Posted: 26 Jan 2025 By:  Reading time: minutes remaining

Benefits Of Grounding Yourself To The Earth

Can walking barefoot on grass help you fight cancer? In this blog post, you will learn about the health benefits of grounding.

Discover why walking barefoot can help you improve your health and deal with cancer.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.

What Is Grounding?

Grounding is an essential aspect of electrical safety. It plays a crucial role in protecting people and equipment from electrical hazards. It is the process of connecting an electrical system to the Earth. 

The goal is to create a safe and reliable pathway for electrical current. Grounding prevents electric shock, fire, and damage to electronic equipment.

It ensures that electricity discharges, rather than building up and causing harm. Grounding creates a low-resistance path for electricity to flow back to the Earth.

Excess electrical energy flows through the grounding wire instead of people or objects. Grounding improves the performance and reliability of the system. Proper electrical grounding is essential to ensure safety and efficiency.

A grounding rod running below a house

Grounding creates a low-resistance path for electricity to flow back to the Earth through a grounding rod

Electrical grounding is an essential part of every electrical system. Yet many people don't know how it works. It involves using a conducting object, like a copper wire or metal rod. All the neutral plugs of every outlet in your house connect to it.

A grounding system provides a low-resistance path from a circuit to the Earth. Grounding also helps limit electrical interference or noise. It can affect the quality of electronic signals. With proper grounding, electrical systems can operate better. 

The Earth is an electrically neutral body. Ground, or Earth, is at zero electric potential. All other voltages are relative to this ground potential. Earth functions as an extended neutral line. It completes the electric circuit by acting as a source of electrons. 

Grounding is not only beneficial for electrical systems but also for humans.

How A Man Discovered The Health Benefits Of Grounding

Grounding might seem unrelated to health, but when you understand the human body, it all makes sense. Our bodies are electric, like electronic devices. Like them, we need to ground to guard against electronic disturbances.  

Clint Ober made this discovery out of the blue. He worked in the cable TV industry. Clint had to ground TV systems so everyone could get a clean signal and picture. Any disturbance in the system worsened the quality of the broadcast. 

Portrait of Clint Ober

Clint Ober discovered that you could ground the body and improve your health

In the cable industry, you must ground and shield the entire cable system. Every cable has an inner copper conductor, an insulating layer, and an outer shield. 

The shield connects to the Earth electrically. It is grounded so that the Earth can either deliver or absorb electrons. The copper conductor prevents damage from electrical charges. 

Clint had a successful career, but in 1993, everything went downhill.

The Health Scare That Led Clint To His Discovery

Clint had liver problems caused by root canals. All of Clint's organs were malfunctioning. The doctors didn't give him much hope. They suggested that Clint put his affairs in order. 

One young surgeon told him there was a chance to survive by removing most of his damaged liver. Clint agreed to the procedure. He went home after 28 days of painful recovery in the hospital. 

animation showing a yellow liver in a human body

Clint Ober had liver problems caused by root canals

Clint slowly began to regain his health. It took about three or four months for him to walk a few blocks. Within nine months, his liver grew back to its original size. The liver has a unique ability to regenerate even if a huge chunk is missing.

The whole ordeal shocked Clint to his core. He decided to sell his house and give away his possessions. The health scare started his spiritual journey. He decided to travel around the US and live a simpler life without stress. 

What Clint Discovered In Sedona, Arizona

Clint stayed almost two years in Sedona, Arizona. It is a known spiritual place. Clint made friends with many local artists and gallery owners. As a hobby and to keep him busy, he spent much of his time lighting up the town's many art galleries. 

One day in 1998, he sat on a park bench and watched tourists from all over the world. At some point, he looked at their shoes. Clint saw many had shoes with thick rubber or plastic soles. 

Mountain in Sedona, Arizona

Clint stayed almost two years in Sedona, Arizona

He started to wonder if insulation like that could have some effect on health. Clint started to test his new theory.

How Clint Measured Electrical Charges From His Body 

Clint knew that the body was conductive. He went to the apartment he rented and picked up his voltmeter. A voltmeter measures electrical differences between the Earth and any electrical object. Or any two points in an electrical circuit. 

Clint connected a 50-foot(15 m) wire to his voltmeter and ran the wire out the living room door. He then attached it to a simple ground rod stuck in the Earth. Then, Clint walked around the house and measured the electrical charges from his body.

Hand holding volt meter

Clint walked around the house and measured the electrical charges from his body

When he walked toward a lamp, the voltage would go up. When he stepped back, the voltage went down. Clint tested this with all the living room and kitchen electrical appliances. The fridge and his computer tower were the only appliances that did not create voltage. They were grounded. 

Next, Clint went to the bedroom, lay down, and registered the highest level of EMF voltage on his body. The bedroom was the most electrically active area of the apartment. 

His bed was up against a wall with hidden electrical wires. Clint wondered if these electric fields could affect his ability to fall asleep. 

Clint Had The Best Sleep Of His Life

The next day, Clint went to the hardware store and bought some metalized duct tape. He laid some of that tape on the bed to form a grid. Clint took an alligator clip and attached it to one end of the duct tape grid. 

He connected a wire to it, ran it out the window, and fastened it to another ground rod. Clint then lay down on the duct tape grid. He noticed that the meter was now showing almost zero volts. Clint was physically grounded even if he didn't lie on the ground. 

Dark bedroom

Clint registered the highest level of EMF voltage on his body in his bedroom

Clint had a back injury, which prevented him from sleeping well. He took Advil to go to bed and to get up in the morning. Clint also took other pain medications, depending on how bad the pain was.

But when he lay down grounded, he fell asleep without using pills. Clint had slept like a baby for the first time in years. He repeated the feat for several days.

After a few more days like this, he told some friends about it. He asked them to use a similar duct tape solution at home. They also felt a difference. One of the guys' arthritis pains went way down.

Clint discovered that grounding could improve health. He likes to use the word Earthing. It means connecting to the planet by sitting, standing, or walking barefoot on the Earth. Or by sleeping on special conductive sheets and pads attached to the Earth. 

Everything makes sense when you understand the electrical side of the body.

Bodies Are Electric

Our bodies are electrical. You can feel a spark when you touch a doorknob on a dry day. A static charge on the body builds up when you touch fabric-covered furniture or walk on carpets. 

We live on a planet alive with natural energies. Our planet is an enormous battery. It gets energy from solar radiation, lightning, and heat from its core. This battery controls the rhythm and balance of everything on land or in the sea. 

Earth from space

Our planet is an enormous battery

Humans have strolled, sat, stood, and slept on the ground throughout history. Their skins touched the Earth and transferred a natural electrical signal to the body. 

The Earth's electrical energy balances our bodily frequencies. We all live and function on an electrical planet. Each of us is a collection of dynamic electrical circuits. 

Trillions of cells send and receive energy. Think of them as microscopic electronic machines. Electric fields regulate the movement of nutrients and water into the cells. Each cell operates in a frequency range.

Our ancestors knew about our bioelectrical nature.

Our Ancestors Knew About Earth's Healing Energy

Your heart, brain, nervous system, muscles, and immune system are electrical subsystems. They work within your bioelectrical body. Electricity energizes all your movements, behaviors, and actions.

Most people are unaware of their bioelectrical nature. They live disconnected from the Earth's surface. Our ancestors knew the ground held unique healing energy. The Earth was sacred. Civilizations everywhere tuned in to the cycles of nature for survival and health. 

Businessman walking on the crosswalk

Most people live disconnected from the Earth's surface

They were aware of rhythms that regulate sleep-wake cycles and health. These civilizations functioned in coordination with the Earth's cycles and rhythms. 

But sadly, we have become disconnected and separated from the Earth.

Shoes And Modern Living Separate Us From The Earth

Our bare feet rarely touch the ground. Modern shoe soles have separated us from Earth's energy.

The bottoms of our footwear are dead. A shoe has several layers: outsole, midsole, insole filler material, footbed, cushioning, and sock liner. They almost block out sensory responses.

Our homes and workplaces are non-conductive. They separate us from the Earth's healing electrons. Our house or office elevates us above the ground. 

A blue shoe

Modern shoe soles have separated us from Earth's energy

No current can flow through insulating materials. Examples of insulating materials include plastic, rubber, glass, and wood. Unless you live on a dirt, cement, marble, or stone floor, it is unlikely that you will receive any good energy from below. 

The Earth consists of waves of energy caused by subatomic particles. Subatomic particles in atoms are like planets revolving around the sun. Protons have a positive charge. Neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge. 

Your body consists primarily of water and minerals. Both are excellent conductors of electrons. The electrical potential on the Earth's surface rises and falls according to the sun.

Its intensity is more positive and energetic during the day. The sun regulates sleep-wake cycles, hormone production, and more. 

Energy flows through our bodies every day.

Qi Energy Flows Through Our Bodies

We have energy flowing in our body called Qi(chi). Chinese healers saw it as the energy or natural force that fills the universe. In India, they have a similar term, called prana, meaning "vital force." 

Qi influences all natural things, including plants and animals. We absorb the energy from the Earth when we walk barefoot. That is why it's so relaxing to walk without shoes in nature. 

Have you ever felt a subtle tingling or warmth when walking barefoot? Maybe you stepped on a sandy beach or grassy field?

Qi energy

We have energy flowing in our body called Qi(chi)

For most people, reconnecting with nature means camping, hiking, or gardening. Or they can go to the beach. Connecting to Earth can be as easy as removing your shoes and socks and standing on the ground. 

The reconnection can also involve conductive bed sheets or floor pads. You must link them by wire to a ground rod outside your house. Or you can connect them to a wall outlet with a modern Earth ground system. 

Let's look at the health benefits of being grounded.

The Health Benefits Of Grounding

The Earth is electrical. It maintains a natural electrical charge. It can give up electrons freely or absorb them. If your body is short of electrons, it will absorb them from Earth. 

The body then reaches a point where the Earth and the body have the same electrical potential. It means there is no charge difference. 

As long as you are barefoot on the Earth, you can't have charge in your body. It's not possible. Chronic diseases went up when more people became disconnected from the Earth.

The human immune system evolved over a long time. During this period, we lived barefoot in contact with the Earth. We were naturally grounded.

A person standing barefoot on grass

Earthing means walking barefoot outside, sitting, working, or sleeping connected to Earth

Grounding or Earthing protects the body's delicate bioelectrical circuitry against static electrical charges and interference.

Earthing means walking barefoot outside, sitting, working, or sleeping connected to Earth. It is among the most natural and safest things you can do. 

You may feel a warm, tingling sensation or feelings of ease and well-being. Grounding or Earthing may: 

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve sleep
  • Normalize the body's biological rhythms
  • Relieve muscle tension and headaches
  • Speed healing and prevent bedsores
  • Protect against environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
  • Lessen or eliminate chronic pain
  • Lower stress
  • Improve blood pressure and flow
  • Lessen hormonal and menstrual symptoms
  • Reduce or eliminate jet lag
  • Speed up recovery from intense athletic activity

Earthing can help improve sleep and reduce stress. Improved sleep is vital for cancer patients. It can aid in recovery and reduce stress levels. 

When the body is grounded, it can better regulate cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can disrupt our health. Reducing cortisol can improve sleep and reduce stress.

Another way grounding can improve our health is by guarding against free radicals.

How Free Radicals Destroy Our Health

Free radicals can increase our cancer risk. They are atoms with too many or few electrons. Free radicals waste products from various chemical reactions in the cell. When too much of them build up, they harm the body's cells.

Free radicals have one or more unpaired electrons, which make them unstable. They then seek out other electrons so they can become a pair. Therefore, they scavenge your body to grab or donate electrons.

normal molecule and free radical

Free radicals have one or more unpaired electrons, which make them unstable

Once free radicals form, they cause chain reactions. First, they pull an electron from a molecule. This process then destabilizes the molecule and turns it into a free radical. That molecule then takes an electron from another molecule and repeats the process.

This domino effect then disrupts and damages the whole cell. We can't avoid damage by free radicals. Free radicals arise from sources both inside and outside our bodies. External free radicals come from environmental factors such as:

  • Pollution
  • Smoking
  • X-rays
  • Exercise
  • Sunlight
  • Alcohol

Luckily there are several ways you can reduce free radicals.

Earthing Reduces Free Radicals

There are several ways you can reduce free radicals. One is to get anti-oxidants from your diet. Anti-oxidants give electrons to free radicals without destabilizing themselves. They keep free radicals in check and prevent them from stealing electrons. 

Vegetables and fruits have anti-oxidants and can help reduce free radicals. One of the best anti-oxidant foods is berries

Another way you can reduce free radicals is by grounding yourself. The Earth has a negative charge. It gives free radicals negative electrons and stabilizes them. And it doesn't cost you anything. You only have to stand on the ground for 30 minutes.

A man getting free electrons from the Earth

The body becomes charged with the Earth's free electrons and maintains the natural electrical potential of the Earth

The body becomes charged with the Earth's free electrons. It equalizes with and maintains the natural electrical potential of the Earth.

The Earth has an endless supply of negatively charged free electrons. Anytime you have two conductive objects, they will equalize.

Electrons are the tiniest possible negative charges of electricity. Negative charges (electrons) attract positive charges (free radicals). 

Earthing also reduces inflammation, which is another cause of cancer.

Inflammation Increases Our Risk Of Cancer

Anytime you are not grounded, you are vulnerable to inflammation. Inflammation comes in two forms: acute or chronic. The acute type takes place during an accident or harmful stimuli. Chronic inflammation comes from our lifestyle choices such as: 

  • A poor diet
  • Obesity
  • Living in sterile homes
  • Air pollution
  • Physical inactivity
  • Stress

Painful conditions are often the result of acute or chronic inflammation. If you go ungrounded for long, the aches and pains increase.  

Earthing can reduce inflammation-related aches and pain. Some acute headaches can vanish within minutes. The intensity of chronic pains often lessens in 20 to 40 minutes. 

Inflammation shoulder

Painful conditions are often the result of acute or chronic inflammation

The reconnection prevents or reduces chronic inflammation. It speeds recovery from exhaustion, acute trauma, and minor injuries. 

Inflammation may activate an enzyme that allows breast tumors to create estrogen. It does it via a compound called prostaglandin. Higher prostaglandin levels in women's urine correlate with breast cancer risk. This compound increases with smoking, a high-saturated fat diet, and obesity.

One thing that increases prostaglandin is arachidonic acid. Prostaglandin and other inflammatory compounds can then stimulate breast cancer growth. They may play a role in colon, lung, and head and neck cancer.

Grounding or Earthing can help us reduce inflammation.

Grounding Can Help Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation contributes to free radicals and tumor growth. It can increase your chances of getting cancer. So balancing your body with Earthing can thus mitigate cancer.

People who eat high-antioxidant fruits and vegetables are better at reducing inflammation. You can also do that by standing barefoot on the Earth for 30 minutes.

inflammation body

Inflammation contributes to free radicals and tumor growth

Enhanced immune function is another critical benefit of Earthing for cancer patients. When the body is grounded, it can better absorb anti-oxidants from the Earth. 

It also releases excess electrons. This effect can help support the immune system, often weakened by cancer treatments. Earthing can play a valuable role in supporting cancer recovery.

Earthing during sleep is the ideal way of reducing oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body. Sleep is when the body rests and recovers from daily activities' stresses. If we do not sleep, we are more susceptible to various stress-related problems. 


Grounding prevents electric shock, fire, and damage to electronic equipment.

Clint Ober discovered that you could ground the body to increase health.

Grounding or Earthing means connecting to the planet by sitting, standing, or walking barefoot on the Earth.

Our bodies are electrical.

Your heart, brain, nervous system, muscles, and immune system are electrical subsystems.

Modern shoe soles have separated us from Earth's energy.

We have energy flowing in our body called Qi(chi).

Chronic diseases went up when more people became disconnected from the Earth.

Earthing protects the body's delicate bioelectrical circuitry against static electrical charges and interference.

Earthing or grounding can help improve sleep and reduce stress.

Free radicals can increase our cancer risk.

Free radicals have one or more unpaired electrons, which make them unstable.

Grounding helps reduce free radicals.

Earthing reduces inflammation. 

Chronic diseases went up when more people became disconnected from the Earth.

You can ground yourself by standing on the Earth.

Concrete is a conductive substance made from water and minerals.

Asphalt, plastic, rubber, glass, and wood are not conductive.

We have energy flowing in our body called Qi(chi).

Swimming in the ocean is a tremendous form of grounding.

You can still ground to Earth by using special sheets or pads.

How To Get Benefits Of Grounding

1. Stand or walk barefoot on grass or concrete for 30 min per day

2. Swim in the ocean

3. Use special grounding sheets or pads

Action Steps

I hope you learned about the excellent health benefits of grounding. It's a natural way for your body to stay healthy. And it doesn't need to cost you anything.

You can ground yourself by standing barefoot on the Earth. Or you can sit on a chair with your feet planted on the ground. You can read a book, listen to music, meditate, or relax.  

You can dampen the soil or grass for added conductivity. Leave your feet on the Earth and sit there for 30 or 40 minutes. Any part of your body that touches the ground receives energy from below.

A concrete basement floor works if you can't do these things outside. Concrete is a conductive substance made from water and minerals. It sits on the Earth and retains moisture. There may be no conductivity if there is paint on the concrete.

Asphalt contains petrochemicals and is not conductive. So, don't expect any benefits from walking on painted or carpeted concrete or asphalt. The same goes for a wood or vinyl surface. 

If you can, connect with the Earth twice or thrice daily. The more time you put in, the more you benefit. If you have bad health, you must do this more often. But you will have a remarkable shift even in 30 minutes. 

Earthing footwear can also ground you to Earth. You get the benefits without the dangers of the streets.

Swimming in the ocean is a tremendous form of grounding. Saltwater, rich in minerals, is highly conductive. It's several hundred times more so than freshwater. 

Conductivity depends on the concentration of minerals in the water. So lake water is much less conductive than salt water. Pool water is less than that. An inflatable plastic pool is not conductive. It's because the plastic insulates the water from the ground. 

For many people, walking barefoot may not be practical during cold weather. Or their fast-paced life may not make it possible. But there is still hope. 

You can still ground to Earth by using special sheets or pads. They connect to the ground by a wire with a metal rod placed in the Earth. Or you can plug them into the ground port of a grounded electrical outlet. You can use these grounding products during sleep, work, or when watching TV. 

They replicate standing barefoot or lying on the Earth. See them at extension cords connecting you to the Earth. Your body is then on the same electrical potential as the Earth. 

You can also use a pad under your desk to rest your feet. Or you can use it as a mouse pad. A pad placed on a desktop conducts through your forearms or wrists. 

The pad or sheet has a metallic fiber mesh and conductors. They connect to a wire attached to a grounded outlet in the wall or an outside ground rod.

An Earthing mattress is a natural sleep and health aid. Think of it as an "Earthing bed." Earthing mattresses improve health and lessen pain as you sleep. 

Many scientific experiments have used electrode patches. They are like the kind doctors use for EKG, EEG, and other electrical activity diagnostics. 

The conductive patches attach near an injury, wound, or acute pain area. They then speed up the healing process and reduce local inflammation and discomfort. Athletes have found them to be effective against common injuries and strains. 

You can connect your earthing product to a metal rod to the Earth by running the cable in your window. This strategy is the best and safest way to ground. If that is impossible, you can connect to a grounded electrical outlet.

The plug has two plastic rods and a metal rail connected to the ground. Before attaching it to the electrical outlet, test if it is safe. 

You can do that by buying a cheap outlet tester. Connect your grounding sheet or product if the outlet tester gives you the green light. If the device says that the outlet is not grounded, don't use it.

You can connect your metal rod to a radiator if that doesn't work. It should be grounded. Connect the rod to bare metal and use a clamp to hold it down. If there is paint, you can scrape it and attach your cable to the radiator.

You can also buy another device that checks if your grounding product is conductive. It shows a green light when your product is working. Check your products regularly to see if they are still conductive.

Discover How To Ground Yourself With This Cheat Sheet

Download this free cheat sheet to learn 3 ways to ground yourself and reduce inflammation and pain.


About the author 

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.

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