would they benefit by destroying the environment? To fully grasp this, you have to follow the money trail.
Follow The Money Trail
It is not the government that controls the world, but an elite group of people. If you follow the money, it takes you up the levels of a pyramid. At the bottom of this pyramid is ordinary people like you and me.
Above us is the government. They control us by force and use it to tax us whether we agree or not. At the next level are the corporations. They control the world’s resources and markets with the help of money.
Big banks loan money to them at special rates. Those who control the major banks, rule over the corporations. Above the banks are national central banks, then international banks.
At the top is the Bank for international settlements. So who controls the bank, is it the government? You would think so, but our central banks are privately owned.
They are banks disguised as government-owned. You can’t find the Federal Reserve in the blue government pages in your telephone book. In 1910 rich bankers gathered secretly on Jekyll Island to create the Federal Reserve.
Elite Bankers Control Our World
Elite families like The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others still control it today.Central Banks are banking cartels, which control the governments of the world. These elite families use this scheme to bail themselves out at our expense.
Under this system, we become debt slaves to a ruling class of financial elite.They decide if people eat, who’s a billionaire and who lives on less than a dollar a day.
He who controls the money controls the world. And a very few control the money. The elite bankers fooled the world into letting them create money.
They already have vast fortunes, so what is their ultimate goal? The secret agenda of the banking elite is nothing less than total global domination. What they want to create is a “New World Order.”
The Elite Wants To Create A New World Order
It is a world where the tiny elite has all the power and make all the rules. So what do they need to rule over the world?
First, they have to control the money which they already do. By controlling the money they already gained power of our energy supply.
They’ve also managed to hijack our medical system.The last thing they need to control is big agriculture and world trade. So this leads me back to chemtrails and the purpose of this program.
Chemtrails Are Part Of Weather Manipulation
There are several reasons the elite uses chemtrails. First, they spray our soils with toxins to prevent us from growing vegetables.They do this to break our independence.
Another function of chemtrails is to aid the weather manipulation technique called HAARP. HAARP is an atmospheric heater.This technology bounces high-power radio waves off the ionosphere and back to earth.
Chemtrails make the air highly-charged and electrically-conductive. HAARP technology took ideas from the work of Nikola Tesla. Weather modification, or ‘geoengineering’ started in the first half of the 20th century.
A NASA document from 1966 confirms the United States geoengineering program. HAARP has the capability for everything from weather manipulation, mind control and more.
HAARP Can Cause Natural Disasters
Countries can be ‘regime-changed’ or taken over after major earthquakes.The US government used HAARP to create an earthquake in Haiti to steal their resources.
Small independent farming collapses because of the extremes of weather. That is the reason why we see so much flooding, droughts, hurricanes, and earthquakes.
The elite wants you to think it’s all ‘natural’ so they can steal our land. Another plan of the ruling elite is to eliminate the majority of the world’s population.
Eugenics: The Elite's Way To Kill Us All
Eugenics is one of the core pillars of their plan. It is the practice where they decide who is worthy to live or not. Sterilization is one of the many evil ways they want to kill us.
Another way they try to wipe out the population is by using GMOs. Biotech companies like Monsanto want to impose GMOs on us. According to Monsanto GMOs are the solution to world hunger.
GMOs became popular in the American diet in the 1990s. They destroy our digestive system and cause allergies.Monsanto's bestseller herbicide Roundup is a health hazard.
GMOs Destroy Independent Farming And Cause Cancer
The World Health Organization warned that glyphosate in Roundup might cause cancer. We spray this on crops, in streets, parks, schools and other public places.
Another use of GMOs is to destroy independent farming and take control of all food. The goal of this elite is to replace all crops with GMOs. Monsanto can patent seeds and own the rights to all vegetables.
They also have plants that can withstand aluminum, droughts, and floods. By manipulating the weather, they can stop their competition. In that way, farmers have to either sell their land or use GMOs.
Farmers commit suicide in India about every half an hour because of failing GMO crops. Monsanto GMO terminator seeds last for only one season and then the farmer has to rebuy them.
Before that, they could reuse seeds for free. If we let this continue, we will end up eating nutritionally deficient foods that cause cancer. So what can we do to stop all this? Learn more further down.
Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that contain toxic chemicals.
They are dangerous to our health and environment.
Elite bankers use chemtrails to destroy the soil and manipulate the weather.
They want to control the world and our food supply.
We need to stop the spraying now if we want to save our planet!
How We Can Stop Chemtrails
1. Take pictures or videos of chemtrails
2. Download the app flightradar24
3. Use the app every time use see a chemtrail
4. Add the info from the app in our document
Action Steps
It’s vital that we humans start to expose the ruling elite and their plan to destroy and control our food supply. Look for planes that spray the sky and take pictures or videos of them.
Airplanes that spray these toxins are either military planes or commercial jetliners. I’ve used the app flightradar24 to track different planes in the sky. You can download this app to your iPhone or Android phone.
This app tracks all airplanes in the sky. If you see a plane that sprays the air then press the AR symbol in the upper left corner of this app. This button will take you to a virtual camera view and show you info about the airplane.
If the app doesn’t show anything, then it's probably a military plane. Use this app every time you see a chemtrail and post the info in this document.
Add as much info you can about the airplane, place, time, and more. Tell your friends and families to do the same and let's make this database grow further.
If you’re already affected by heavy metals from chemtrails, then download our free Heavy Metal detox guide. Learn how to remove heavy metals from your body by using natural remedies.
just discovered this site! thank you! i’ve been on board with this for many, many years. this is a good article to share with people who are clueless…still!
Sorry, Becky, you’re the one who’s clueless.
Don’t think so, sleepy
This article is so stupid. What’s the source for your bold claims? “Trust me bro”? You won’t even base it on scientific evidence. Everything is based only on speculation and hearsays.
How can HAARP, which transmits electromagnetic waves, cause earthquakes? There’s too little energy for it to do that. You also whine about GMOs but so love your Big Macs.
Do your research,leave google out of it..no thought process here
You stupid ninnies. I’ve been watching the skys for more than 70 years. Contrails at 20,000 feet are ice crystals which may stay for hours. You seem to have no idea how much air is up there. You would need supertankers full of toxins to make it anything more than pissing in the ocean. Atmospheric application of toxins has to be done from low altittudes or by explosive bombs. A gas or liguid or aerosol released from an aircraft at 20,000 feet would not just drop straight down. It might even be caught by the jet stream and taken to the Arctic. A ten year old kid could see through your bunk.
I agree with “No One!” Anyone watching newsreels of WWII could see the contrails of B-17’s enroute to bomb targets in Germany and elsewhere. Those engines were piston, not jets so that refutes what you say about high and low bypass turbojet engines. There is a formula for computing what altitude contrails will form. These altitudes were avoided when possible.
Secondly, the amount of hazardous material to have any effect would have to be huge, on the order of a bombload. Even if it were to be in the fuel it would still weigh the same and FedEx could carry no cargo and Southwest and others would have to put the people and their bags on the bus.
Finally, apologies to “No one,” my OPINION is the more likely avenue to poison or infect us is both farm chemicals. There is a contamination of the nation’s farmland of millions of gallons of persistant and toxic chemicals and millions more gallons are used each year. The other avenue is your friendly health department pushing poison in covid vaccinations and who knows what else.
This chemtrails is a distraction, just like covid and CRT so we spend are time arguing instead of dealing with traitors like elected officials.
Then why did u bother to read any of this. U need to move on to more ‘important’ matters, that are desperately waiting for ur attention. Talk about wanting to argue….
Sorry you don’t have enough thought to think our government is evil..it is happening and I don’t care if you believe or not
I’ve been watching the skies for 47 years since I became an amateur astronomer, avid backpacker, mountain climber, hiker. 44 years ago I entered the Navy where I specialized in calibrating and repairing Air Search Radar as well as manning said radar in the CIC (combat information Center) during General Quarters (red alert), Sea and Anchor Detail, and normal duty. I’ve spent an enormous amount of time looking at the sky. In 1992 I noticed a distinctly NEW phenomena when I began seeing aircraft trails in the sky which I clearly never saw before. These aircraft trails were NOT anything like the contrails I had seen many thousands of. These were occurring at much lower altitudes, were much wider, and dispersed in patterns I’d never before seen. These trails would seem to sink and over hours would create a haze with no discernible trail remaining. Skies were no longer deep blue almost ever. This was all noticeable and had changed overnight. To many of us we were rather shocked that so many people wrote it off and called them contrails. These people are ignorant idiots IMO, and obviously either never paid attention or were to trusting and programmable to think critically. Chemtrails are real and continue to this day. Wake up!
“Those who want to speak out about chemtrails and the global warming hoax get silenced.” – are you murdered already by those men in black ??? If not, you’d better run and hide!
Here’s some good advice stop going on these fucking hazardous aeroplanes, stop consuming fossil fuels, stop fucking lying about chemtrails and the uranium hexafloride gas from 911 which all cause cancer.Don’t come crying to me if you use any of the above, nobody listens, nobody takes action when needed, grow up or die and take responsibilty for yourselves and your children before they become so ugly they can’t be employed in any job.I don’t engage in any toxic use of these goverment genocide tactics which is why I can walk straight without cancer mutations and a story for a muppet doctor saying ‘I don’t feel well’ wake up and get your health in order before you open your mouths and I might offer you the treatments for cancer if I think you deserve it, if you don’t then you deserve to die, sorry but my patience has run out with you and the ignorance of these political killers disguised as legitimate governments.Thank You! hope you grow a pair of balls to fight this type of warfare, these lethal chemicals nail you to the grave or a hospital bed, don’t say I didn’t warn you!!!
I am working on a thesis related to the topic. The article lists no citations. Could you please point me to the original research?
Kind regards,
You can find the resources at the end of the blog post.
Has anyone looked into the similarities between COVID 19 and the Nano-particles that the world’s population has inhaled for about 12 yrs? Try connecting the dots and see where it takes you.
I work outside and see chem trails compared with con trails. They are not the same. Most planes flying overhead leave no trail or a disappearing trail. On certain days the criss cross pattern of chem trails start fogging up the sky from sunrise on. I’ve taken many photos and witnessed the difference between crisp blue sky days and those with the haze. It’s definitely not consistent with all planes only some and they seem to fly back and forth on a pattern for hours.
I know the NWO are sissy satan worshippers and think they are gods. They are the same NGOs that are immune to taxes and laws. They finance both sides of wars so there’s always only profits for them. They have infiltrated everything everywhere but they will still lose in the end. Jesus Christ is all we need to live a peaceful joy filled life in such an evil world. Trust God and expose the evil you see with your own two eyes.
Sissy satan’s MO is to disguise evil as being good like leftism does or the UN and communism, Marxism, and socialism do. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the authorities, principalities, rulers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Thank you Scott Thompson. We need to wake up. How someone can say that there is no difference between con trails and chem trails is certainly lying. I have watched the planes make that criss cross pattern and that is NOT normal. Just like what is happening with the Mandates for a shot that doesn’t work, that is not normal!!
Perfectly said. They want to also make sure we don’t get sunlight as we humans need this for our DNA. Expose the Truth and Evil.
Love, Light, Peace & Harmony need to be restored on our planet and finally we are winning after millenniums.
Well said brother, I totally agree.
Non-Toxic Cure for even the most aggressive Cancers.
hahahaha what a crackpot. there’s this huge conspiracy to spray chemicals on us but no pilot has ever come forward. got it. hopefully you have family members who check on you.
If you were a pilot, would you come forward about it? You would lose your job, and you would probably have signed a non-disclosure agreement, so they would sue your ass. About 20 years ago, I was talking to a pilot who had worked for the government in the US. I asked him about this phenomenon, and he told me that he had flown in an aircraft spraying from a high altitude. He asked about what they were spraying, and he was told that he wasn’t allowed to know the answer to that question, and not to inquire further.
Actually, I was in the Air Force and refueled aircraft…we didn’t know what was in the Av gas or jet fuel…most pilots don’t either. That is why pilots don’t report chemtrails, they don’t know they are spraying them.
Are you people allowed to breed? You don’t even understand the basics of simple science.
I am a firm believer in these chem trails. Fact this morning in south central Michigan there we 2 of these chem trails side by side and several more off in the distance. I also believe that other than our government Bill Gates is behind a lot of the atmospheric poisoning. He is on video stating that the world order needs to get into the business of population control. I could go on but I think you get my point.
Good article. The people who scream ‘conspiracy theorists’ and argue these facts are either choosing to stick their heads in the sand or do not want to know the truth or their ego and will to maintain the status quo blinds them. At any rate, chemtrails are true whether one believes it or not. I sure wish people used critical thinking skills. By the way, most pilots are not aware they are spraying chemtrails.
As part of the US’s attempt to win the Vietnam War, the US military undertook a secret weather manipulation operation in South East Asia. More than US$3 million was spent from 1967 to 1972 as the secret project sought to make the monsoon season longer and flood the Ho Chi Minh trail, which was being used by the North Vietnamese as a supply route….weather manipulation has been going on for a long time…for nefarious reasons.
You are correct! I wish people would do their own research. The government has been doing just that and more to us. Crimes against Humanity!!
The only positive about chemtrails is that it exposes enemies that would otherwise be unidentified. There are people around us all that are a danger to you and your country and just out of pure ignorance and sometimes just pure stupidity will play a big part in taking us down. Sadly as time goes on these people turn out to be friends and family. People that we would of never thought would collaborate with those that seek to attack us. As history shows evil will always use the ignorant and stupid to demoralise the people who push back. Most of the collaborators will remain silent and ignorant after they have been exposed, because of the kind of people they are, which is the weak type who will risk nothing and therefore risk everything. To these people i say “ you won’t be forgotten nor will you be forgiven.
We’re being sprayed nonstop.
Look up documentary called Dimming by Dane Wigington Geoengineering his real