The Cancer Wisdom Podcast

                     Published: March 31, 2023 Host: Simon Persson

In this episode, I will talk about the corrupt cancer charity industry. Discover why cancer charities are a front for Big Pharma and are designed to create new customers and not a cure for cancer. You will also learn how we can prevent cancer and stop wasting money.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.


  • In 1971,  Richard Nixon declared war on cancer.
  • The Breast Cancer Awareness Movement was started in 1985 by the American Cancer Society and AstraZeneca. 
  • The largest breast cancer charity in the United States is Susan G. Koman.
  • Susan G Koman For The Cure is a multimillion-dollar non-profit organization that promotes Big Pharma.
  • Pink products have caused more cancer.
  • Pinkwashing is when a company cares more about profits and loses sight of the cause.
  • Before donating money to cancer charities, you must ask yourself several questions.
  • Pharmaceutical companies will do anything to make as much money as possible.
  • Cancer charities turn people into customers. 
  • Cancer charities are no more than a dog and pony show.
  • Big Pharma is the biggest lobbying agent in the world.
  • Drug companies control doctors.

How To Treat Cancer Charities And Stop Cancer

1. Stop giving money to cancer charities

2. Learn how to stop cancer with natural remedies

Discover How To Prevent Cancer With These 9 Tips

Giving money to cancer charities is useless. If you want to learn how to prevent cancer, you can download our guide, How to Prevent Cancer Cheat Sheet. 

In this guide, you will learn several natural remedies that you can use to lower your risk of cancer.


Episode transcript:

Simon: Cancer charities are a waste of your money and won't create a cure for cancer. Prevention is the best way to stop cancer, not donating money to cancer research. In this episode, I will talk about the corrupt cancer charity industry.

Discover why they are a front for Big Pharma and are designed to create new customers and not a cure for cancer. You will also learn how we can prevent cancer and stop wasting money.

Intro jingle: Welcome to the Cancer Wisdom podcast. This podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments. Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine. Here's your host Simon Persson.

Simon: Despite billions spent on cancer charities, we are not near an official cancer cure. Cancer death has only declined by 5% since the 1950s. In 1971,  Richard Nixon declared war on cancer. In the same year, he signed the National Cancer Act.

The US government gave $100 million to find a cure for cancer. But still, today, the US government hasn't found a cure for cancer.

We have computers, smartphones, spaceships, and airplanes. We have all these incredible inventions, but still not a cure for cancer.

So how can humans be so brilliant in all areas of life? But when it comes to our health, we don't have a cure for anything. Why haven't our donations to cancer charities not led to any results?

The reason why cancer charities haven't led to a cure for cancer is because cancer is really profitable. Cancer charities have more to do with finding new customers than finding a cure.

Let's take the Breast Cancer Awareness Movement as an example. Each year in October, there is the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The aim of this movement is to raise money and increase awareness about breast cancer. It started in October 1985. It was a partnership between the American Cancer Society and AstraZeneca.

AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish drug company. This company produces many toxic medications, and some of them list cancer as a side effect. One example is Tamoxifen, which the World Health Organization says causes cancer.

The biggest breast cancer charity in the United States is Susan G. Koman. Susan G. Koman was a woman that died from breast cancer in 1980. She was only 33 years old when she died.

And then, her sister, Nancy Goodman Brinker, created this organization and named it after her sister. Nancy promised to find a cure for cancer,  but if you go on the webpage, they don't talk anything about how to prevent cancer, and they also promote Big Pharma interests.

Susan G Koman For The Cure is a multimillion-dollar non-profit organization. In 2010, only 21% of the money that the organization received went to cancer research.

Over half the money went to promote awareness of mammograms. A mammogram is a device that scans the breast for cancer. But the problem with this device is that it uses radiation, which can increase your cancer risk.

What's worse is that the organization gave its management huge salaries. The CEO, Brinker, made $684,000 in 2012, which was a 64% jump from her 417,000 salary from April 2010 to March 2011.

So Nancy, the CEO, used the death of her sister as a way to get rich. This is really disrespectful to her sister. And the organization never tries to find a cure for cancer. Instead, they help Big Pharma. In 2016,  they had assets totaling over $347 million.

The Koman Foundation owns stock in General Electric. This company is one of the largest makers of mammograms in the world. And the organization also owns stock in drug companies such as AstraZeneca.   AstraZeneca has long been a Koman supporter.

The Koman Foundation also promotes AstraZeneca's drug Tamoxifen, which causes cancer. Susan G. Koman's biggest sponsors are the corporations that profit from toxic cancer treatments. So it's all about promoting cancer so these companies can sell more drugs and toxic treatments.

The Koman Foundation also receives millions of dollars from other companies outside the business. That's why we have pink products. These companies sell products that are pink, in a way, to donate money to the Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

 But some of the products that they have promoted even caused more cancer, such as in 2010 when the Koman Foundation partnered with KFC, which sold buckets of chicken for the cure.

But as I mentioned in an earlier episode of this podcast, meat causes cancer. So how can this foundation support this company if there is a known fact that meat can increase our cancer risk?

In 2011 Koman also created a perfume called  Promise Me. But this product contained various toxic chemicals. One year later, in 2012, Koman partnered with Coca-Cola and promoted their drink FUZE Tea.

But the problem was that this product was full of high fructose corn syrup, sucralose, and preservatives which is not healthy, especially if you want to prevent cancer.

In 2013,  Yoplait, a yogurt company, created a campaign called Save Lids To Save Lives. But the problem is that dairy is like liquid meat, which causes more cancer.

The whole pink moment is all about promoting mammograms. So luckily, there is an organization called Breast Cancer Action, which is a non-profit organization that is against the pink movement, and they even coined the term pinkwashing. Pinkwashing is a compound word of the words pink and whitewashing.

So pinkwashing is when a company cares more about the profits and loses sight of the cause. Many companies that sell pink products don't tell where the money goes. So customers have to trust that money goes to a good cause.

So companies often use pink products to get a better public perception. Another reason is to increase their profits. Some makers of pink products only donate a limited amount of proceeds to the cause. So their products can have a higher price tag and sometimes remain on sale after the trade period.

Some manufacturers even put a cap on the total amount of money that they will donate. If their cap is $1 million and they sell pink products worth $100 million, the breast cancer movement will only get $1 million. It's like a sneaky way to get good marketing by exploiting women with breast cancer.

Most cancer charities are frauds,  but there might be good ones too. Before you donate money to cancer charities, you have to ask yourself these questions:

Does any of the money from your purchase go to support breast cancer programs, and how much?

And what organization will get the money, and what will they do with the funds?

And also, ask yourself if there's a cap on the amount of money the company will donate after they have sold their products?

And lastly, do you or a loved one get exposed to toxins linked to cancer after they buy this product?

The reason why we don't have an official cure for cancer is because cancer is too profitable. Pharmaceutical companies don't want a cure for cancer.

The cancer industry generates billions of dollars every year. So why would these companies want to donate money to causes that will make them go out of business?

It's like an internal combustion engine manufacturer, an ice car that donates money to a project that wants to create a free-energy car. 

And once someone has invented this free energy car, the ice car maker still makes cars that run on gas. So the ice car maker would then go out of business.

So why would this company ever want to donate money to a charity that will make them go out of business? And in the same way, why would drug companies want to give money to cancer charities if the goal of the charity is to find a cure for cancer that will destroy their profits?

Companies always want to make as much money as possible. Their only blind aim is profit. Even if a company does well and is profitable, if the projected profit was lower than expected, the stock can still go down even if they made a lot of money. The whole aim of companies is to make money.

No company wants to do something that will eliminate their profit, and drug companies are the same. Pharmaceutical companies are the most greedy entity on Earth and will do anything to make as much money as possible.

They don't care if their treatments will kill children. So they can look at a child that receives chemo and see that child die in front of his or her parents and don't care.

Cancer charities are part of what I call a Cancer Sales Funnel. A sales funnel is the path you want your potential customers to follow.

So, for example, in a typical sales funnel, you first have your marketing where you want to convey to your future customer to buy your product. It can start with an ad displaying your product, or the person can go to their homepage, sign up for the email list, or buy the product.

In the beginning, everyone is cold leads. That means they have never bought any products from the company, but they are exposed to the marketing.

And when they have bought the product and become hot leads, they are more likely to buy more products from the same company, especially if they become fans.

The Breast Cancer Awareness Month is the marketing that will turn cold leads into hot leads in the Cancer Sales Funnel. So the woman sees the marketing and then decides to do a cancer screening, such as mammograms.

And then, when they find cancer in her body, the next step is to pressure her to do cancer treatments. So the more people that screen for cancer, the more potential cancer customers drug companies will get. And then, when they get a diagnosis, they will buy Big Pharma's drugs that will make them even richer.

Cancer charities only fundraise money for drug companies' research costs and marketing. Cancer charities are no more than free marketing for cancer screenings which leads to more potential customers.

Cancer charities promote Big Pharma's products. So why wouldn't they want to support cancer charities? They also get more sales, which means more profits.

If drug companies wanted a cure for cancer, why are they preventing natural remedies? Big Pharma knows that a cure for cancer can only come from natural remedies. But the problem is that you can't patent natural products.

Cancer charities are no more than a dog and pony show. They need to pretend that they are trying to find a cure for cancer,  but in the background, they keep suppressing it.

They need to create this fake illusion that they are trying to find a cure for cancer because if they didn't show that they wanted a cure for cancer, then more people would become upset. These companies are so greedy that they don't even care if their patients get well.

 Big Pharma is the biggest lobbying agent in the world. They have a tight grip on Congress. They have created several laws that benefit them.

One example was in 1984 when the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act gave them exclusive protections for innovating a new drug. If they brought a new drug to life, they could then get a patent protection to monopolize the market.  

Another act that benefited Big Pharma was the Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003. So this act prevented the government from negotiating prices with drug companies covered by Medicare.

Big Pharma also controls FDA. So FDA should make sure that drugs are safe, but they receive most of their money from Big Pharma, and Big Pharma uses the FDA to chase away alternative doctors that have created a cure for cancer.

Drug companies also control Western medicine. A doctor is never allowed to cure a disease, only suppress them with drugs. Western medicine is all about suppressing diseases and not curing them because if you cure a patient, you can't receive more money from that person.

And if everyone were cured, drug companies would go out of business. Doctors are the third leading cause of death in patients in the United States. They are responsible for the majority of cancer deaths.

Even if cancer charities make sure that women or other persons find cancer early, they will still use toxic cancer treatments that will kill them. It's like taking people to the slaughter.

If drug cameras wanted to find a cure for cancer, then they would never have used the FDA to chase away natural doctors or persecute people who found a natural cure.

 Humans are complex beings. When we live a life out of line with our natural principles, we manifest diseases. Today many people have a more toxic lifestyle than our ancestors had. We have more access to animal products that make us sick, and there are more chemicals in our food.

We have also been through several world wars and other conflicts that can create a lot of stress, which can lead to more diseases. A drug can never cure a disease, only suppress it.

So how can a pill be more intelligent and capable than us? Drugs can only work if we believe in them. We can't win the war on cancer until we realize that we need to change first.

We need to find a cure for cancer ourselves and then reverse it. So long as we try to wait for drug companies to find a cure for cancer, we will be led in the dark, and we'll never be cured.

You and I have to take responsibility for our health and life. And that's the only way we can prevent cancer. Cancer is the result of our toxic lifestyle and not our genes.

And when the whole world knows this, only then have we won the war against cancer. The best way to stop cancer in the world is to educate about the true causes of cancer.

If you want to learn how to prevent cancer, then you can download our guide, How to Prevent Cancer Cheat Sheet. In this guide, you will learn several natural remedies that you can use to lower your risk of cancer.

After you have read this guide, teach others the same thing if they are ready for it. You will do more for the cure of cancer than any donation you give to charities. I will put a link to this guide in the show notes below.

Thanks for listening,  and I'll see you in the next episode.

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About the Show

The Cancer Wisdom Podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments.

Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine.

Your host:

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.


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