Numerous cancer myths spread fears and misconceptions about cancer.
Wrong ideas about cancer can lead to needless worry and stop you from making sound decisions.
In this blog post, you learn ten consistent cancer myths that keep people in the dark. Some of these myths may surprise you.
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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.
Most people know little about cancer and believe in everything the hospitals tell them. Pharmaceutical companies spread false rumors about cancer to force us to take their treatments.
There are a lot of conflicting information and opinions about what causes cancer.
So what are the facts about cancer and what are myths?
The 10 Most Common Cancer Myths Exposed
Myth 1: Cancer Causes Hair Loss
One persistent myth that many believe in is that cancer causes hair loss. But losing your hair and fading away has nothing to do with cancer. Aggressive chemotherapy sessions are the reason why patients lose their hair.
The hair gets replaced the most in the body, and when you do chemo, you kill hair cells.

Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy
Hair loss occurs because chemotherapy targets all fast-dividing cells. Both healthy- and cancer cells. The hair cells are some of the fastest-growing cells in the body.
If you're not in cancer treatment, your hair follicles divide every 23 to 72 hours. But as the chemo does its work against cancer cells, it also destroys hair cells.
Chris from never underwent chemo for his colon cancer. He changed his diet and did other natural remedies, and he never lost his hair.
Cancer is a serious condition, but it isn’t so aggressive that it causes your hair to fall off. Our cancer treatments are more to blame for the high death rates than cancer itself.
Let’s us talk about the next myth many believe about cancer.
Myth 2: There Is No Cure For Cancer, And You Need To Treat Everything With Chemo, Radiation, And Surgery
A majority of people believe that there is no real cure for cancer and there is nothing you can do about it.
The cancer industry tells us that natural remedies don’t work. And that you need to treat everything with chemo, radiation, and surgery.
But many people have treated cancer the natural way and survived. You can read several cancer testimonies here.
Chris Wark survived cancer by using natural treatments. On his Youtube channel, he interviews other cancer survivors. They all used natural remedies to defeat cancer.
Why do you hear that natural treatments do not heal cancer? Because if everyone used them, then the big pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt.

Chemo, radiation, and surgery aren't a real cure for cancer.
When there are natural treatments that work well, FDA suppresses them. FDA has persecuted Burzynski many times. Dr. Burzynski is the man responsible for creating a natural and non-toxic cancer cure.
His treatment, which he named antineoplastons, balances the oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. This simple protocol targets all these genes, as well as all forms of cancer. And without causing any adverse side effects or lost quality of life.
Dr. Burzynski treated many patients with all kinds of cancers successfully. But his success did not go unnoticed by authorities. The Texas Medical Board and the FDA, both went after him and tried to shut down his office.
They put him through hell for over 14 years, and they continue to deprive him and his work of funding. There is a movie about his journey you can watch here.
Harry Hoxsey was not a medical practitioner. He was the young son of a veterinarian. His father used an herbal tonic and salve on animals horses, then on cancer patients
As Hoxsey's father lay dying in bed, he told his son to use the family name for the formula and protect it.
He told Harry not to use the family formula only for monetary gain, but to help as many cancer victims as possible. In 1922, Harry Hoxsey started his first clinic in Taylorville, Illinois.
As he began to get success, AMA didn’t like it and tried to suppress him. His enemies arrested him often for practicing medicine without a license. There are hundreds of remedies for cancer that have saved people from disease.
But Big Pharma tells everyone that these methods don’t work. They show no interested in doing scientific trials for these natural remedies.
The FDA only approves pharmaceutical companies. Why? Because they are the only ones that can afford these tests. And they have people working for FDA and thus get accepted quickly.
Big Pharma tries to trash talk alternative cancer treatments. They even created a Wikipedia page that discredit every alternative treatment.
Chemo, radiation, and surgery have poor results in treating cancer. Scientists developed chemotherapy after treating patients with mustard gas.
A big study concluded that chemo was almost useless and that it was about 2.3% effective in treating cancer.
All these treatments only handle the symptoms of cancer. They can never cure cancer and are not designed to do that.
Pharmaceutical companies get a higher profit by treating cancer in several sessions. If they cured patients, they wouldn’t earn as much.
Another myth that floats around is that our genes cause cancer.
Myth 3: Your Genes Are Causing All Cancer
Angelina Jolie made the news headlines when she decided to remove her breasts. She discovered that she carried a genetic mutation that increased the risk of breast cancer.
Genes have little to do with cancer growth. Genetics specialists estimate that only about 2 to 3% get cancer to an inherited gene fault.

Our genes do not cause cancer.
Our diet and other factors are more to blame for the higher assurance of cancer. Families tend to have the same habits, eat the same foods, and exposes themselves to the same toxins.
Asians have less cancer than Americans do. So are Asian blessed with good genes that protect them from cancer? And are Americans unlucky? But when Asians move to America and eat their diet they start to get cancer.
The Asians that continue to eat their traditional diet are lean and have good health. But their offspring that eats the American diet become obese and unhealthy.
Cancer is the cause of many factors. People that don’t have a family history of cancer have gotten cancer. Our choices affect the growth of cancer and not our genes.
The next myth about cancer does incredible harm to people.
Myth 4: The Sun Causes Cancer
I wrote an extensive blog post about the healing power of the sun. Many people fear the sun. The media tells us to use sunscreens to protect us from this evil source.
But this belief is doing us more harm. The Sun is the best source of vitamin d, a hormone that is crucial for maintaining good health.

The sun can protect you from cancer if you do it in moderation.
Several studies show the positive effect vitamin d has on cancer. A PLOS ONE study examined the vitamin D level in women.
Women with vitamin D concentrations of 40 ng/ml or greater have a 67 percent lower risk of cancer. Compared to women with levels of 20 ng/ml or less.
Avoiding the sun is one of our big offenses. If you get the right of sun exposure and don’t over do it being in the sun is one of the best ways to maintain good health.
The skin care industry wants us to believe that the sun is dangerous and that you need to protect from it. But sunscreens are doing more harm to the body than the sun does.
Sunscreens block the body from absorbing vitamin d. Several sunscreens contain dangerous chemicals that increase the cancer risk.
Don’t believe the hype and enjoy a safe exposure of sunshine. Many believe that diet has nothing to do with cancer growth and that the unlucky ones get cancer. But is that true?
Myth 5: Your Diet Doesn’t Cause Cancer
Out diet is one of the biggest culprits in manifesting cancer. Our western diet consisting of animal products and unhealthy fats are killing us.
When you eat meat, you raise your risk of getting more cancer. Humans can’t digest meat that well and it creates havoc in our bodies.
Meat increases Insulin Growth Factor 1(IGF1) in our bodies. IGF1 is a growth hormone that increases the risk of cancer. Meat eaters have a higher rate of IGFI in the blood stream than vegans do.
Cooking meat creates toxic HCAs that are carcinogenic and causes more cancer. HCAs doesn’t seem to manifest when you cook vegetables. Vegans have less cancer than meat eaters do according to many scientific studies.

Our diet has a vital influence on cancer growth.
Colin Campbell wrote the book "The China Study". In this book, he examined the diets of Chinese people. He concluded that those who eat less meat had a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Vegetable oils and processed food increase your risk of cancer and other diseases. Changing your diet is one of the best things you can do for your health.
Sugar is the cause of many diseases according to many experts. Let’s us go through this next myth and debunk it.
Myth 6: All Sugars Cause Cancer
Sugar is the big scare right now. Glucose is your body’s natural energy source. In my previous blog article, I talked about that cancer cells ferment sugar instead of oxygen.
People are afraid of eating food that turns to sugar. So they avoid eating starches, vegetables, and fruits that are beneficial for them. Whole foods have not shown to cause cancer.
When I talk about whole food, I exclude white sugar. White sugar is a processed food that doesn't contain any calories. It creates an imbalance in the body and is something you should avoid.
Blaming sugar for cancer is a way for the meat industry to sell more meat and make us feel less guilty about it.

Many people blame the sugar in food for cancer growth.
When experts talk how bad sugar and carbs are, they often mention donuts, cakes, and desserts. But they don’t speak about the fat that these products contain. We blame the sugar for the adverse effect of these foods and not the fats.
Populations that eat a lot of starch and vegetables live the longest. Asians eat loads of rice and are leaner and have less cancer and diabetes than Americans do.
Our big scare of starch is because of the low carb foundations. Dr. Atkins got famous for creating a diet that praised meat and bacon. He discouraged people from eating starches like rice and potatoes.
According to him, carbohydrates raise the blood sugar and insulin response in the body. And that insulin response was behind all diseases. But he forgot that meat also raises insulin.
Basing our food choices on the spike on the blood sugar is a mistake. If you look at the table below chocolate cake has a lower blood sugar spike than rice and potatoes. A low glycemic index doesn't mean that the food is healthy
Unhealthy Food With Low GI | Healthy Foods With High GI |
Chocolate cake(38) | Corn Meal Porridge (109) |
Nestle Quick Strawberry Drink (35) | Jasmine Rice(109) |
Chocolate Milk with Sugar (34) | Brown rice(87) |
M&Ms with Peanuts (33) | Baked potato(101) |
Pizza Supreme(30) | Parsnips(97) |
Egg Fettuccine(32) | Carrots(92) |
Source: Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC. International table of glycemic index and glycemic load values: 2002. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Jul;76(1):5-56.
Atkins died of heart attack at the age of 72 and spread confusion among overweight people. Healthy cells need glucose for energy fuel. Eliminating all sugar from a cancer patient’s diet would harm healthy cells that need the energy to function.
The best way to feed our bodies is to give our body food that turns into glucose and have an alkalizing effect on the body. You do this by eating whole foods from starches and vegetable and some fruits.
The next myth affects the life of many women with breast cancer.
Myth 7: Cancer Screening Saves Lives
Cancer screening is a sneaky way to force women and men to start cancer treatments. These screenings are not 100% reliable, and people can get diagnosed with cancer even if they don’t have it.
Screening mammography is leading to overdiagnosis of breast cancer. Cancer screenings is a big failure and haven’t reduced cancer death. Women that try mammography don’t raise their survival rate by detecting cancer early.
Mammography uses radiation which causes more cancer. Early cancer detection is useless if you use toxic treatments that do more harm than good.

Women that try mammography don’t raise their survival rate by detecting cancer early.
These include chemo, radiation, and surgery. Chemo and other methods don’t address the underlying cause of cancer and make it worse.
The best protective measure for cancer is to create healthy habits. For many hearing that they have cancer feels like a death sentence. But there are ways you can survive from cancer.
Myth 8: Cancer Is A Death Sentence
You found out that you got cancer. At this moment many people panic. Cancer causes fear in most people. Hospitals use fear to motivate you to do cancer treatments. Your ignorance about cancer is the doctor's way to get you to start cancer treatments fast.
But cancer is not a death sentence. Everything in life has a cause and effect. Cancer doesn’t happen out of the blue. If your diet and other factors increase your risk of cancer, then you need to stop these habits now.
Cancer can only exist in a toxic body that is acidic. So when you remove the toxins from your body, you make it more likely to survive from cancer.

Cancer doesn't need to be a death sentence if you treat the underlying causes of it.
People have used diet and natural cancer cures to heal from cancer so why shouldn’t you be able to do that too? The only reason cancer becomes a death sentence if you use toxic cancer treatments, or continue your bad habits.
Are you afraid of spreading cancer or get contaminated by someone else? If you do, you believe in the next myth.
Myth 9: Cancer Is Contagious
Cancer can’t spread to other people. Cancer isn’t a virus that spreads through human touch. In general, cancer is not a contagious disease that spreads from person to person.
The only situation in which cancer can spread from one person to another is an organ or tissue transplant. A man who receives an organ from a donor who had cancer may increase their risk of developing cancer.

Cancer can’t spread to other people.
However, that risk is extremely low. It happens in about two out of 10,000 organ transplants. Doctors avoid the use of organs or tissue from donors who have a history of cancer.
Cancer exists only in a body that is acidic and has a weak immune system. Ill health happens because of a bad diet, emotional trauma and so on.
If you eat a proper diet, sleep enough and heal your wounds then your risk of cancer should go down. Don't worry about getting contaminated by cancer and instead learn more about it.
And now you arrived at the last myth that causes unnecessary suffering in women.
Myth 10: Removing The Entire Breast Increases Your Survival Rates
Mastectomy is a way of treating breast cancer by eliminating the breast through surgery. The surgeon uses it if a woman can't use breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy).
Women can also choose to do mastectomy over breast-conserving surgery for personal reasons. Mastectomy doesn't increase the survival rate in women in early cancer detection.
A double mastectomy doesn't lead to a lower mortality compared to radiation and lumpectomy.

Angelina Jolie decided to remove her breasts after she discovered that she had the BRCA1 gene.
These procedures are not needed and deform women. Surgery is a quick fix solution that doesn’t remove the underlying cause of cancer. It’s much better to live a healthy lifestyle.
Breast cancer can still return to the chest area even if you remove the entire breast. If there are more lymph nodes with cancer at the time of the mastectomy, you raise your risk of recurrence.
So you made it through the entire list. Read the summary below and then follow the actions steps below to do the right things to treat cancer.
Today you learned about 10 different cancer myths.
Cancer doesn’t cause hair loss.
Pharmaceutical companies suppress the cure for cancer. They push everyone to use their treatments methods.
Nor your genes or the sun doesn’t cause cancer. The Sun protects you from cancer if you sunbath in moderation.
Animal products increase the risk of cancer, and a plant-based diet decreases it.
Sugar in whole foods do not cause cancer and is a scapegoat from the meat industry.
Cancer screenings don’t lower cancer death.
Getting cancer is not a death sentence if you treat the underlying causes of it.
You can't get contaminated with cancer from other people.
Women that do mastectomy do not increase their survival of cancer and can get a recurrence.
So how can you use what you learned today to treat cancer the gentle way?
How To Stop Believing In Cancer Myths And Treat Cancer The Natural Way
Action steps
If you want to treat cancer the natural way, then please watch our Cancer Crash Course.
In this course, you get a brief explanation what cancer is and the things that cause it. And you learn why traditional cancer treatments can’t heal cancer.
Your diet is one big reason why you have cancer. If you want to find out how to eat a healthy diet for cancer, then please join our free 12-day challenge.
In this email course, you discover how to convert to a whole food plant-based diet. You learn how to set a goal to succeed, what to buy and receive a free recipe book.
Resources & Citations:
If you have any questions or comments, please write them below.
Thanks Simon, I’m always skeptical but I like what you say. I’m a survivor, and am always trying to improve my diet, for health purposes, not weight. Going vegan hasn’t ever been a goal of mine.
Hopefully it’s something I will like!