The Cancer Wisdom Podcast

                     Published: October 10, 2022 Host: Simon Persson

Learn about the liver and gallbladder cleanse and how to use it to detox from cancer. 

Discover the purpose of the liver and gallbladder and the dangers of gallstones. And finally, find out step-by-step how to do the liver and gallbladder cleanse.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.


  • Our liver serves hundreds of different roles in the body and is vital for our health.
  • The liver produces about one to one and a half quarts of bile every day.
  • The food must first combine with bile for the body to digest the fat.
  • The liver also stores carbohydrates and breaks them down into glucose.
  • The main function of the gallbladder is to store bile from the liver. 
  • Gallstones are soft or hard stones that only form in gall.
  • Gallstones make it harder to heal from diseases like cancer.
  • Eating animal products and processed food can increase your risk of gallstones.
  • Dehydration, birth control pills, and stress can also lead to gallstones
  • You can also get gallstones from TV, rapid weight loss, pharmaceutical drugs, and irregular sleep.
  • A gallstone may irritate or inflame the gallbladder wall and cause painful spasms, infection, and other complications.
  • The liver and gallbladder cleanse is a natural method to remove gallstones from your liver and gallbladder.
  • The whole cleanse takes about six days.
  • During the week, you eat a plant-based diet and also drink about one liter of apple juice or 34 fluid ounces.

How To Do The Liver And Gallbladder Guide

1. Eat a plant-based diet for a week

2. Drink 1 liter apple juice or 34 fluid ounces

3. Mix and drink the Epsom salt solution

4. Mix and drink the grapefruit juice and olive oil solution

Learn How To Do The Liver And Gallbladder Cleanse

Download this guide to learn how to do the liver and gallbladder cleanse. Get step-by-step instructions to succeed on this cleanse and detox from cancer.


Episode transcript:

Simon: Gallstones are the silent killer behind many diseases, including cancer. With the liver and gallbladder cleanse, you can detox your body and better deal with cancer.

In this episode, you will learn the purpose of the liver and gallbladder and why you need them to be healthy. Then I will talk about gallstones and how they impair our health. And finally, I'm going to explain how to do the liver and gallbladder cleanse.

Intro jingle: Welcome to the Cancer Wisdom podcast. This podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments. Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine. Here's your host Simon Persson.

Simon: Before I talk about the liver cleanse,  I will first explain the purpose of the liver and gallbladder. The liver is the biggest organ in the body.

It weighs about three pounds. What's special about the liver is that it can regenerate to its original size as long as 25% of the tissue remains.

Our liver serves hundreds of different roles in the body and is vital for our health. One of its primary functions is to produce bile.

The liver produces about one to one and a half quarts of bile every day. Bile is a gooey yellow, brown, or green fluid with a pH of 9.5 and is bitter in taste.

When you eat food, the food must first combine with bile for the body to digest it. So without enough bile, the small intestine can't digest fat.

And the body then can't utilize calcium from the meal. Therefore the body takes extra calcium from the bones. We also need bile to remove toxins from the liver. The liver is the body's main detoxer.  

The liver also stores carbohydrates and breaks them down into glucose, which is the body's preferred energy source.   This organ also stores vitamin A, D, E, K, and B12,  and also minerals such as iron and copper. Another organ that works together with the liver is the gallbladder.

The gallbladder is a small sack located on the right side of the body or the underside of the liver. A normal healthy gallbladder holds about two fluid ounces of bile. In adults, the gallbladder measures about 3.1 inches in length and 6.6 inches when enlarged.

The walls of the gallbladder are flexible and can expand. The main function of the gallbladder is to store bile from the liver.

And when the body needs bile to digest food, the liver can take the reserve from the gallbladder so that it doesn't have to produce it constantly. The bile stored in the gallbladder has a different consistency than the bile found in the liver.

So most of the salt and water in the gallbladder can get reabsorbed, and therefore it can reduce its size to one 10th  of its original size. The gallbladder also adds mucus to the bile, which is a powerful digestive aid.

It's possible to survive without a gallbladder. If that happens, the bile goes through the hepatic ducts from the liver rather than the reserves in the gallbladder.

So one major threat to the liver and gallbladder is gallstones. Gallstones are soft or hard stones that only form in gall. They consist of about 80% cholesterol and 20% calcium salts or bilirubin.

Some can be as small as a grain of sand, and others can be as large as an apricot. Gallstones contain bile salts, water, mucus, toxins, bacteria, and sometimes dead parasites.

Calcified gallstones in the gallbladder are, for the most part, made of calcified bilirubin. They differ in colors, such as light brown, black, or other colors. 

The brown stones contain more cholesterol and calcium than black stones. Gallstones form in both the liver's bile ducts and the gallbladder.

About 20% of the world's population will develop gallstones in the gallbladder. And many cancer patients or other people with chronic diseases have more stones than other people. Gallstones make it harder to heal from diseases like cancer.

There are different reasons why the body creates gallstones. We can get gallstones when we eat at irregular times or when you eat later than 7:00 PM. when the digestion shuts down.

Processed foods can also make it harder for the liver to digest the food, and therefore, it needs to focus on detoxifying the food. And if you eat too much processed food, then that can lead to gallstones.

As I told in another episode of this podcast, humans are herbivores, and we thrive when we eat plants, and when we consume animal products such as meat or dairy products, it can be harder for the body to digest the food. And therefore, it becomes toxic.

Not drinking enough water can also lead to gallstones or when women take birth control pills. Stress is another reason why we can get more gallstones.

So when you're under stress, you tell the body to stop digestion, and that can flush undigested food out of your body.

You might have experienced when you're under stress that you all of a sudden get diarrhea. When I was extremely anxious, I could experience diarrhea almost minutes later, and therefore the body couldn't digest the food, and the result was more gallstones.

Watching too much TV can also increase our risk of gallstones because of the flashing light, rapid moving pictures, and negative images. 

So rapid weight loss can also increase our risk of gallstones, and taking pharmaceutical drugs or sleeping at irregular times can also create more gallstones.

And when the liver can't deal with all the toxins, it needs to enclose the poisons in cholesterol and then store it in the liver duct for safekeeping.

If the liver didn't do that, we would have a lot of toxins floating around the body, and that would cause a lot bigger problems. Gallstones are the body's best way to deal with the situation without creating a big disaster.

But the problem is also that gallstones can eventually obstruct the liver. At one point, it'll affect the health of the body and cause diseases.

A gallstone may irritate or inflame the gallbladder wall and cause painful spasms, infection, and other complications. Gallstones are behind many different conditions, such as obesity, allergies, back pain, dark color under your eyes, cancer, and many other conditions.

I knew a man that was overweight, and he experienced a gallstone attack. His gallstones got stuck in his intestines.   It's a really painful condition.

So removing gallstones from your body is one of the best things you can do for your health besides changing your diet or de-stressing.

There are various ways you can remove gallstones from your body. The most common one is surgery. One standard operation is to remove the gallbladder.

I looked at a documentary about DJ Avicii after he committed suicide. Because of his social anxiety, he used alcohol to numb his negative feelings.

But the downside was that he destroyed his gallbladder. And then, his doctors told him to remove his gallbladder. But there is a much better natural way to remove gallstones than the treatments that doctors use.

When the doctors try to remove the gallbladder, they do about three to four incisions and then remove the gallbladder. Another method uses high-frequency sound waves to fragment the stones.

Another method is contact dissolution. It's when a doctor inserts a catheter through the abdomen and then injects a drug into the gallbladder.

And that can make the gallstones disappear within a few hours. These therapies may work for some people. But most of the time, they are ineffective, and reoccurrence is common.

So I heard a story about my friend's mother that had problems with gallstones. And she used some of the major gallbladder methods to remove the gallstones.

But despite that, she got a lot of complications and was still in pain. But luckily, there is a way to remove gallstones without any side effects. And that is the liver and gallbladder cleanse.

The liver and gallbladder cleanse is a natural method to remove gallstones from your liver and gallbladder. There are different steps that you need to follow for this cleanse to work. The first step is to eat a vegetarian or a vegan diet for a week.

The reason why you do that is because you make it easier for the liver during the cleanse. When you eat animal products and processed foods, the liver needs to work on overdrive to remove the toxins. And that will lead to more gallstones. During this week, you want the liver to relax and don't overwork.

The whole cleanse takes about six days. So during the week, you eat a plant-based diet and also drink about one liter of apple juice or 34 fluid ounces.

So you sip this apple juice throughout the day. And on the sixth day, you start fasting for 24 hours after lunch.

And the reason why you do that is because you need the passage to be clear so that the gallstones can travel with ease. You also do a colon cleanse on the sixth day.  

On the evening of the sixth day, you also make a solution of Epsom salt and water. The purpose of Epsom salt is to relax your colon and expand them so that the stones can pass through easily. You drink this concoction two times, one time at 6:00 PM and then one time at 8:00 PM.

At 9:45 PM, the same day, you make a mixture of olive oil and grapefruit juice and then drink it at 10:00 PM. After you drink the solution, you then need to go to sleep, and then the stones will travel throughout the body during the night.

And the following day, you again drink the Epsom salt solution at 6:00 and 8:00 AM the following morning. During the rest of the day and sometimes even the day after, your stones will come out. You will feel an urge to go to the toilet all the time. So therefore, you shouldn't work on the seventh day.

I started doing the liver and gallbladder cleanse in July 2015. My friend talked about this liver cleanse and how his mom was able to stop diabetes. But I was scared to try it, but eventually, I did it.

During the regular weekdays, the only difference for me was that I had to drink apple juice. I already ate a vegetarian diet. But I started to use malic acid as a replacement for apple juice because I found it too sweet.

There are other replacements for apple juice if you can't consume it. The purpose of apple juice is to break down the gallstones in the liver to make it easier for them to travel through the colon.

And then 12 on Saturday, or the sixth day I started my 24-hour fast. This was only the second time that I tried to fast. If you haven't done it before, you might feel weak during the day.

I also make sure to do a  colon cleanse. When you do a colon cleanse, you fill your colon with water, and then you push it out. So it felt a bit strange the first time I did it, but now it feels normal. And then, at 6:00 PM, I mixed Epsom salt with water and then drank my first portion.

Epsom salt is very bitter, and it reminded me of chewing on an aspirin pill. So it doesn't have a good taste, and when you drink it, you might feel a bit nauseated. But you need to drink Epsom salt to relax your colon.  

And then, 15 minutes before going to bed, I made the grapefruit and oil mixture. But the first time I did it, I spilled the grapefruit on the table. But luckily, I bought enough grapefruits to make enough juice.

And then, at 10:00 PM, I  drank the solution. So the grapefruit juice makes the solution much easier to drink than the Epsom salt solution. But the olive oil can be somewhat difficult to swallow for some people.

 And then, at 10:00 PM,  I went to bed. So the first 20 minutes, you need to lie completely still in darkness. And you also need to lie on your back the whole night,  which was quite difficult for me because I was used to sleeping on my stomach.  

During the night, you might feel the stones traveling through your intestines. I didn't feel that much the first time I did it. And at 6:00 and 8:00 AM the following morning, I drank more of the Epsom salt solution. And because of the fasting, I was quite weak and wanted to eat.

And then, finally, at 8:40 AM, I had my first bowel movement. When you go to the toilet, it feels like doing a colon cleanse, and you will push out water and some food residues. And after that, you will see gallstones.

After my session, I saw some gallstones in the toilet. The first time I did it, the gallstones were quite small. And when I repeated it later, the gallstones became larger. So most of my stones were light green or dark green.

When I saw the gallstones floating on the top of the water, I took them out and touched them. They were quite dense and compact.

Then throughout the day, I had to go to the toilet several times. And then, at 12:00, I finally could eat again. I was really weak and hungry and was really happy that I could eat again.

But the first time you eat after the cleanse, you need to make sure that you don't overeat. You need to see the whole cleanse as an operation that you've been through.

If you want to learn how to do the liver and gallbladder cleanse, then you can download our free guide. In this guide, you will learn what to eat during the week and how much apple juice you need to consume.

And if you are not able to drink apple juice, you will also discover other methods you can make your gallstones shrink without using apple juice.

And you will also learn how to make the Epsom salt drink and also the grapefruit and olive oil mixture. You will get all the step-by-step instructions to succeed on this cleanse. I will put a link to this guide in the show notes. So thanks for listening, and I'll see you in the next episode.  

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About the Show

The Cancer Wisdom Podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments.

Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine.

Your host:

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.


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