The Cancer Wisdom Podcast

                     Published: May 13, 2022 Host: Simon Persson

In this episode, you will learn the real truth about cancer. Discover why our genes do not cause cancer but rather our lifestyle. You will also find out the mechanism of cancer and why it's not a mistake by the body.

And finally, you will learn how to stop cancer naturally.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.


  • Cancer is the second biggest cause of death globally.
  • Our genes don't cause cancer.
  • The cell membrane, the skin of the cell, is the cell's, brain and not the nucleus.
  • Throughout history, cancer has always been a rare disease.
  • First-world countries have more cancer than third-world countries in Africa.
  • Our lifestyle causes cancer.
  • Cancer cells only develop in highly toxic or acidic environments.
  • Cancer is a biological program to deal with the toxins.
  • Cancer cells are oxygen-deprived cells that use glucose to survive.
  • Cancer cells are the body's last survival tactic to deal with toxins.
  • We need to remove the underlying cause of cancer to reverse it.

How To Learn More About Cancer

1. Watch Our Cancer Crash Course

Watch This Free Video Course To Learn How To Treat Cancer Naturally

If you want to learn how to prevent cancer from spreading, then you can join our free Cancer Crash Course.

In this course, you will discover what cancer is, different causes of it, and ways to stop it.

And you will also learn about toxic cancer treatments and why you should avoid them.

You will also find out more about the corrupt medical industry, the history of Big Pharma, and much more.


Episode transcript:

Simon: Cancer is not here to kill you. It's a biological program that helps you survive a toxicity crisis. In this episode, I'm going to explain why our genes do not cause cancer but rather our lifestyle.

You will also find out the mechanism of cancer and why it's not a mistake by the body. And finally, you will discover how to stop cancer naturally.

Intro jingle:

Welcome to the Cancer Wisdom Podcast. This podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments. Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine. Here's your host Simon Persson.

Cancer is now the second biggest cause of death globally. In 1971 Robert Nixon declared war on cancer. And then, in the same year, he signed the national cancer act.

Through this act, the government gave $100 million to find a cure for cancer. But despite billions spent on cancer research, we have still not found a  cure for this disease.

When people hear the word cancer, they get a really negative feeling. According to our medical system, cancer is a horrible disease that wants to kill people.

When scientists try to find a cause for cancer, they often blame our genes. If you look back in history, there was not much mention of cancer.

Cancer didn't kill many people one hundred years ago. But in the last 50-60 years, cancer has skyrocketed around the world. Our genes have not changed that much for thousands of years. So why would they decide now to create cancer?

The belief that our genes cause cancer has never been proven. The scientist Thomas Seyfried went through scientific research about how our genes might cause cancer. He went through decades of work. So he wanted to know if our genes could cause cancer.

He discovered that cancer is a metabolic disease and not a genetic one. Seyfried found out that any genetic mutations were caused by faulty mitochondria. Mitochondria are little power stations within each cell. In our cell, we have a nucleus, which is the cell core where our DNA resides.

 In the studies that Seyfried looked at, they took the nucleus of cancer cells and put it into healthy cells, and the healthy cells didn't become cancerous.

And when they took a normal nucleus into a cancer cell, the nucleus became cancerous. They have also tested taking cancerous mitochondria into cancer cells, and the cancer cells became even more aggressive.

These experiments have proved that our genes cannot cause cancer because if you put a healthy nucleus into a cancerous cell, then the genetic information would tell the cancer cells to become healthy again. But that didn't happen.

 Bruce Lipton is another scientist that has also discovered that our genes do not cause our diseases. He is a stem cell biologist. Bruce found out that the cell membrane, the skin of the cell, is the brain of the cell and not the nucleus. Scientists believe that the nucleus is the brain of the cell because it contains 98% of the genes.

Bruce did studies in the sixties where he removed the nuclei of cells,  which is called enucleation. So if the nucleus is the brain of the cell, then the cell should die if you remove it.

But in Lipton's experiments, he was able to keep the cells alive, even without the nuclei that contained the DNA information. And he also learned that the membrane was the brain of the cell and was more complex than first believed.

 Throughout history, cancer has always been a rare disease. It is in the last 100 years, we have seen the growth of cancer around the world. If you look at a heat map around the world, first-world countries have more cancer than third-world countries in Africa.

If you compare their diets,  Americans eat more animal products, dairy, and processed foods,  while Africa eats a more plant-based diet and doesn't consume so much dairy or processed foods.

Dan Buettner wrote the book the Blue Zones. In this book, he followed certain populations around the world that lived to long age. He found five places that had most centenarians around the world. Centenarians are people that live to over a hundred.

In these Blue Zones,  Buettner found out that they had certain principles that they followed that made them live a long life. They ate a mostly plant-based diet, had strong family connections, had a purpose in life, and were also spiritual.

And these Blue Zones had less cancer, heart disease, and other serious illnesses than the rest of the world. So if our genes do not cause cancer, then our habits must be behind this condition.

Cancer is not a disease but rather a toxicity crisis. Cancer cells only develop in highly toxic or acidic environments. The body has many different biological programs to deal with certain conditions.

For example, if you suffer from food poisoning, your body will start to vomit or create diarrhea to remove the toxins from your body. So no one blames the food poisoning on the vomit or the diarrhea. Everyone knows that they are there to protect the body from the poisons.

Every time you bleed, your body will create blood clots to stop the bleeding from continuing. If someone stabs someone to death,  we don't blame the death on the blood clot or the inflammation in the body.

But somehow, everyone blames cancer for our deaths, even if the poisons are to blame for the death and not the cancer. Cancer is only a program to deal with the toxins and is not the real cause of our death.

To make this more clear,  let's compare it to a real-world example. Almost every day,  garbage men pick up our garbage that we put in a container. Every day we create waste from food scraps, plastic wrappings, paper towels, and more. And then we put this garbage in garbage bags that the garbage man picks up.

We take this process for granted. In poorer countries, they don't usually have a proper garbage pickup system. So the only way they can get rid of the garbage is by dumping it into the ocean.

Let's imagine that garbage men didn't pick up your garbage for several years. After a while, you would have maybe hundreds of garbage bags that blocked your path inside your house and even your lawn.

In this example, the garbage bags are like cancer cells. They prevent your trash from littering the house. In the same way, cancer cells absorb the toxins in your body in order to protect it until you can remove the toxins.

If you want to make sure that your garbage man picks up your trash, then you need to solve the underlying problem why he doesn't pick it up. Maybe you didn't pay your utility bill or didn't put your trash in the right container.

If you fix these issues,  the garbage man will eventually pick up all your trash one by one. If you want cancer to disappear, then you need to remove the toxins that are behind cancer.

Cancer cells are oxygen-deprived cells that use glucose to survive. They can only survive in a toxic non-oxygenated environment. Their purpose is to neutralize the toxins until you remove the source of them.

So it's actually a fatal mistake by the medical profession to destroy cancer cells that are doing a vital job. If your body didn't create cancer cells,  then you would be dead from the toxins within hours.

The body can easily tell the cancer cells to die if it doesn't need them. It takes more effort for the body to maintain cancer cells than to eliminate them.

But the reason why the body keeps them is that they are doing a vital job for the survival of the whole organism.

Tumors cannot kill you unless they obstruct a vital pathway. Cancer cells have no real weapons to destroy anything. Tumor cells have two main purposes.

One purpose is to use glucose to survive until the oxygen level rises again. And the second purpose is to absorb the poisons inside the body so that the remaining healthy cells don't get poisoned.

Cancer cells behave like a sponge that absorbs the toxins. So have you noticed that every time you clean your home and put your sponge in clean water, the sponge looks the same?

But when you put the sponge in dirty water, it absorbs the dirt and turns black. That is exactly how cancer operates to remove the toxins.

Eliminating cancer by cutting out, burning, or poisoning it, will not stop the spread of cancer cells.

No cancer treatments can compete with the body's healing mechanism. So we need to give our bodies more credit and trust what they are doing.

Cancer cells are the body's last survival tactic it uses to deal with toxins. It's actually quite simple. If you remove the poisons,  there's no cancer because cancer can only thrive in an acidic environment with low oxygen.

Cancer is not created by the body to kill itself. Your body always wants to go back to a state called homeostasis. Homeostasis is when the body tries to get back to a healthy state.  

Cancer is only a  last resort to deal with the toxins until you can get rid of them. Many people get angry at me when I tell them that cancer is a regular biological program in the body and not the actual cause of the death.

I am not sugarcoating cancer. By saying that cancer is not the real cause of your death, it doesn't mean that cancer is not a serious issue.

By hating cancer and attacking it,  you will not fix the underlying issue. And that's the problem with our current medical model. We see cancer as something horrible and therefore use toxic methods which can cause even more cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The medical professional should stop attacking cancer cells and try to find the underlying cause of cancer. Have you noticed that every time there's a fire, there are always firefighters trying to put off the fire? But we don't blame the firefighters for the fires.

It would be foolish to kill the firefighters while they were putting off the fire. But somehow, when it comes to cancer, we try to kill it even if we need it to deal with the toxins.

What I want you to learn from this episode is that you are in charge of your health. It's our environment and habits that are behind cancer.

So if we want to prevent cancer, then we need to remove the underlying cause of it. If you see cancer as something terrible caused by your genes,  then you will feel hopeless and afraid of cancer.

And you will then use toxic treatments that lead to your death. And then everyone will blame cancer for your death when it actually was the treatment.

But if you shift your perspective of cancer and see that it is caused by your habits and that you can fix them, then you wouldn't be afraid of it anymore.

There's a difference between holistic medicine and Western medicine.   Holistic medicine is when you try to find out the underlying cause of a disease and then reverse it.

And Western medicine is when you only try to suppress the disease with drugs and toxic treatments and do not try to understand why a disease occurs.

If you look at survivors of late-stage cancer, they have all used holistic methods to survive. That means that your body is the greatest healer and not some drugs or treatments.

In this episode, you have learned that cancer is a biological program that helps you survive a toxicity crisis. If you want to learn how to prevent cancer from spreading, then you can join our free Cancer Crash Course. In this course, you will discover what cancer is, different causes of it, and ways to stop it.

And you will also learn about toxic cancer treatments and why you should avoid them. You will also find out more about the corrupt medical industry, the history of Big Pharma, and much more.

A link to this course will be in the show notes.

Thanks for listening to this episode, and I'll see you in the next one.

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About the Show

The Cancer Wisdom Podcast teaches you how to treat cancer with natural remedies without using toxic treatments.

Discover how to take charge of your health and not be a slave to Big Pharma medicine.

Your host:

Simon Persson

Simon Persson is a holistic cancer blogger passionate about natural health remedies. When he is not blogging, he enjoys nature, cooking, sports, and learning about the latest gadgets on the market.


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