In this episode, you will discover how exercise prevents cancer. Learn how many hours you need to train each week to see the best results. Also, find 20 easy activities you should do if you have cancer.
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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.
- Exercise improves your stamina and efficiency.
- It also helps you burn calories, and becoming less hungry.
- When you exercise, your body flushes stress hormones out of the system.
- Every time you exercise, you increase the brain's production of endorphins.
- Endorphins create a feeling of well-being and euphoria.
- When you sweat, the body can dispose of toxins.
- The body moves lymph when you move your body.
- When you exercise, you can produce more oxygen to stop cancer cells.
- Exercise prevents cancer in the bladder, breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, lung, and stomach.
- Cancer patients that walk at least two and a half hours per week are 13% less likely to die from cancer than those with the lowest activity level.
- When researchers measure physical activity, they use the term Metabolic Equivalent of Task, MET-hours.
- If you do 15 MET-hours per week of physical activity, you are 27% less likely to die from cancer.
- Women that walk three to five hours per week at an average pace, have a lower cancer risk.
- The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week.
- Your exercise regimen shouldn't be strenuous or deplete you of energy
- Exercise should be part of a healthy lifestyle and can't cure your cancer by itself.
How To Reduce Your Cancer Risk By Exercising
1. Try different easy exercises
Discover 20 Easy Exercises You Can Do If You Have Cancer
Exercise prevents cancer, so let's start moving!
You can download our free guide below if you have cancer and want to start exercising.
This guide will teach you 20 easy exercises you can use if you have cancer. There is no more excuse not to exercise!
Simon: You can reduce your cancer risk if you exercise for a couple of hours each week. In this episode, you're going to learn the health benefits of exercising.
You will also discover how physical activity can reduce your risk of dying from cancer. And I will also reveal how many hours you need to train each week to see the best results.
Intro jingle: Welcome to the Cancer Wisdom podcast. This podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments. Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine. Here's your host Simon Persson.
Simon: Adults of all sizes and shapes can get something out of exercising.There are several benefits of exercising each week. Every time you exercise, you improve your stamina and make your body more efficient.
And it also causes your heart and breathing rates to return to normal quicker. Another benefit of exercising is burning calories, which is good for weight control, together with a plant-based diet.
When you exercise, you don't crave as much food. Exercise also reduces stress, which can lift your mood and help you feel better. When you're under stress, your body releases stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline.
And when you exercise, your body flushes those stress hormones out of your body. You can also look and feel younger when you move every week.
Another benefit of exercising is that your body's oxygen rate goes up and also your blood flow. These things have a positive effect on your brain.
Every time you exercise, you also increase the brain's production of endorphins. Endorphins create a feeling of well-being and euphoria. They are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain.
They work like a class of drugs called opioids, but with the added benefit that there are no side effects. Endorphins are more powerful than morphine and without negative consequences. So if you want to reduce pain, the best way is to produce more endorphins in your body.
When you're more physical active, you can also worry less about your cancer diagnosis. And if you undergo chemotherapy, it can help you combat the fatigue from the treatments.
And the benefit of exercising is that when you sweat, the body can dispose of toxins. If you combine it with the niacin sauna detox, you can release the toxins from the fat cells in the body that store the toxins.
And when you sweat in the sauna or when you exercise, the toxins will come out from your skin, and then you can get rid of the poisons that are behind cancer.
So it's shown that the more time you spend in sedentary behavior, the more you increase your risk of all-cause mortality. Scientific studies show that physical activity delays death from all causes. It includes deaths from heart disease and cancer.
We also have a lymphatic system that doesn't have a pump. So the way the body moves lymph is when you move your body. Therefore you need to be active in order to make your lymphatic system work normally.
The positive effects of exercising apply to both men and women, regardless of their weight. Even leisure time physical activity is protective against cancer, according to most research.
In the first episode of this podcast, I told you that cancer cells are oxygen-deprived cells, and therefore they need to use an alternative source to get energy.
When you exercise, you can produce more oxygen to cancer cells, and therefore they don't need to have an alternative source and can operate as more healthy cells.
Adults that take part in higher amounts of physical activity have a lower risk of getting bladder, breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, lung, and stomach cancer.
So one analysis of 71 existing studies showed that you could reduce cancer death when people exercised. Cancer patients that walked at least two and a half hours per week were 13% less likely to die from cancer than those with the lowest activity level.
When researchers measure physical activity, they use the term MET-hours. MET stands for the metabolic equivalent of task. It shows how much a person expends energy compared to our reference. A MET hour measures the time and energy expended in given activities.
Resting represents one MET hour, while a four MET activity, like brisk walking, uses four times as much energy. So doing a four MET activity for 30 minutes equals two MET hours.
If you do 15 MET-hours per week of physical activity, then you are 27% less likely to die from cancer. So that's about 35 minutes per day of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.
The journal of the American Medical Association followed 2,987 women with breast cancer. And they found out that being active reduced your risk of dying from cancer. The greatest benefit occurred in women that walked three to five hours per week at an average pace.
Women with hormone-responsive tumors also show great results. Another study followed more than 118,000 post-menopausal women.
And the conclusion of this study was that seven hours of moderate-vigorous activity per week reduced the breast cancer risk by 16% compared to inactivity. And the Clinical Oncology of Australia says that exercise should be part of our standard cancer care.
Exercise is safe and effective and can offset many adverse effects of cancer and its treatments. It also provides a protective effect against cancer recurrence and death.
So how much should you exercise every week? So the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion recommends 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week.
Their guidelines for adults focus on two levels of intensity, moderate and vigorous. Two minutes of moderate exercise is about one minute of vigorous activity.
So adults can gain more health benefits by doing even more physical activity. But sadly, the majority of people with cancer do not meet these exercise recommendations.
It can be hard to meet these goals when you're really sick and weak. So therefore, you should focus on moving your body as much as possible. So when you have cancer, your exercise regimen shouldn't be strenuous or deplete you of energy.
Physical activity should be the ability to carry out your daily task with vigor and without any fatigue. So you should always have energy left to enjoy leisure time activities.
Do as much activity as you can manage, and then increase your intensity in incremental steps. One good goal is to exercise to 50% of your capacity. So, for example, let's say 30 minutes of walking is your limit, then only walk 15 minutes.
And then you slowly increase your intensity. If you want to increase your oxygen level in your blood, you may only need 30 to 60 minutes of exercise or more per week.
So, in the beginning, you might not meet that goal, but as you slowly increase your level, you will eventually meet that goal.
It's also important to know that exercise by itself can't cure your cancer. It should only be part of a healthy lifestyle. You should also change your diet and reduce your stress, and detox. The best diet that you can eat is a whole food, high-carb, low-fat diet. You should focus on fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans.
Our bodies are meant to eat plants. If you compare us to carnivores like cats or lions, they have much bigger stomachs and can digest meat easily. Our intestines are much longer, which make them perfect for digesting fiber from plants.
If you eat animal products, you only poison your body with things that the body can't digest. And then your exercise will not be as beneficial as you want. So not many people know that our diet has more to do with being overweight than not exercising enough.
If you are a lazy vegan and eat a whole-food, plant-based diet, you can more easily lose weight than a meat eater who exercises a lot every week.
When you eat a plant-based diet, you feel better, and the benefits of exercising can make the weight loss faster and efficient. You should also make sure to get enough sunshine every day and drink enough water.
If you have cancer and want to start exercising, you can download our free guide. In this guide, you will learn 20 easy exercises you can use if you have cancer. I will provide a link to this document in the description box below.
So thank you for listening to this episode, and I'll see you in the next one.